Not at all Maj, maybe we have the inside story on who is going to stump up. All sorts of people nominate for all sorts of reasons. All sorts of people don't nominate for all sorts of reasons.
Maybe this time I have faith in Michael, Don and Barry and having my hands otherwise full on rec flying matters I let it go, this time.
That doesn't mean that I am happy with the board or the performance of RAA or CASA. It just means that, at this time, I think someone else from NSW can do the job on the board better than I can, at this time.
The board, exec and CEO should always remain under intense scrutiny as they are not gods, far from it, and I do wonder about some decisions you all make. I don't believe we have a degree of transparency or collegiality that is demanded of a Advocacy organisation such as RAA. I read that Theresa Avila does have some experience in Not-for-profits, done some heavy lifting in business and is an engineer - welcome Theresa.