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Everything posted by coljones

  1. Yes, totally biased and irrational - same as the ban on Jan engines, as a class, in the first case.
  2. Remember - time to spare, go by air!!! The weather is only occasionally a pilots friend.
  3. At least the EEC immigrants are civilised! The rest were just bunches of mafia thugs. You left out the Vikings - they were unfrenchified and didn't claim "by divine right"
  4. In GA the student pays for the training, the school pays for the rubber stamp that goes into the log book. In RAA, I would imagine, the student pays for the training, the school would stamp the book and send the Endo to RAA (just like all the other endos). To RAA, no more expensive than a 2 stroke Endo.
  5. and the other 95,000 would say that CTA access is becoming the defining issue whether it is Class D or C or both. Class E is accessible at the moment with the right gear. In Sydney, a Harbour Scenic requires Class C access. When you consider the number of RAA planes crisscrossing Australia chasing CAGIT endurance (weight) is not insurmountable (and as we get older it is bladder capacity that is the real limitation)
  6. you don't need transponders or certified avionics in Class D, you must have a radio. If you have them you must use them. The current impediments to RAA aircraft is the need to have an RPC and an RPL with CTA endo. There are few RAA Planes located at D Space airports because of the current restrictions. Just because there are no boys enrolled in girls schools doesn't mean that boys don't want to go to the girls school next door. If RAA planes could enter and transit controlled airspace you would find that there would be more prepared to camp at controlled dromes. FX Tamworth, Coffs Harbour, Bankstown and Camden. you do need a transponder and radio to enter E space (I don't know if it needs to be certified or ADSB out). There is an emerging proposal for the Sydney Basin to have E Space at 1200' west of YBSK and down to 700' near Prospect. This will mean that all planes transiting the Basin North/South will need a radio and a transponder. 19 built can fly controlled airspace but there may be an issue with non-certified aircraft over buildup areas similar to that which obtained when Jabiru engines were banned
  7. There is a new survey @ Replacement poll on RAA weight and CTA
  8. But if you are going to run a survey you have to cover all the options - there may be some out there who might like to fly 4POB (+200 kg plonk). To be fair you need to allow people to offer that option so that when CASA responds to the requests RAA has a fair view of what the members will wear and can seek the opinion of the members. To reject any options that might trouble a restricted number of members is anti-democratic. Apart from the 2POB limitation your survey is balanced.
  9. You can have up to 10 answers with this one. Castrating mosquitoes Kyle but perhaps one answer that is a don't care for POB is up to the max for the plane and within the MTOW envelope. Cheers
  10. 36 ways to answer the multivariable question with a single answer therefore you need 36 choices including "none of the above"
  11. You should redo this poll as you are asking 3 unique questions but only allowing 1 answer. The unique questions are 1. Increase MTOW Choice a.to 750kg Choice b. to 1500kg Choice c. no change Choice D. dont care 2. Permit CTA (one doesn't need Xponder in D) Choice a. Yes Choice b. No Choice c. don't care 3. Increase stall speed Choice a. Yes Choice b. No Choice c. Don't care Remember - none of these choices impact on what you currently do. RAA/CASA cannot force you to increase the weight, fly into CTA or increase your stall speed. If you don't want to do these things then you should really answer "don't care" to each question.
  12. Most RAA pilot's got their certificates in RAA Land which is well away from controlled drones because that was usually the only place to get RAA training. The conversion from GAAP (weekend controlled) to 7 day Class D drones with ridiculous access rules drove a lot of RAA pilot's at places like Camden away. The imposition of the restrictions on Jabirus made the situation even worse. Outside the metropolitan areas there are very few controlled drones. In the metropolitan areas there are very few uncontrolled dromes. It makes sense to seek CTA access as there is a large proportion of our membership who would be able to immediately benefit (even though they will get screwed over by the major airport owners - but they are owned by the super funds anyway). The board doesn't get paid so the cost to the members of RAA seeking CTA is 3/5 of 5/8 of bugger all.
  13. The vast majority of work is done by the manufacturer/builder/maintainer/LAME. I don't wish to diminish the work done by the Techmann and staff but their role is to act as the smart gatekeeper to the paperwork done by those not on the RAA payroll. 2 or 3 people managing 3500 planes is a very efficient operation. I can't see RAA getting into IFR/NightVFR as this largely for commercial pilot's and the profit margins would be thin or negative for RAA schools and instructors unless they were doing a hell of a lot of CPL training as well. Rag and tube is not being impacted by a lack of support from RAA but because there are lots of good cheap plastics out there that get people into the air faster and further. There is still a big role for rag 'n tube, however, but a lot of people don't have the time or skills for this type of aircraft.
  14. Where on Wombean Caves Rd?. It is a long and windy rd. Perhaps alongside?
  15. 747s and A380s at 1500ft aren't too bad. We get them all the time, mainly packing jetsetters from the Western Suburbs, North Shore and Blue Mountains off on annual holidays or bringing in another shipment of flowers or smartphones. Probably the worst are the choppers chasing hoons up Paramatta Rd every night. The noise from small strips isn't excessive. It might be intrusive but that is the cost of living in a society. Everyone does something intrusive, society can't avoid it.
  16. I suspect that the process becomes convoluted and people don't line up for a medical or CASA keeps demanding more tests until the applicant gives up. Not unreasonable but it distorts the stats. There probably should be column for "applications not proceeded with" along with "applications declined"
  17. According to the discussion paper the owner of the field can apply to put it on the map in which case CTAF or 126.7 would apply.
  18. You presume that the costs to RAA vary by complexity and weight of aircraft. Would you care to lay out your theory of the cost faced by RAA in registering each aircraft type?
  19. February 2017 | Civil Aviation Safety Authority Review of medical certification standards | Civil Aviation Safety Authority
  20. Do you have a superior solution for "a bad rule"
  21. It would be good if one could also pick and choose from among the parties policies. Most parties policies only have, at best, support from less than 25% of the population but are claimed as a "mandate" by the winning party. If they can't win a vote in the Senate it is pretty obvious that the majority don't support it.
  22. That's why the big birds have all that TSO stuff, ADSB, and other majik IFF and avoidance stuff. Maybe some of the area frequencies could be decoupled and/or have more boundaries. 124.55 and the other metro areas probably have too big an area. Out beyond the sandstone curtain area frequencies are very quiet. Actually 124.55 isn't too bad. YSBK is worse, especially when arrival, departures and circuits all get coupled together even though they are on different frequencies. I don't listen into the Mascot transmissions so I don't know how busy that gets.
  23. But hopefully the other plane flying along, up the creek, at 1000ft (or even 500), who doesn't know the other plane is there, will hear the calls and either divert or call and identify with intentions.
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