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Everything posted by coljones

  1. Number 2 is Orange NSW - I cheated, I flew there on Sunday (but no $100 hamburgers in sight)
  2. Lightning Ridge?
  3. Talking like that will have the frogs coming over and blowing up your tinny.
  4. No, they buy renewable power in from adjacent and not so adjacent countries and regions where the wind is blowing. The Europeans know all about power networks and their efficient use.
  5. What the politicians don't or won't understand is that the wind is always blowing somewhere and that what is required to have power everywhere is to have a power network to move power around as required. The Liberals in SA sold off the power stations and it was Alinta that closed down the coal power station at Port Augusta. The greatest problem with power is that those making the greatest noise have no clothes.
  6. 59 messages on this discussion and no-one has bagged Jabirus.
  7. And of course those regularly done over by non government action. Financial gurus are causing a lot more damage than governments ever have. They are the modern version of the squatters.
  8. And then there are those, in the past, who were not permitted or couldn't afford guns who were dispossessed by those wielding their precious guns and swords and strychnine and rope. Perhaps that is the greater fear, the dispossessed coming to take back what is theirs - think to victims of the Romans, the Anglo-Saxons and the Vikings, the Normans and their latter day fellow travellers.
  9. Hi Phil, where can one buy UK charts over the net - just in case I want to fly Hadrian's Wall or around Scotland on my next visit? Cheers
  10. In the case of the old RAA and the punishment from CASA, it was less defiance on the part of RAA but much more about gross stupidity by RAA. Even when faced by a revolt by the members, the response by the majority (edit: or a significant minority) was ill tempered. We can continue to blame CASA but we need to keep the boards of RAA, GFA and the others in check so they don't behave like the RSL (NSW), the local sports clubs and telephone companies.
  11. Kasper, I didn't say it was easy so your funny is appropriate. In view of your efforts in the past, Edvard Munch's “The Scream” would be a more appropriate like as it would be a sought after like for quite a few others.
  12. The self administering organisations are democratic and can be changed.
  13. Not just the "tribal" types but the basic education of some of the good old boys was pretty bad.
  14. Dave's Flying School Contact Details: Telephone: Home: 02 4777 4566 Mobile: 0414 740 766 Or call John Taru, his Senior. Instructor 0408 202 009
  15. What are the rules about boundaries to roads, lanes, travelling stock routes and the like?
  16. Although, in the vast majority of cases, flooding is caused by rain or tide or tsunami.
  17. It appears that some want to self certify their own BFRs. An interesting concept.
  18. Now that we know where you are, a bunch of planes from Sydney Flying Club will overfly your strip between 1030 and 1230 on 11th August on their way to Cape York. You have been warned!!!
  19. It is en I would suspect that it is entirely in the interests of the coalition to get Hanson and Ashby. Where are the PHON(y) going to go? They will probably drift back to the right wing of the LNP and continue to promote and support flat earth policies.
  20. Old Station, near Kempsey. You're not Ian Dunbar's massage service are you?
  21. Smoky Cape?
  22. This one is Crescent Head
  23. For most people - at least those that drive manual cars - their understanding is based up "he dropped the clutch, it kangaroo hopped and then stalled, right next to a policeman at the lights"
  24. And a number of trolls and malcontents.
  25. Any officer of a company remonstrating about not being insolvent or claiming "all hands on deck and fair sailing" while the company is in indifferent condition might find themselves the subject of fairly hefty penalties if the company goes into administration.
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