Before I see the draft constitution I would like to see a list of principles that we can comment on.
1. The Ops Manual was just dumped on the table, not even a take it or leave it.
2. Part 64 was also dumped on the table with bits and pieces chucked on later. Take it or leave it. There is still confusion out there.
I haven't seen the draft of the draft let alone the draft of the draft of the draft but there will be things there that will bite us on the bum.
Perhaps the process should be to investigate democratic models of advocacy and service organisation and test those against our organisational constraints FX being a incorporated association under Canberra law doesn't allow us to have postal ballots to change the constitution. Maybe we should move ourselves, with our current constitution, over to NSW (where incorporation permits postal ballots) and use those rules to ensure that the maximum number of people get to bite the cherry about change.
Someone appears to be off crafting words to reduce the size of the board as we speak but we don't have a clear view about what the organisation should look like and how it is governed.
Incorporation under ASIC doesn't excite me as the level of bullshit the lawyers bury into those Articles of Association are quite stupid. (I am one the board of one now).
Talking about lawyers, has anyone managed to get the advise Runciman was waving around, that we, apparently, paid for, but was kept in a black box, inside a lead barrel down in one of the reactors at Fukushima.
Am I being treated like a mushroom? Don't know. Am I whelmed by the board and CEO? Don't know. Perhaps the election will bring a little clarity.