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Everything posted by coljones

  1. The taxpayer doesn't pay for election expenses, except by way of a fixed per vote contribution and tax deductions to people/organisations making donations (did you agree to your company propping up politicians - or should they stick to their knitting?)
  2. Vehicle GPSs have the smarts and are valuable additions to a driver's navigation toolkit. There is nothing quite like driving through the centre of major cities around the world. On a smart phone, Google maps does a pretty good job. I have a Sydney Street Directory somewhere but I now use Google Maps or OzRunways to give me a good sense of where I want to go and a Garmin to get me there.
  3. You forgot the owners of the freeways and their political bagmen
  4. The efficacy of the NBN impacts on delivery of "Sport Pilot". Is it a crock on its own or does OPTUS have shared responsibility for poor download speeds of the electronic version of "Sport Pilot"?
  5. And you died on the tools without any hope of susso, health care or a pension.
  6. What aircraft can I fly if I am flying with a RAMPC? If you hold a private pilot licence and are using your RAMPC, you are limited to flying recreational aircraft only and only by day under VFR. Recreational aircraft are: › single-engine aircraft › certified for single-pilot operations › certified with a maximum take-off weight of no more than 1500kg › not rocket or turbine powered. If you hold a commercial or air transport pilot licence and are using your RAMPC, you are limited to the privileges of a recreational pilot licence. from https://www.casa.gov.au/sites/g/files/net351/f/_assets/main/lib100191/rr61_medical_fs.pdf
  7. RPL doesn't give you CTA Access unless you have the training and the tick. You can fly PPL with RAMPC but you are limited to I pax, less than 10,000 feet and day VFR (and I think SE, 1500Kg) unless you have a 2nd pilot.
  8. The reliability of any comms network is vastly more impacted by domestic re-arrangements (renovations) and roadworks than mere corrosion. Copper is also very good for keeping the service going despite being exposed to the elements but glass doesn't like being stretched or bent. Moral - don't poke the bear.
  9. but if you have diabetes or insulin resistance you will figure in the matrix- so sometimes it is better to work out what the matrix wants, do the tests and get your licence a couple of months earlier (given the probs with getting in to see a specialist.
  10. I was being a bit sarky - if there is a quid in it for the non Telstra players they will provide a service - if they are doing it out of the goodness of their heart, they don't have one. Telstra has a statutory obligation to provides a service - basic telephony. I think it is time that the gument (ACCC) set the dogs onto OPTUS to force them to provide a proper service.
  11. I traded off "perfect" for faster internet. You can't always get what you want, particularly if someone else is subsidising it. Talk to OPTUS, no public servants there and always willing do give customers quality services.
  12. Sounds like a typical outsource contract - same with private enterprise - as any subcontractor or personal service contractor.will tell you. The failure of both the public service and private enterprise to maintain a suitably qualified informed client is a tragedy. It has vendors continually providing what the vendor wants to provide rather than what the client needed. We have this in NSW where the new train tunnels are deliberately made too small so as to suit the tiny mind of politicians and advisors.
  13. My two bob's worth. The track Forrest, Ceduna, Broken Hill is almost the same, within a mile, of the Forrest, Glendambo, Broken Hill track. The track via Ceduna puts you much closer to active airstrips like Nullabour, Ceduna, Whyalla, Port Augusta, Port Pirie and Peterborough. If you track via these points you will only add 19 nmiles to the track and be closer to road and population.
  14. Thanks Ben and Ian, you had me worried for a while. Your explicit support is most welcome - intransigence by CASA is not!. Cheers
  15. I can't think of a better place to go into it!! If the situation is hung out to dry here then there is the possibility that one of our members might have a sensible discussion with CASA and AvMed when next they are having a quiet beer. It seems that you and Ian you are in support of change but you keep muddying the waters with your naysaying - other than the current law, can you see any reason why a properly RAA qualified and endorsed pilot with a medical fitness to hold a drivers licence can't/shouldn't fly into controlled airspace?
  16. maybe you should be supporting the push for change rather than rolling over to the denizens of AvMed.
  17. Are you suggesting that glider pilots and parachutists are now under threat? Given the current pushback from AOPA and RAA I would be confident that 90% of pilots would be very happy if CASA came to the party with a far lighter touch in medicals.
  18. There are some schools at D dromes that have been issued with an exemption that permits students and certificate holders, under authority from the school's CFI, to fly school planes at that site. Access to controlled airspace in RAA planes by RAA certificate holders is under the control of CASA, not RAA.
  19. As far as I can see GA pilots don't have to maintain currencyin CTA. Currently RA planes only need a radio to enter to enter Delta Space and only need a transponder in Class Charlie. If you can stuff a transponder into a Cri-Cri you could get a homebuilt into C with a radio. CASA is currently reviewing medicals and may relax a lot of rules depending on traffic density, built-up areas, length of flights, and aircraft type. There is a degree of snottiness from GA and sections of RAA towards the performance of RAA pilots which is unfair. I have a PPL (and RPC) but there are lots of RPC holders out there much better than me and with vast amounts of experience.
  20. Interesting!! There is a small bird called the Cri-Cri ("Cricket") which looks interesting https://www.google.com.au/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=2&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwjyl-uisdXSAhVHfbwKHSWaCqUQtwIIJjAB&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3Dknb3qNq-Uho&usg=AFQjCNGaw88nI__RphWQVh19fuJLWjRzIA&sig2=-_rJVYa3q261ngVMt7haEQ AUF/RAA was founded on the basis that you did what you could to go flying and there were, probably, many twin, trimotor and even 4 engine McCullogh chainsaw powered planes in the early fleet. Bleriot and Mongolfier didn't get into the air by being afraid to change rules and perceptions. Jabiru seems to be doing a fair job with their twin.
  21. That might have been the case 4 years ago when the $A/$US was leaning our way. These days The rate is around $US0.72 to $A1.00. ie a $US14,400 car will cost $A20,000 now as opposed to just $A14,400 4 years ago. At the current exchange rate you can't even buy a dose of cold from the US.
  22. You can criticise the investigation - you must, however be circumspect in dealing with your version of the facts. All you have to do is look at the behaviour of media commentators, mainly from News Corp, 2GB, 2UE & 3AW who, on the flimsiest of information, will establish a royal commission and, with no evidence presented, establish guilt before moving on to their next victim. Pissants!!
  23. There would be no obligation on you to do the training and testing (at your cost) to get the endorsement that you don't need or want. Don't like CTA access? Just don't do the endorsement - save your money.
  24. I haven't seen the current board or close contacts squealing about loss of their power and influence - or is the dreaded gag in place, again?
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