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Everything posted by coljones

  1. check this link out Tutorial: Australian airspace regulations There are more formal tables, perhaps in the VFR Guide. It is better to contact the tower or the official documentation for an authoritative guide.
  2. There used to be a document called "Sydney Basin VFG" which was quite comprehensive. Have a look at this video which flies you through part of the Bankstown procedures and uses the standard radio calls in use at YSBK. I'm not sure who "Roger" is but it is highly unlikely to be any where near YSBK (tongue in cheek) as most calls from the tower will require a positive response so that the tower understand s that the pilot understands what they have just been told what to do.
  3. Ah Bruce, a very good instructor!! Where are you flying the Tomahawk?
  4. Go and see what they have at Concept Aviation at Bankstown - M-F and till about 3pm on Saturday. They have a full range of books, charts, nav stuff, uniforms and trinkets.
  5. Thanks, Obviously a doubling up of symbols. In the case of Helensberg and Stanwell Park there are VFR points pointing back to the red stars but the red stars are not identified in the LEGEND nor are the rocks. Perhaps a note to airservices before they are all made redundant.
  6. The asterisk s indicate "NAV AID LIMITATION (See ERSA) and in this spot ,and further south, indicates that down below the cliffs can probably can't get accurate NAV Aids. The red stars indicate a VFR APPROACH POINT, usually a black/white diamond but this is off set with a pointer back to the true approach point, the red star. Cheers
  7. Speak to Dave. He will steer you in the right direction - small steps. There is also the value Dyson-Holland RPC Book. He also has a RPC to RPL conversion book & test exams.
  8. Warnervale?
  9. https://m.facebook.com/SydFlyingClub/photos/a.418708648181958.128748.412371688815654/1406626922723454/?type=3&source=48&__tn__=E
  10. Seems like the exemptions might allow more latitude than I thought. CASA EX28/15 - Exemption — solo flight training using ultralight aeroplanes registered with the RAA at Bankstown Aerodrome
  11. Some people just can't resist a good fiddle. Having water plumbing around slows them down considerably.
  12. Try to do all of your endos, including have, in RAA first as you can bag them all at once at a low price. You will do a flight review for the RPL and it will cover all the endos you bring over rather than doing more exams and flight tests inside RPL.
  13. Are you presuming that "Nikasil" TM is the be all and end all. It might only be one among equals - a bit like the original hoover. Or a Rum and Coke. Or Cocaine
  14. An RPC with all the endos will be much cheaper than an RPL with the same endos. Conversion to PPL will still cost. You will find the test for a PPL will be harder than for either a RPL or a RPC. Any hours you do in RAA will still count towards a PPL and any experience you pick up flying RAA will always be of use. I'm not sure what the diff is between AAA and Clambacks but AAA will probably be teaching in a aerobatic type plane to an aerobatic standard whereas Clambacks will be teaching in a Piper or Cessna. All schools offer a "Trial introduction Flight (TIF)" $150 for an hour in RAA or $200 for 45mins in GA. Be aware that at Bankstown it takes a while to taxy before takeoff and this comes out of the 45 mins. It felt as though half my licence was earned taxying. Also try www.sfcaero.com.au Try to compare the components of what is being offered not just the bottom line. If you just do a TIF at a Range of places you can evaluate the schools and instructors and quizz them about their offerings, their expectations of you and your potential. You will build up hours and skills with each TIF, nothing ever gets written off.
  15. Nikasil is a trade name - Nikasil "like" would indicate an alternate provider. A bit like Ugg boots.
  16. Clamback and Hennessy is a GA school and will cost about the same as AAA. If you are at Hurstville you have the option of slipping down to Wollongong (Albion Park). If you are travelling by public transport you would have almost door to door travel as the airport is right next to Albion Park Station. I don't know about the GA costs there but being out of Sydney (or Camden) with no price gouging by the airport owner or a tower the cost may be lower. For RAA check out Bruce Robbins - Illawarra Recreational Flight Centre 0412 209 953 [email protected]. Bruce is very approachable and can discuss a range of options with you. Swapping from an RAA RPC to a GA RPL isn't just a matter of filling forms as you would need to do a GA Flight Review and may require additional training in a GA plane. It would be advisable to do your RPC, Radio, Passenger, Human Factors and Cross Country endorsments with RAA first as they can be carried over into a GA RPL at a much lower cost than picking them up in GA. A good RAA instructor will ensure that you are being well trained for a transition to GA. In any case RAA planes are a delight to fly. They are the MX5s of aviation. Not too gutsy but fun to fly but without some of the Land Rover characteristics of some GA planes (IMHO) - nor a doubling of hire charges!!!
  17. The problem with RA at a Class C or D airport (Camden or Bankstown) is that you can't fly solo unless you have a PPL or RPL. Your instructor will have to fly you to somewhere, like Wollongong, so you can fly solo sequences. The same problems continue after you get an RPC.
  18. It depends where you are. Bankstown Airport is centrally located and the best GA flying school in the Sydney Basin is there at Sydney Flying Club - www.sfcaero.com.au and the air conditioning works. If you want Ultra-lights try Dave's Flying School or Sydney Recreation Flying Club at The Oaks for good, cheap flying with most excellent instructors - $150/HR instruction in a Jabiru or Foxbat.
  19. The Oaks International Airport!!
  20. Check out the Orange Aero Club. They were offering a free introductory flight to ladies. They will have members who fly VH or RAA planes and can explained the differences and costs and steer you towards an appropriate flying school. They also have Friday barbeques
  21. Thanks. Got it, CAO 95.55 7.3. This talks about a valid review but not a medical. is this in part 61 itself? About exercising priveleges. Thanks Frank, 95.55 has CTA Access info but leaves out the need for a medical.
  22. Give the RAA Ops Section a call BUT if you have an RAA Cert, you are in an RAA plane, you have an RPL or PPL and the plane is certificated or certified to fly in CTA then you are good to go (if ATC let you in). I am still looking for words about needing a CASA Medical as well (but can't see any)
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