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Everything posted by coljones

  1. Try this to calibrate your altimeter, if you know your altitude and local pressure Adjusting the Kollsman Altimeter
  2. Exactly what is it that a director of a business is supposed to do - and how do you enforce it.
  3. Government is entirely different. There are whole groups of journalists running the ruler over every politician and their proposals. Business is different, no body is watching what the directors are doing behind closed doors and very little is said about director performance for fear of libel suits. Among directors you will find the greatest range of unhung bastards screwing over the lowly shareholders, members and employees. Despite ASIC directors can and do get away with murder.
  4. Do you have a vested interest in the sale or operation of drones?
  5. The previous administration and their employees left a couple of bombs in the cupboard. The current admin is doing a pretty good job. I would vote for the 2retiring directors (if I get some ballot paperback)
  6. It is first past the post, the way most entities run elections. You could suggest a better way and have it put as a special resolution. RAA is much better than a lot of organisations where the only notice calling for nominations is buried among the sex shop ads in the Bridport edition of the Launceston Advertiser. In one organisation that I am in the only resolutions entertained are for the removal of directors - otherwise the business is run by the board in secret cabal. The shareholders are treated as unwashed scum and camped out with the mushrooms.
  7. But it is much cheaper to get the RAA XC than an RPL XC. So RPC with XC to fly the plane AND an RPL (or higher) with Controlled airspace endo to get you into controlled airspace. You won't need an RPL XC endo.
  8. You need an RPC to fly the RAA plane and an RAA XC to fly it more than 25nm AND you will need the RPL with airspace to get you into the Camden airspace.
  9. You will need the RPC XC endo to fly the plane more than 25nm. You will need an RPL with Controlled airspace to get into Camden (controlled) airspace (the last 2 miles)
  10. you don't need a transponder for class D (or G)
  11. Nor is there any evidence that it was hanger rash, wind sock pole, a take your pick. I would say that the statements made by the pilot were evidence, just unsubstantiated. There is sufficient evidence around about the negligent use of drones for a collision with a drone to remain part of the theory.
  12. If it wasn't a drone then it must have been Superman, a flying pig or a flying toaster - there are a lot of those around. Or it could have been the One Nation Campaign plane flying under the radar.
  13. Nerds don't perve. Nerds aim for the stars. It may well have been bought on eBay, where normal rules don't apply.
  14. But the same issues would confront the vast majority of PPLs.
  15. Flying drones near buildings, people airports nd controlled airspace is not a trivial matter light aircraft & drone collision? -Parafield
  16. Including GA pilots. Having a CASA licensed is no proof that one doesn't behave badly. Your comments about local airstrips close to controlled airspace is a little laughable and doesn't reflect reality or practicality. With the death of GA Camden has become a bit of a morgue especially during the week. It used to be weekend GAAP but is now D 7 daylight days a week. Thanks
  17. It might be a medical standard but is it appropriate or reasonable?
  18. I don't have a problem with training and endorsements (I have done that with my PPL). I do have a problem with requiring RAA pilots needing a PPL. I don't understand why there is the need for an extreme medical for recreational PPLs. What I am looking for is the same rights without the stupidity (nor the snide comments from the GA fraternity about RAA ill-discipline when a lot of GA have neither discipline nor manners)
  19. If your CFI is running his business in this way he/she should have mapped out and validated a path for you to get an ASIC. For a CASA licence you would need an ARN and your CFI should help you to get this and the ASIC. Beat your CFI into submission or get a new CFI.
  20. I don't know the protocol for CASA (I will find out in 18 months) but under the deal being forced on RAA it appears that the CFI must take personal responsibility for the authenticity of the offered documents. It seems that you can't now just slip down to your friendly post office and get them signed off. It appears to be a problem with the politicians letting the ANAO run rufshod with flat earth doctrinaire policies.
  21. I don't know the protocol for CASA (I will find out in 18 months) but under the deal being forced on RAA it appears that the CFI must take personal responsibility for the authenticity of the offered documents. It seems that you can't now just slip down to your friendly post office and get them signed off. It appears to be a problem with the politicians letting the ANAO run rufshod with flat earth doctrinaire policies.
  22. RAA gave up, not because of the money but because of the administration load on CFIs imposed by the government (not CASA).
  23. You shouldn't need an ASIC in training as you should be under the supervision of an instructor while airside.
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