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Everything posted by coljones

  1. The C30 was built in Belgium.
  2. YWOL - home of a great Steak Sandwich with Bacon and Egg at HARS!
  3. I said "The new class 2 rules will allow for a range of commercial non-passenger activities including being an instructor." I didn't say that this applied to "Basic Class 2", which is a different beast.I am not a mouthpiece for CASA but it would appear that the (full) Class 2 Medical change is for the more mature end of the Instructor spectrum who "might" find it difficult to maintain a Class 1 Medical, or those who don't want to go through the hassle of a Class 1 but want to maintain a place in the industry so they can continue to earn a quid or they like flying and instructing (and getting paid). If I was a youngster I would be seeking and maintaining a Class 1 medical to provide me with the flexibility to do a wide range of commercial jobs including being a senior captain on A380s and role changes at a moments notice.
  4. The new class 2 rules will allow for a range of commercial non-passenger activities including being an instructor. The Basic Class 2 is predicated on the Commercial AusRoads standards. What we don't know is if it will allow a Conditional (medically constrained) Commercial licence holder to have a Basic Class 2 medical. The devil is all in the detail - like the RAMPC.
  5. It would be a sorry world if people could not be compelled to take charge of their actions and responsibilities.we might go back to vigilante states and anarchy. There are problems with limited liability as people use them to avoid responsibility.
  6. It is sad that "Tannkosh" at Tannheim is no longer happening, a great big friendly OzFly type weekend.
  7. With a constantly evolving language who's version of English is English. Is it a "vice" or "vyce"? A "gaol" or "jail". The essential engredient of our language is to continue to laugh at the french who are still having problems with "le five o'clock", "le hamburger" or "restrauter".
  8. You can fly Jabirus and other RAA planes into YSCN and YSBK. There are a number of RAA planes based at both. You can only fly these planes if you hold both an RPC and GA licence (with CTA endo) or operate under a training exemption.
  9. FH, I only half agree with you. There are RAA pilots up there with some of the best. There are also some GA pilots down in the mud. There is nothing wrong with getting properly qualified except that I believe an appropriate regime can be developed within the RAA fold, including landing at places like Camden and Bankstown.
  10. There will be no obligation on anyone to fly into controlled airspace so there will be no requirement on anyone to do training and get endorsed on CTA Access. The additional costs to do the training and endorsement will be a cost on the pilot. There might be a subsidy by the instructors (who are, in the main, poorly remunerated). There will be no costs on RAA other than keeping track. There are RAA planes that can and do enter controlled airspace. These are currently flown by RAA pilots who are also GA pilots with CTA endos (or operation under an exemption). Roll on RAA CTA Access!!!!!!! THIS IS NOT ROCKET SCIENCE - WE SHOULD STOP PRESUMING THAT IT SHOULD BE.
  11. If you intend flying into controlled airspace you will need to prove that you speak and understand English so you can talk to the tower and understand what the tower and others are saying. Some pilots, while speaking excellent English, while schmoozing the opposite sex at the pub, are attrocious English speakers in the air and who compress a conversation into the smallest time space available (often with a mouth full of Sao or hot potato)
  12. Last time I looked Alice Springs Aero Club was able to do training for RAA and GA so you can probably talk to them about all the bits of paper you need (since you need a GA Instructor type to handle the paperwork and conduct your flight review. I suspect Alice Springs requires an ASIC.
  13. I drove to Canberra and voted in person.
  14. But you can't allow those who didn't vote to be used by those who didn't support the proposition as part of the anti team. If we used that logic the board election for RAA would be regarded as inconclusive and no-one would get elected. I don't know how many voted but probably less than 10%. By the same token I haven't seen a huge (if any) write-in vote for Team ELAAA.
  15. Has to be single engine piston driven (but I've been wrong before)
  16. You could approach RAA to make contact with their SA RAPAC rep about having this issue formally raised at RAPAC. If RAA doesn't have a rep on the SA RAPAC you could volunteer your services and represent ALL rec flyers on your turf. If you search for RAPAC on the CASA website you will find a schedule of meetings, minutes and papers. Look here. Regional airspace and procedures advisory committees (RAPAC) | Civil Aviation Safety Authority
  17. Take Takeoffs, landings and circuits are the most character building activities in aviation - highly stressful and action packed. The only other aviation activity of high stress is paying the bills.
  18. I think we are all on the same page.
  19. If you go only half way and institute Oz style Espace from 1200 feet you will require transponders from 1200 feet. Is this what Dick wants or does he want transponder less Espace. (I don't think CASA, AirServices or RPT would like that). Dick Smith does not make policy for aviation in Australia. The cautionary approach would cast the worst case scenario!!!
  20. But you can contract with a GA school to undertake a flight review and gain a GA RPL based on your RAA training. If you pick up some RAA endorsements on the way you can obtain the equivalent RPL endorsements - like the cross country. Try a GA school that trains on J230s or C152s to minimise the aircraft differentials. Keep us posted on your efforts and rewards. Gostner Aviation at Camden trains RAA and GA in Jabirus, Schofields Flying Club at Bankstown and Curtis at Camden are GA only but are well regarded and have transitioned people from RPC to PPL without much pain to either side. you could also talk to Bruce Robins at Wollongong who trains RAA but who might have some good advice.
  21. I suppose that a body floating around the harbour is a bit offensive to some. There is probably a strong argument for EPIRB for bushwalkers and kayakers because of the very high emotional and financial costs of missing bushwalkers and kayakers. Having the Daily Telegraph and Alan Jones whipping up a firestorm of feigned outrage is usually enough to turn a politician into an alcoholic. In the case of cyclists on the road and/or without helmets the outrage of the whole community is palpable.
  22. If you are alone in your boat and you are not wearing a life jacket and you cannot swim or become disabled and you fall in there will be no-one there to rescue you. I presume that, like seat belts and bike helmets, the government has decided you should be protected - even prime ministers.
  23. The trick with Espace is clearance from cloud for VFR. With Gspace clearance from cloud is not as big an issue. Espace around airports in US down to 700' AGL is to ensure that VFR aircraft don't get in the way of IFR traffic.
  24. Your just guessing Bull!! Quite a lot of the costs of new weight and access initiatives are covered by free labour by board members, the balance would come from the membership and registration contributions of the fantastics flyers.
  25. No one has settled the cost aspect of RAA. Perhaps the costs to run RAA are bound up in supporting the cheap end of the market with their non uniform designs and construction methods being built by a group whose skillset ranged from fantastic to abysmal out of materials of highly variable quality. I don't know the answer to the fair allocation of cost question and I think you are just guessing as well.
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