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Everything posted by coljones

  1. Why should/would a Drifter certificate cost less than a Sling. I can't see that RAA incurs greater costs per unit for a Sling compared to a Drifter. Same with controlled airspace - what additional costs accrue except the endorsement done by an external examiner at the pilot's cost - as with any endorsement.
  2. You wouldn't want us to talk about aeroplanes would you? It would just descend into name calling and slagging off at the Rotax owners.
  3. I wouldn't want to win something with a Rotax engine in it - I might end up becoming smug and sanctimonious.
  4. The world currently has a lot of "sharia" law in place. In the Australian context it is "Judeo-Christian" canon law. It is gradually getting whittled down. I can remember Sundays in the country where not even a leaf was permitted to move because of the Sunday Observance Act. An eye for an eye was straight out of the Bible and the devine right of kings (just like a mediaeval mafia) was a perversion of the rules of religion. Been garrotted or had your eyes gouged out recently?
  5. This would increase the reluctance to lift the US minimum wage rate way beyond its current miserable less than $5/hr rate. If the minimum wage rate was raised to, say $15p/h, the low paid would be a hell of a lot better off even if they had to pay tax. McDonalds makes a very good profit in Australia despite the wage rate being 3xUS and the big Mac the same price. (but does maccas actually pay Oz taxes?)
  6. Don, I understand the red room, which contains members elected in proportion to their support from the populace unlike the green room which is elected in a form of winner take all (although not as bad as the UK). One might even say that the country party, full of xenophobes and unrepresentative swill, are the wackos holding the balance of power, skewering Turnbull and the liberals on quite a few rational and progressive policies. I suggest you chuck some nasturtiums over your right shoulder to give yourself a little balance. Keep well!!!
  7. The swill in the red room are a hell of a lot more representative than the gerrymanders in the green. I'm not sure who George Christiansen is actually representative of - certainly not decent people with a sense of fair go nor of the Danish people living in Australia. He must have come over with Joe Bjelke-Petersen from New Zealand.
  8. Doesn't count. Can't be registered RAA.
  9. The future fund is for my super not your pension. If I went out and flogged off the family silver, the house, the car, the kayak, the pushbikes and my coin collection I too could deliver 10 years of surpluses which, by and large, was how Howard and Costello achieved theirs. If you cast your mind back to the early 80s Howard was a leper as a treasurer. Keep well.
  10. Is anyone putting their hand up for the election or will it fall to the old guard due to lack of interest?
  11. The rules are designed to be driven through. No-one seems to be actively monitoring or enforcing the rules on foreign ownership. Nor things like lazy rule setting and cynical water acquisition such as at Cubby Station.
  12. I don't take sport seriously at all (except Hockey, handball and Hurling - it has to 'ave an aich - 'orse racing is just a commercial ripoff)
  13. Hoxton Park is what I typed before auto-spell turned it into Horton Park:sad angel:
  14. If you get a Sydney VTC it comes with a supplement of the various lanes around Sydney (Sydney General Flying Guide). The VTC also includes all the area and ctafs you need. You say you don't want to go to the west does that mean to the west of Camden or to the west of Katoomba. If you don't want to overfly Cambelltown then I would come down the lane from Brooklyn Bridge to Prospect @ 2500ft. Veer right to the Camden (Mayfield) reporting point @ 4500ft and then track via Mittagong to the south. Take care between Bankstown and Wallachia as this is the Bankstown training area. South of the Oaks is the Oaks training area. If you can overfly Cambelltown fly from Prospect to Horton Park (alongside the M7 - and marvel how a perfectly useful Airstrip can be turned into a mega warehouse) and the join to lane south to Cambelltown CBD. Then track to Picton and Mittagong. You could overfly Camden but the gliding fraternity seem to like pulling circling high rate climbs over the strip so flying high over reporting points seems like a better deal. The Sydney Flying Guide may be available on the CASA or Airsevices website. Enjoy.
  15. The article did get it right. A Piper Cherokee
  16. "Fundamental atheist"¿ something more to add to my already long list of accomplishments and awards. Thanks GN.
  17. I saw it as Tony trying to get her back on topic and not hijacking a panel with 5 members into a Pauline only panel.
  18. All we need is a bit of jingoism by the "Christian" west and we again descend into xenophobia. A most recent example is Germany in the late 20s, 30s and 40s which saw the systematic murder of at least 6 million people including Jews, Gypsies, homosexuals and anyone who wasn't aryan or christian enough. Germany, Austria, Italy and France were by and large staunch "Christian" countries. History is littered with activities either condoned by the church, ignored by the church or feebly protested by the church and carried out by "christian" people to kill, enslave or dispossess others. The odd mass murder of chinese and aboriginals in Australia was carried out by a supposedly "christian" people. You can be sure that the chinese and aboriginals did not commit suicide. By all means the world needs to contain the nutters but we need to reach through the smokescreens and call out the baddies and they are generally the mafias who run monarchies, dictatorships and pseudo democracies who enslave their own people and wage war wrapped in the cloak of Islam. Some of those mafias are on our side - so it seems.
  19. But thousands of ministers standing around looking at the budget "black hole" and beating up on the poor but no-one to fix up the revenue black hole left by Howard and Costello.
  20. Maybe in the Senate she will get to ask the question of CASA "what were you thinking? - please explain!"
  21. Of course, there is the premier flying school in the Sydney Basin, Sydney Flying College at Bankstown. SFCaero.com.au 9709 8488. This is the training arm of Schofields Flying Club. SFC has an extensive flying training programme from ab initio, RPL, PPL and CPL with some parts a formal training programme with Sydney TAFE.
  22. You could say the same about RR Merlin engines. RR weren't short on ideas but the Merlin's only seemed to have a TBO of only 25 hours - sufficient, it seems, to make a mess of the Axis powers. Perhaps it was the well trained and dedicated engine fitters the allied workforces had. Mind you these engines weren't doing the circuits and bumps that seem to be the lot of Jabiru engines.
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