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Everything posted by coljones

  1. I just do a TIF. Twice in Scotland and once in Denmark and NZ. You end up with a passenger who can provide a sightseeing comentary.
  2. You don't need the stamp of ASIC to operate. You only need to have it to be protected under the Corporations law. Until then you are in some other jurisdiction operation in a process approved by the members. When you start up a completely new company you can do whatever you like but you can't pretend things like limited liability til you are given that status by the government. The election process was a directive to RAA by its members and was carried through into the registration process of RAA LTD. I'm not sure that ASIC actually gives a damn. In most, except the most political and egregious, cases it is up to those aggrieved to fund their own actions against corporations (who, if they can, will continue bad behaviours right up to the high Court). In Australia we tend to have Courts of the deepest pockets.
  3. Could you understand a Scotsman (who in all probability speaks perfect English). The problem is not always with the speaker but in a lot of cases with the listener who might not understand Aviation speak or just be a grumpy person not prepared to listen.
  4. you should have attributed it to One Nation. Again a case of knowing the answers but being totally clueless about the real questions.
  5. You could try a different headset to test out both the Jabiru and the Icom. If the headsets works OK in the Jabiru but not in the Icom then my first suspect would be the Icom, all the way from the volume control to the sockets. The Bose is nice.
  6. We should be gratified that all have offered their time, energy and skills to do the job. Being high end individuals, I am sure that they know how to meter their time and capabilities to their various jobs. That is generally why they achieve high end jobs. I think we should choose high end people for the board rather than duds with time on their hands.
  7. Sorry but "Engineers make it happen". Are you suggesting that only the unemployable should be elected (not that I see any of those among the candidates).
  8. Nothing quite like a lazy election method, which can result in the election of the least preferred rather than the least hated. So sad!!!
  9. The bowerbird fund got depleted due to board and CEO stupidity. The legals would have been forseen and provided for, the action by CASA and the grounding of planes and the ramshackle nature of the records SHOULD have been forseen, but were and ignored or weren't. Being vigilant is commendable, being a bowerbird isn't.
  10. Their email addresses are together with their statements in the magazine. Send each an email and ask you questions and invite them to contribute to this forum or ask if you can post the answers here. No magazine or only just arrived. Give the CEO a boot. You might also suggest the removal of the email addresses on the website was a bit disingenuous seeing that the statements were on the members side only. Now the email addresses are in the magazine and can be read by everyone and Mrs Grumpy down at the local doctors surgery where I leave my "Sports Pilot".
  11. Bland in the middle works for me. The least hated person in the room is usually the do-er and can work with all comers.
  12. Send an email to the CEO. There is also the Senate, proportional representation, method where in this case you only need 16% of the vote, the multiple preferential where your first 5 votes all have equal value and prefs are only used if 1 of your first 5 are knocked out or repeated application of the preferential ballot eliminating successful candidates and re-allocating the voters next preference until 5 are elected. The last 2 methods elects people most preferred by everyone so it is possible that a dominant group of electors can determine 100% of those elected - but majority rules (hmm! Those pesky Qlanders could dominate) but you could avoid fringe candidates. Proportional voting does allow for minor to have a say in the election and outcome in proportion to their strength. These election methods are all supported by the AEC. You might find them in the industrial elections section of their website.
  13. Rod has only been here since the beginning of August (unless he had a previous life). While his presence here would be welcome, that alone should not be the sole determinant.
  14. There should be a greater award for this other than "Winner". Rapier skewering of the hot air balloons set afloat by the supporters of the old world order deserves, at least, a "Skewerer suprememo" award.
  15. He wasn't much chop as president either.
  16. Controlled airspace access requires additional training, examination and testing. No-one on an RAA cert gets it unless they qualify, at the moment by doing a PPL or an RPL with the CTA Endo. In future if RAA Certs are permitted CTA access they will in all probability also need a CTA Endo. If an RAA person just wants to fly around the local area by themselves they don't need an RAA Pax or XC Endo.
  17. You're thinking about the township of Jabiru, not the plane. Jabiru the town has a high summer temp of 33c. Both the Foxbat and Jabiru are rated at 38c max, probably due to the resins used in construction. I'm not sure about the density altitude effects of both planes. I haven't flown the Foxbat on stinking hot days but the Jab was OK. Beer to beer the Jabiru is much better.
  18. What do the plastics get, and at what cost to RAA, that the rag and tube don't get. When plane flew higher than 300 feet and over the fence they entered into a whole new world and its costs and complications.
  19. Why should/would a Drifter certificate cost less than a Sling. I can't see that RAA incurs greater costs per unit for a Sling compared to a Drifter. Same with controlled airspace - what additional costs accrue except the endorsement done by an external examiner at the pilot's cost - as with any endorsement.
  20. You wouldn't want us to talk about aeroplanes would you? It would just descend into name calling and slagging off at the Rotax owners.
  21. I wouldn't want to win something with a Rotax engine in it - I might end up becoming smug and sanctimonious.
  22. The world currently has a lot of "sharia" law in place. In the Australian context it is "Judeo-Christian" canon law. It is gradually getting whittled down. I can remember Sundays in the country where not even a leaf was permitted to move because of the Sunday Observance Act. An eye for an eye was straight out of the Bible and the devine right of kings (just like a mediaeval mafia) was a perversion of the rules of religion. Been garrotted or had your eyes gouged out recently?
  23. This would increase the reluctance to lift the US minimum wage rate way beyond its current miserable less than $5/hr rate. If the minimum wage rate was raised to, say $15p/h, the low paid would be a hell of a lot better off even if they had to pay tax. McDonalds makes a very good profit in Australia despite the wage rate being 3xUS and the big Mac the same price. (but does maccas actually pay Oz taxes?)
  24. Don, I understand the red room, which contains members elected in proportion to their support from the populace unlike the green room which is elected in a form of winner take all (although not as bad as the UK). One might even say that the country party, full of xenophobes and unrepresentative swill, are the wackos holding the balance of power, skewering Turnbull and the liberals on quite a few rational and progressive policies. I suggest you chuck some nasturtiums over your right shoulder to give yourself a little balance. Keep well!!!
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