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Everything posted by coljones

  1. Back in the old days RAA had my $130 stuck in the bank for no apparent reason. Then CASA came in and showed us why RAA had my money (and increasing) stuck in the bank. It was because RAA wasn't spending any money worth a damn on qualified staff, infrastructure and systems. Basically they were doing nothing!! I didn't like the fee increase by deception (charging for the magazine) but recognised that something had to be done to bring RAA to a condition fit for the future. I don't have a problem with the last board running down the reserves to build a better RAA because that is what they should have done years ago. People maintain and renovate their houses, and families, and so one should with RAA and a short term loss of a reasonable magnitude should allow this to happen. There is no published policy on adequacy of reserves, there should be. I am not quite sure why we need in excess of $1mil in net assert backing but I do expect that the board would know an should publish this to the membership.
  2. $400,000
  3. And you have to be careful that the NSW Government doesn't donate the land and give a payroll tax and rates holiday and then have the NSW Government property arm resume Wanervale Airport and flog it off to an unsolicited proposer at mates rates. I am sure the government would call that a win all around and a tribute to private enterprise for getting NSW moving again.
  4. Give us an hour by hour heads up. How many hours have it done?
  5. The Oaks, near Camden Jabiru LSA-55 $150 Dual, $120 Solo Jabiru J230 $180 Dual, $150 Solo Foxbat 22 $150 Dual, $120 Solo, Daves Flying School for Jabs 6 days/week Sydney Recreational Flying School for Foxbats 3 days/week No landing fees, free tea and coffee Grass strip (the falls are softer on grass)
  6. In the case of GA each AOC is responsible for their own SMS including all costs - not insignificant and hopefully saving more in lives and money by incident avoidance. Nobody really escapes from cost shifting by CASA but the flip side is that organisations and individuals now have to take safety seriously.
  7. Sorry Kirk but I can't support any of your resolutions as the clear direction given to RAAInc by the passage of the resolution to set up RAA Ltd was to conduct an election for up to 5 board positions on the unincorporated organisation which was to morph into RAA Ltd on registration. It is quite clear to me that the new constitution intended that there should be up to 7 directors. RAAInc could have simply appointed the seven in its initial application to ASIC but in this instance did the democratic thing and ran an election AS PROVIDED FOR IN THE CONSTITUTION. I appreciate your concern but it wouldn't matter when the election was called and run as we would probably have achieved the same result. You have tossed some valuable insights into this debate but I think you should recognise that you are castrating mosquitoes. I think you should de-stress, sit back, think about the joys of flying and plan your revenge on the authors of this constitution, written for the benefit of lawyers and bureaucrats not those who really run large not for profits. Don was there for the long March, perhaps you should do the same.
  8. Experimental & Lightweight Aviators Association of Australia ASIC details
  9. Thanks - much easier.
  10. We don't actually know what ELAAA stands for nor who it represents. All may be revealed in the fullness of time, I guess.
  11. ASIC Registration of this new organisation including directors, officers and financial accounts.
  12. And, of course, with ASIC everything is secret unless you pay them money. With the proposed privatisation (moneterisation) of the ASIC Registry function you can be assured that it will get worse. This is tax, taxation, T.A.X. by any other name, so favoured by government on the right
  13. The advantage of insurance is that in the event, unlikely or otherwise, that you cause a problem to someone else, despite the fact that you are bankrupt and have decamped to Brazil, the insurance company is still there and can pay out the poor bugger you messed with, intentionally or otherwise. Sometimes the innocent bystander, even exercising the greatest of caution, is the innocent victim of someone else's behaviour, or of someone else's dog
  14. Not at all. Alongside the competitive model, monopolies and the public service are capable of delivering great results. If your mind goes back that far you might remember the shambles that the NSW power supply was in before the then NSW government gathered the disparate parts of the electricity industry together to forge the Electricity Commission to deliver reliable electricity across NSW.
  15. Sorry maaate, Runciman wasn't the problem, he was a desperate attempt to be a solution. The wheels started falling off the plane when Eugene Reid was in the chair. If Reid had not been replaced by Runciman god knows where we would be except broke and out of business. How Reid got back on the board is beyond me. Democracy sucks (at times)!!!
  16. Better informed doesn't mean capable of making a sensible decision. You have to trust yourself and vote for the ones who you trust most or against those you trust the least.
  17. When Optus refuses, under the protection of ACCC, in your little corner of the world, and the monopoly provider is prevented from offering a service at a fair price what are you going to do? pat yourself on the back and say "fantastic - competition had delivered me bugger all" Competition is not the universal panacea, markets are not perfect and occasional, where orderly markets are thin and the players are disproportionate then a managed monopoly may be the only solution. We live in a society, markets should aid society not destroy it.
  18. You can also fly Foxbat at The Oaks to earn an RAA Pilot Certificate. Training in RAA can be counted towards an RPL/PPL subject to a flight review. Sydney Recreation Flying Club at the Oaks can be contacted on 0425 251 939. The fly on weekends and most Thursdays. They have 2 Foxbat. If your medical is going to be drawn out the RAA route might be better. I am not sure of the relative costs but you might find it cheaper to do your RAA cert pax and country and then have these converted to RPL + Navs. I'm not sure how you do 2hrs Instruments in a Foxbat unless they have an AI and a DI. Best of luck with your medical.
  19. He/she probably got hauled over the coals for wasting the salt and their time. Didn't he/she understand that it wasn't their job and besides you turned 18 five minutes ago so you are sacked!! No penalty rates, no overtime, no casual rates, erratic and short shifts and on the scrapheap at 18,
  20. Compensation does not bring back a life. Governments are pushing compensation to be terminal and constrained. If you don't discover your condition before date X you will lose all claims, or an insurance company will try to shoehorn you into a (any) job that they deem you can do - (almost) end of story. It is far better all round if the danger never existed or if it needed to exist then it was mitigated to the fullest extent possible and that the person creating the danger bears primary responsibility.
  21. Try JoikuSpot WiFi - right down the bottom Symbian OS - Nokia N70 - Best of luck
  22. Neat. I can open it on my android and pan and zoom. I can only pan it on my laptop. What other goodies do you have hidden on your website?
  23. The Jab is innocent!! It was merely keeping up with the pilot.
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