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Everything posted by coljones

  1. RAAus is user pays - I doubt that RAAus will be forking out much to support G.
  2. For us in NSW, 2 towns, Sydney and Coffs Harbour! CTA transit rights are key to the continuation of enjoying RAA flying. I'm sure the other states can draw up their lists.
  3. The extra 400 planes and extra 400 pilots would also be hit with fees which would pay for admin. As Scotty says "I don't hold a hose" and so it goes with RAA, the additional load is administration not mechanical handing or pilot training.
  4. https://ec.europa.eu/health/scientific_committees/opinions_layman/depleted-uranium/en/l-3/2.htm#:~:text=Depleted uranium is less radioactive,missiles%2C forklifts and sailboat keels.
  5. corporations - I think that it all boils down to - if the organisation couldn't run a chook raffle - that your problem for being involved - but there is sure to be a lawyer out there prepared to take your cash if you want to have a fight.
  6. And Gas 25% - while still a source of CO2 gas is much more efficient and cleaner than coal - if nothing else, moving in the right direction.
  7. Mining company head offices? - Melbourne and Perth - sound like great places for toxic dumps!
  8. Or, given the shortcuts both mining companies and governments take, until next week. I can't imagine that there will be much remediation in the Hunter just bloody big holes or the subsidence of Newcastle.
  9. Any ship in a navy is like a small town and with medical facilities to match (or better) so they need facilities to treat sailors and store the biological and hazardous wastes til their next friendly port visit.
  10. I don't see the problem with properly informed proxies beating the privileged voters in the room. And motions from the floor discriminate against proxy givers.
  11. It is quite easy to stack a meeting - the youth wings of the ALP, Liberal Party and Country Party are experts. In a national organisation like ours proxies are the only way to maintain democracy.
  12. Nah, raising stuff from the floor without prior notice prevents those not in the know having a voice and a vote. The proper way to deal with floor matters is for members to raise the issues and the meeting can discuss, the board can then take the issue on board for possible resolution. If it is not resolved to the members are entitled to bring the matter back to an AGM or GM with due notice and then the attendees and potential proxies can take an informed decision. The reason for allowing the corporations law to have an impact on motions at a meeting is that there may be issues under corporation law where a particular resolution must, may or may not be moved or carried. I'm not a great fan of the corporations law as it forced companies and their members into the claws of lawyers and whackjobs at ACCC and ASIC. But on the other hand it attempts to keep everyone honest (but fails miserably in the case of big business and the NSW Club industry). It appears that the behaviour of the RAAus Board was to prevent gaming of the system - NRMA was pretty good at that.
  13. A lot of politicians are very experienced/long but they still tend to make it up as they go along or forget to review their sketchy back of the envelope calcs
  14. And without due notice to the rank and file - an abuse of process.
  15. Same here, at least you got admitted.
  16. You could contact Fraser Anning Skyfox Aviation PO Box910 Caloundra QLD 4551 Ph: (074) 91 5355 Fax: (074) 91 8237 But you might have trouble finding him "Australian Electoral Commission drops case against missing former far-right senator Fraser Anning AEC discontinued case after ‘comprehensive search to locate’ former One Nation senator failed"
  17. Depends! A steam turbine needs a boiler
  18. And around cities, prime agricultural land turned into solar farms with housing built underneath. Farmers are entitled to get the best price for their land and in this case land bought or leased would be at the best price. This is much better than going slowly broke or waiting for the vultures to turn up and selling out for a song to the farmer next door.
  19. Not a monopoly - one has many choices on how to burn ones cash. owning a power boat is a very good way to destroy a fortune if you don't like the way the board and staff of RAAus is running the show
  20. Giving Ballina a tower would make it even more dangerous, they would then have to give it class C or D airspace status. Once transited Coffs airspace - we were directed over the water - there didn't appear to be any Coffs traffic at all. Does RPT pay really, really, really big bucks for the vast areas of private airspace around Australia.
  21. Should be YSLH - Sydney, Lawrence Hargrave or YSHI - Sydney, Hargrave International or even YKHI, just a boost for the trogs in the blue mountains YLHI was already taken
  22. Wirrida Siding Airport - YWSI
  23. If you want to measure incompetence you can't really go past ACCC, ACMA or ASIC - actually they are as bad as all the other QANGOs and departments.
  24. Motion 4 was withdrawn by the board Motion 5 failed to get the numbers in a poll and was roundly defeated in the ballot. I appreciate the sentiment but maybe an entrenched board member should be re-voted every year after having served 9 years unless there is a gap of 1 year after which the clock starts clocking again.
  25. YWSI? = Young Women's Summer Institute?
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