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Everything posted by coljones

  1. Personally, I hope they win. BUT watch this space.
  2. Yes, it does come as a wake up call!!
  3. The alternative to a Class 2 Medical for PPLs is the Recreational Aviation Medical Practitioner's Certificate (RAMPC) which is based on the Australian Road Transport (AusRoads) standards of medical fitness. It was expanded by AvMed to, additionally, target a range of aviation related conditions. The RAMPC used to be called a DL Medical. It is a test suite which the GP follows with a series of tick boxes and its greatest problem it is pass/fail - fail and you need to do a full Class 2 through a DAME and with AVMED poking through it.. A fit person with no hidden vices will pass a RAMPC but any probs and you are stuffed.
  4. Here is a link. ACCESS NWP Data Information A decode of this and other GRIB stuff would be nice for us mortals. Cheers
  5. I have just had a cataract operation. I didn't know the extent of my disability as I had 2 eyes and the other one worked. It was only picked as I was reactivating my CASA Class 2. I was still flying RAA through all this. If I had stabbed myself in the eye while flying (rough weather while plotting a diversion, say) I would have been flying blind. Makes you think, and I doubt my GP would have picked it up when I popped in for my flu shot. I don't have a problem with a DL style examination but without the Class 2 paranoia, even for RAA Pilots.
  6. Keith has identified a problem in that a lot of strips have become inaccessible. No matter what RAA does or doesn't do about buying into a facility there will continue to be problems of maintaining the access that we have. My local strip is about 70 ks away but I have also heard, here, of people having to travel 3 hours or more to commit flying. We need to open a conversation about airstrip access. Some of the issues are stupid councils forgetting why they are there, mining companies, having bought the strip, running scared about liability (or just being pricks) or because the locals are sick and tired of ultralights (and others) not paying landing fees or lying about who they are. We might not agree with Mike but we do need to have a conversation otherwise we might find that we take off and find we can't land anywhere including wherever took off from.
  7. It keeps old age pensioners off the street, just!
  8. So much sand, so little surf:wave:
  9. These days the employer will only pay expenses and usually chooses the accommodation or a restricted range of offerings. Given a choice, these workers may have chosen a better hotel that offered a safer environment or indeed spent the night at home with all those comforts - a cheap beer in the back fridge, a decent collection of DVDs, a decent meal, breakfast which didn't bloat. The employer set the scenario and forced a change in lifestyle, they should bear all or at least some of the load.
  10. Interesting stats but you can only draw inferences from this data if you know how many planes of each type exist. If there is only 1 Super Fandangle on the register and it has a prang and the occupants die then the death rate for that aircraft is at least 100% - but the numbers are really too small be firm in one's conclusions. 3 axis planes don't have these sort of accident rates. There are 3 addition data sets required to make serious assumptions. 1. The number of this type of plane, 2. The number of hours flown and 3. The number of movements (takeoffs/landings). If you want fine grain details you might also add whether the plane was owner maintained, mate maintained or L2 or higher maintained.No death is a good death but you need decent stats to work on the faults.
  11. Apart from the landing fees and the need for paperwork to identify ultralights and non-VH aircraft (so that can collect landing fees etc) and the minimum non-operate period (at least an hour) while RPT is at the airport and the doctinaire form that Ben and Andy cooked up what are the issues with operating UL out of Prosepine¿
  12. Do you mean that they are unavailable to light and ultralight aircraft?
  13. Hi toady - try this Fixing Black Screen on Nexus 7 - Android Forums at AndroidCentral.com PS which version do you have? With or without the rear facing camera?
  14. There are 2 issues with EFBs. 1. They must be a minimum size to satisfy as a map replacement, I think it is 8". 2. The GPS is not TSO and can't be used as the primary means of navigation. You are not permitted to trust it. AvPlan or OzRunways can advise of the legality of your intended purchase of a pad so check with them first about any other stuff you need to carry.
  15. Nexus 7s can be fixed by a reload of the OS. You might have to ring around to some repair shops - usually run by very smart young kids. Or you could flog them on EBay. My 2 are going just fine.
  16. Love the Nexus 9 (and 7) but both are not now obtainable brand new. They are unsurpassed (IMHO) and you can still pick them up 2nd hand via EBay. The competitors have bloatware but the storage capacity can now handle the fat so you might have to consider Samsung's etc. Enjoy
  17. Oh have to balance off the likely maximum damages award and the likely hood that it will happen. It may be, given that flying in small planes is a "self evident risky endeavour", that the awards are very low and extremely infrequent and having a large amount of passenger insurance is not economically justified.
  18. And Temora offers no immediate advantage to the vast majority of members either. We don't need solutions looking for a problem. I thinkCaspers analysis bears consideration. I think we need think about protecting what we have before we gallivant off searching for the last RAA in Oz
  19. You should include the sandstone curtain aka Great Dividing Range. The run to Braidwood Moruya, up the coast past Nowra (pm Fri to Sunday, You will need a clearance otherwise), past Wollongong, over to the Oaks, to Katoomba, Cowra and back to YTEM. You get a good view of the coastal ranges and coast and your friends will see what a great country you are flying over. This route also provides an immense variation in scenery and terrain☺
  20. The latest Sports Pilot, Dec 16, has a lengthy article from RAA Ops about the latest submission to CASA re. Access by RAA Certificate holders to controlled airspace. Worthy of a good read and a letter of support to CASA, the minister, the PM, the member for Wannon and your local member.
  21. Isn't that what the LNP and ALP were supposed to have been doing for years ... still waiting!!
  22. And no lead AvGas. Australia and a lot of the world have cleaned up petrol, both from lead and other nasties, while AvGas has only come down to LL. Maybe our kids are falling down the academic ratings because their parents are renovating old houses and exposing the family to lead poisoning.
  23. Volcanoes - much heat, ash, rocks and molten magma but not much CO2, the atmospheric blanket keeping heat. see Do volcanoes emit more CO2 than humans?. Other than that, burning fossil fuels and land clearing exacerbate CO2 production creating a more dense blanket and causing a steady, beyond cyclic, temperature rise. I live under a YSSY flight path where they line up along my side fence at 1500 feet outbound to exotic climes. They are active from 6am to 10.30pm. I am prepared to accept them as I use them and an overflight reminds me that tomorrow may well be another flying day. However there are many who bought homes well before the NS runways were built who cop it as well. Some of them may well have worked in glass factories all their lives and would like a little respite from the industrial grade noise that has followed them into old age. 6000 feet, I would call that an ambit claim. The greens don't have any airspace management expertise and it would be up to these people to work out sensible solutions to real problems. It may well be that some GA Lanes over Melbourne might be a good idea. Gspace over Sydney - forget it, doesn't exist til you get beyond Bankstown and AirService are talking about bring Espace down to 1200ft in that area. That will really bugger ultralights who don't have transponders. Another plane just went over - useless bugger can't fly, missed my side fence by 50metres
  24. They do - in the context of Bio diesel and Bio AvGas
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