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Everything posted by coljones

  1. Who is Alban Tafili?
  2. As I recall glider pilots are offered a licence under part 60 that is ICAO compliant so that pilots can do their stuff overseas - as it is with the RPL and PPL. www.casa.gov.au/standard-page/licence-types
  3. The RAA ASIC fee is cost neutral and not subsidised anymore. The handling costs of an ASIC application is not trivial - and if there are complexities in issuing any endos then perhaps there should be handling fee.
  4. For 206,000 Q points will get you a Bluetooth A20. Street purchase price $1,395.00. I'm not sure why you would need a Bluetooth adapter
  5. Nev, do you fly RAA planes into CTA? What planes do you fly into CTA?
  6. Nev, No one is asking for a relaxation of standards 1. some RAA planes can currently fly into CTA (or parts thereof) 2. Some RAA pilots (who have PPL c/w CTA endos) can currently fly into CTA (or parts thereof) What is the issue with a competently trained and examined RAA Pilot being awarded CTA access in RAA planes currently permitted under 1.above? And why shouldn't a competently trained RAA Instructor be permitted to issue that endorsement?
  7. Nev, are you saying that one should go off and get a CASA Licence and CTA Endorsement and all will be fine, Gunga Din? Is there a thin film of people much better trained and behaved that they and only they should be permitted into CTA? I can't quite follow your logic. If a person has received training at a suitable standard (say Part 61) sufficient to being granted a CTA Endo then does it matter if it is issued by an RAA rather than a GA Instructor¿ Or is there some kind of apartheid going on here?
  8. If you click on the picture of the more expensive it will show a description "Bose® A20 Bluetooth Aviation Headset (324843-3020)" for about 206k points. The other is without Bluetooth. Blue tooth is good for when your wife rings to tell you that the police have been around or the CFI rings to tell you that viz is down to 10metres and the sudden thunderstorm has flooded the strip and you shouldn't bother coming home. The Bose A20 c/w Bluetooth is very good. The Qantas offer values points at about $7.50/1000 points.
  9. The 2IC of CASA is a lawyer. Writing turgid deeds is what they do. I expect that CASA presented RAA with a final copy of the deed with the words "cop this, sport. Sign it by lunchtime or your planes are grounded by supper!) Unless there is some bastardy afoot I would expect the ELAAA to face the same intransigence from CASA.
  10. In the olden days, the executive of 3 ran RAA between board meetings, of which there were only 2 per year.
  11. The high cost is on the CASA side. We send Mick Monck down to CASA on his pushbike (because we don't have to pay him and he gets no pushbike allowances). CASA fronts with 25 heavies (at their cost) and the sandwiches. I am not sure where you get your costings from. Using your logic, perhaps RAA should refuse registrations on rag and tube because the legal costs of investigating accidents is excessive and will drive the organisation into bankruptcy.
  12. Turnbull didn't. Kerry Packer and his father did.
  13. What costs accrue to RAA? I think you are over egging it.
  14. RAA is on the ball, the issue is with CASA.
  15. Most pilots,RAA or GA, are Day VFR only. CTA access will continue to be Day VFR for most pilots. Planes in Class C&E require TSO transponder. Pilots in Class C&D require a CTA endorsement. Planes in controlled airspace require a serviceable Aero Radio.
  16. Not at all,. My logbook is stamped with the Class C&D endo. There is nothing else to do. There may be a need to demonstrate CTA procedures as part of my AFR/BFR but that is it. I don't see that the CTA endo is beyond the vast bulk of RAA Certificate holders nor an imposition on RAA. I think you are overthinking this.
  17. You don't need a dispensation for your Technam to fly into Class D. An RAA trading school maybe given a dispensation for flying STUDENTS at some controlled airports. The plane is not constrained. If RAA was given the same right as your GA instructor to issue a Class C/D endo then you would be good to go into Class D. If you have a TSO'd transponder you could fly in Class C and E as well. The cost of the Endo is.for the pilot to cover. The cost of the transponder is for the plane owner to cover. RAA has no costs different from any of its other endos. It is called user pays
  18. Perhaps you could articulate your knowledge of the requirements on a plane going into the various classes of controlled airspace and the requirements of a plot going into that airspace. You might surprise yourself. There is no basis to the claim that the cost to RAA to issue a CTA Endo will be any higher than the cost of putting a CTA onto the members card at renewal time.
  19. Your Technam is quite capable of flying Class D now.
  20. No, it wasn't your comments. I understood where you were heading.
  21. RAA planes are, if suitably equipped, able to request and be given clearance to fly into and through controlled airspace. The PIC must have a CTA end. This means that the PIC needs 3 qualifying bits of paper. An RAA Cert for the plane in question, a CASA License AND a CASA CTA Endo. This is the current law. I am not sure where some of those on these forums get off claiming that 1. You can't currently fly RAA through CTA, 2. The world as we know it will somehow vanish if RAA Certificate holders are given the opportunity to qualify for a CTA Endorsement without the need to hold CASA Licence.
  22. I can at the moment fly an RAA plane into CTA based on my PPL CTA endo. Why can't a RAA Cert holder not allowed to get a CTA Endo. What is the knowledge gap? Same plane, 2 outcomes!!
  23. I don't recall turbines in the RAA course material. Nor in the PPL basic syllabus.
  24. We beg to differ but I hope we both win for the sake of better flying for everyone.
  25. RAA was in an uncontrolled spiral dive of death 5 years ago. Correction was applied at the Qeanbeyan EGM and while there are a few wrinkles the organisation is now doing relatively well despite all the issues the Reid/Runciman board refused to face. There were some good guys there but they were whistling in the wind. I am not sure of the predilection of the new board but I hope they have moved to singing the same song from the same song sheet but with equal independent input.
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