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Everything posted by coljones

  1. That is pretty much the reason we have had cockups in the past. The board implying that the membership was unfit to know the truth about the organisation and the executive saying much the same thing about the board. Saying "it is my turn to play silly buggers with the ship, you willhave to wait for your turn" just does not cut it with me.People are not saying that you are not doing a good job, or not even an OK one, but you don't have a system in place that provides any sort of transparency. To say you have started reviewing a draft of a constitution indicates that you have moved beyond the concept stage and, to me, suggests that you have not shared that concept with the great unwashed.
  2. Yes, a bit like football and cricket, isn't it.
  3. Before I see the draft constitution I would like to see a list of principles that we can comment on. 1. The Ops Manual was just dumped on the table, not even a take it or leave it. 2. Part 64 was also dumped on the table with bits and pieces chucked on later. Take it or leave it. There is still confusion out there. I haven't seen the draft of the draft let alone the draft of the draft of the draft but there will be things there that will bite us on the bum. Perhaps the process should be to investigate democratic models of advocacy and service organisation and test those against our organisational constraints FX being a incorporated association under Canberra law doesn't allow us to have postal ballots to change the constitution. Maybe we should move ourselves, with our current constitution, over to NSW (where incorporation permits postal ballots) and use those rules to ensure that the maximum number of people get to bite the cherry about change. Someone appears to be off crafting words to reduce the size of the board as we speak but we don't have a clear view about what the organisation should look like and how it is governed. Incorporation under ASIC doesn't excite me as the level of bullshit the lawyers bury into those Articles of Association are quite stupid. (I am one the board of one now). Talking about lawyers, has anyone managed to get the advise Runciman was waving around, that we, apparently, paid for, but was kept in a black box, inside a lead barrel down in one of the reactors at Fukushima. Am I being treated like a mushroom? Don't know. Am I whelmed by the board and CEO? Don't know. Perhaps the election will bring a little clarity. Cheers
  4. If only we had more professional engineers rather than bakers assistants!!
  5. You will need an OTG (on the go) cable which converts from Micro USB (male) to Standard USB female so you can plug in standard USB devices like memory sticks, keyboards, USB HDD etc. and in this case a TV Tuner dongle. (with the right app you might even be able to watch TV as well on your Android) Erik seems to have received an OTG cable as part of his Android Kit (I didn't) but you should be able to pick one up at Dick Smiths, JCar or JB HiFi for about $10. They are very handy to have and great for plugging in memory sticks and portable HDD with all your movies. To use in this mode there are a number apps you can use such as ES File or search for others using OTG as search criteria.
  6. Adam, in your case, because you were flying J160s and J170s most of the time, the brakes were ineffective because you were floating ...and... floating ..and .. floating ... and floating ...and ... floating and you were trying every trick under the sun to get the bugger to land so you could exit the strip before Tower Road or the trotting track. LSA55s are a tad different and can trick you and land, with a bounce, when you really want them to float a bit so you can wash off height gently.
  7. Ah!! No Professional Engineers there.
  8. Will you be releasing the FOI to the world? You could refer the CASA spokesperson to the Institution of Engineers who could set up a disciplinary panel to test the assertions of the Professional Engineers in CASA and ATSB.
  9. Are you referring to post #1. It has all the hallmarks of being a Jab LSA55 + actually a great little plane to fly. John Carlo must have muscles like a gorrilla to get it to lock up. Gentleness in all is the success of life.
  10. Is this a presumptuous statement?
  11. Ah, found it http://www.sfcaero.com.au/cmsfiles/150731%20Night%20Circuits.pdf
  12. Where are you doing this. Sounds like a great idea.
  13. 1. I rather like the Jabiru LSA55 - or any other Jab 2. Foxbat a22 25. I would like to love the Lightwing but there is a problem (will this ever end?) with the propellor on all that I would like to train on. Maybe I should just go to Orange and train on a C-140 I have only ever seen a real storch in action. Looks like a fun machine and the votes for the Slescev version make me want to hunt one down
  14. A readily identifiable pissoir near the bowser would help rather than blundering into an onsite business. But thanks fellers.
  15. "Appropriation" is value free. It covers both legal and illegal appropriation. There is also expropriation. But we digress - as usual.
  16. Not always - "misappropriation" is to appropriate something without legal right. Canberra appropriates money all the the time via appropriation bills. I think you misapprehend.
  17. RPC is also a way of CASA giving Controlled access. "If you wanna play on my beach you gotta play by my rules".
  18. Not a great deal wrong with that sentence although I am not sure that your choice of "more correct" is appropriate. "more appropriate" would have been more appropriate.
  19. As my good friend Dazza said you should consider your sink rate and speed to pick your circuit. If you have a sink rate of 500fpm and a ground speed of 60kts then on down wind at 1000 feet you will last for 2 minutes, or 2 nautical miles and even less on climb out. So if the donk stops you never want the midpoint on the strip to be less than about 5 degrees (1000/12000*60) below you and for safety more while you work out what went wrong and set up for a glide approach. The end of downwind should be no more than 2 NM from the threshold or, better from the midpoint to give yourself some elbow room. So, maybe a mile is good, and as Dazza says burn into your brain a ref point on the wing or strut so that you stay close and safe. One of the rules in GA is don't turn back under 700 feet so that should give you an idea where you crosswind leg should be. But follow the advice of your instructor - they have either had more EFATOs or know about other EFATOs so that they have a real good feel of where a circuit should be. An aside - the safe angle will apply at any height as the higher you are the further you can glide which is why it is wise to avoid scud runs because low level flying may put you below the safety angle to a good landing spot. If you are further out and not close to the strip the safe angle to a "potential" landing sight should be much steeper as you need to consider using up more time setting the plane up for an outlanding and then working out if you actually want to land in that nice, green, level, large cleared space that is full of crocodiles. Ouch. Isn't maths fun
  20. ?
  21. Yes but - if the sh((t hits the fan do you want a trained fireman or a part time radio operator? Do you want a trained plumber to fix your gas or do you want a spotty yoof from Maccas to do the job. Just assigning a person to load up on their job is not the solution + there needs to be a clearly articulated task evaluation. In the case of the NSW Docks, there were a lot of shinyar))ses sitting around sipping tea screwing over all the blue collars - sometimes the only way to get attention is to work to rules and demark jobs. NSW Docks came a gutser beacuse the shiny arses and politicians could not plan, bid or exercise a project if their lives depended on it and their Industrial Relations was pure Attilla the Hun. Unlike private enterprise there was no ever suffering shareholder to do the lifting in the case of NSW Docks. There are few heroes in private enterprise either - remember 2007-08 But we digress!!
  22. The CAAP 166-1 on Non-towered airport procedures caused much confusion and debate There is also a note "Note: Read this advisory publication in conjunction with the appropriate regulations/orders."
  23. A CAAP is just an "advisory" and should follow the underlying law.
  24. Ah the beauty of RecFly, grows a life of its own :cheezy grin:I didn't feel any thing personal in Madges comments. I just thought that I should indicate that there are many reasons NOT to nominate other than the fear of putting your hand up. Australia has many people who go out each day and do other things for other people with little reward but there are many more who don't. Madge, Don, Barry et al I salute you for putting out so the rest of us can sit back (and some of us can even do other things for humanity)
  25. No "Flight Review" should be simple. Every flight review should be a comprehensive review of the competencies under review. You won't lose your PPL or RPL (or whatever) if your review tu does not meet the standard - but you will not be able to fly until you do.
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