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Everything posted by coljones

  1. https://www.comlaw.gov.au/Series/F2015L00974 Has anyone any updates? It is now becoming beyond tedious. Has it become like Iraq's WMD?
  2. Actually there are policies put up by the winners that wouldn't garner support of 50% of their supporters let alone being opposed by the losers. It is all a bit like football - you have supported the team for 50 years, you are unlikely to change, you are not part of the decision making process, you know that 20% of the team are there as stocking stuffers related to the board and coach, you live in vainglorious hope that they will win anyway. Bit of a bugger really. Would anyone consider that Abetz, Conroy, Ferguson, Bernardi or Andrews as representative of a broad cross section of Australians?
  3. In quite a lot of things we accept the will of the minority. Start with politicians salaries and work your way out from there. The ALP gets a minority of votes and gets propped up by the Greens - the Liberal Party gets a minority of votes and gets propped up by the Country Party. It goes on and on. However, the aim of governing for all should be to maximise the benefits to the majority without destroying the rights of the minority and not just pandering to the noisy. If each policy being offered up was on the ballot paper with a tick box alongside it we MIGHT determine what the WILL of the majority was but we don't so we can't and all the crap about an electoral mandate is just crap. The little known policies were usually the result of the leader speaking out loud in the loo or suddenly waking up with a "captain's pick" and then being pushed as a "mandate" on a bemused and gutless party and gullible public usually well after the election. It is always worthwhile considering which, so called "far reaching and nationally important" policies actually make it as legislation. More recently, how did Abbot behave? Alan Jones, Ray Hadley, Andrew Bolt et al may tell you that they speak for the worker, the family or farmers on Struggle Street, everyman but really they are just bully boys pushing some sort of barrow for some sectional minority interest which on the odd occasion might align with what the majority considers fair and reasonable, but not often.
  4. Actually a send up of UK/Europe where meat prices (and rent) are sky high forcing people to ditch meat from their diets. The vegan touch might also reflect on the high cost of any animal protein including cheeses. They turn into latterday Goldwing riders, such is their despair (and have probably descended into Apple users as well. Pity, most are actually nice people.
  5. Robbo, don't believe a bit of it. Was it the truth or did you read it in the Herald -Sun? I tried Kale once and now I am back to Iceberg Lettuce. It would be good if they did incinerate Kale and all those fake lettuces.
  6. Yes the people at CLARC are very helpful. Can't say the same for the idiots behind the Jabiru engine debacle. It has now been over 12 months and CASA has frozen into a death like rigor mortis.
  7. The chiefs and priests worked out that pork was causing sickness so they told the people not to eat it because god commanded it. Saved a lot of lives. In places like Australia Pork Production is very hygienic and disease free but you can't say that about the rest of the world which is why you have to cook pork well OS or adopt Mosaic, Kosher, Halal or non pork diets. One of the best Bunnings sausages in a roll I have ever had was halal from the local muslim girls football team at Greenacre. Probably a good beef sausage, not the usual non-descript, fatty, rancid, indescribable ones usually dished up. Halal - made to a standard not a price.
  8. I spend a lot of time in the sydney basin on 124.55 and I wouldn't say that it is particularly heavily used. The point of using Area Frequency outside a CTAF is that you have to start somewhere. If one were to use a "secret" frequency at a private, secret strip then there is a high degree of likely hood that someone cruising by at 500 feet (as one can do over not over inhabited spaces) will not have a clue that others are there doing whatever one does at unmapped strips and be in and become part of a dangerous encounter with no warning. 124.55 has much less radio congestion than, say, YSBK. On a recent trip to YGLB and Nowra the radio beyond Mittagong was almost silent for over an hour, nowhere near congested and it would have been a relief to hear a bit of chatter to break the silence. Maybe 126.7 below 5000 would work but it is another rule you have to remember and there is potential conflict at the boundary. IMMHO
  9. I have acquired a 2nd hand CD-110s Bluetooth GPS Receiver recently but no books or software. I have been told that it can do some interesting things. A search of the internet turned up a pretty rudimentary propaganda sheet but nothing else. Can anyone give me a copy of a manual or software for this beasty. Thanks Col
  10. https://www.casa.gov.au/sites/g/files/net351/f/_assets/main/lib100191/rr61_medical_fs.pdf you can fly a PPL with a RAMPC - there are limits to what you can do with it though - generally 1 PAX, SE max 1500Kg, DayVFR, under 10,000ft. One thing you can't do is a PPL Flight test without a class 1 or 2 medical. (whoops, another stuffup with Part61). If you have a safety pilot with a class 1 or 2 you can do more.
  11. there were a few revolutions in uk but the main ones were to get rid of the excrable Stewarts culminating in the Glorious Revolution of 1688. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glorious_Revolution.
  12. I don't see that France is running Europe - Germany is the one with money although the Greeks would like it to be anyone other than Germany with the ability to bail the other EU states out.
  13. if they did their day job properly they wouldn't have time to go metadata mining.
  14. Well does Kasper, you have established for yourself the basis of the 1 in 60 rule.
  15. http://io9.com/5977095/why-we-should-switch-to-a-base-12-counting-system
  16. you could always convert to decimal. If the frogs were real mathematicians they would have declared the metre to be 1/2000 of a nautical mile rather than a very poor approximation of the distance from Paris to the north pole (or was it the length of the kings hip). Base 12 is actually very good because it is much easier to package a dozen (4x3, 6x2) than decimal (only 5x2) and 1/8ths are easy to estimate - just keep folding in half - very hard to do for 10ths
  17. VFR by OzRunways seems pretty good although the developer needs to be encouraged to complete the project with a whole stack of extra features. I am sure apple has bribed ozrunways to not fully feature VFR. I also use GPS Test by Chartcross to directly check the GPS performance of my tablet, Android 9. I have tried VFR on a SamSung 5s but, for me, the screen seems a tad small for navigation. I was bidding on a Nexus 7 on EBAy the other day but it went off while I was asleep. it seems that 32GB with WiFi and 4g is the minimum for navs. any views.
  18. Kaz, were you able to establish whether there is an "airside security zone" which is different from some other part of airside. It is all a little confusing as either airside at a security controlled airport is THE "airside security zone" or it is something else. To save the problem I shelled out my $200. I haven't changed my hair colour and I am yet to go for the coffee discount at maccas at KSA. Keep well Col
  19. Yenn, we can muddle through with spelling variations but grammar and punctuation should be absolutely invariant between writers and readers so that ideas are clearly passed without confusion. (although I did laugh about "Psycho the rapist")
  20. what did you pay last time and this time and who were the vendors?
  21. ??? Which plane is a crock?
  22. While the price ASIC/AVID/MSIC is a significant consideration there is the question of it being appropriate in all the circumstances. Once a day RPT? Is this a justification. No RPT? surely you jest. It is a bit like Class C and D in certain areas. Why have Class C/D at Coffs and Camden when it is not in use at Port Macquarie or Orange. Or is this just some jumped up turkey from the local council or Air services flexing a bit of muscle, because they can?
  23. I'm not sure that Sydney gets anything at the moment. Sydney West Airport (Badgerys Creek) may yet squeeze the life out of both GA and RA in the Sydney Basin.
  24. Everything in moderation - in small quantities, halides (halogen compounds) have demonstrated beneficial therapeutic effects.
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