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Everything posted by coljones

  1. Reserves can only be built up by achieving a surplus of income over expenditure (profit). RAAus doesn't have poker machines or a liquor licence to create the rivers of gold that you seem to imagine RAAus is achieving. I don't know what the reserves policy is but I imagine it is confidential so as not to attract the attention of greedy litigants and avaricious legal firms. If you read the Annual Report and attend the AGM you could ask the board - or better still run for a board seat.
  2. "The shit might happen" and the unspent portions of members subscriptions reserves have to be invested somewhere. Why not property? It would be unwise not to get the best returns on members funds.
  3. It might be a company but it is a not for profit owned by the members. There are disbursements, like wages for the staff, but the members get no dividends and the directors (elected by the members) might get lucky and score a Vegemite sandwich at the board meetings. You do have choice, you could go GA and I don't see anyone with a gun at your head forcing you to go flying.
  4. Mine works fine. Lodge a support request with RWY. They are pretty responsive.
  5. A given but the transponder and SE2 details should match, including the both Air raft Id and ICOA code, when the transponder has no ADSB-OUT and the SE2 IS transmitting.
  6. Make sure your Trig is set up with the right aircraft Id - ABC for GA or R1234 for RAAus and that you code the same into the SE2. FlightRadar24 can then see you properly and you can search it for your trips.
  7. Most organisations are subject to laws/rules that provide access to the membership register (in some way or other). Expulsion can, sometimes, be a bastard act of executive tyranny or an act of organisational self preservation.
  8. You could buy at The Oaks - not a bad little town - and enjoy the conviviality of Dave's Flying School.
  9. No One Can Explain Why Planes Stay in the Air Do recent explanations solve the mysteries of aerodynamic lift? By:Ed Regis https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/no-one-can-explain-why-planes-stay-in-the-air/?fbclid=IwAR2H7_ys5T1O-53SrKKnRu4OVbhmoqvbewk-sNun9vkZ1yHJnob5R6nXC1g
  10. coljones

    J170D Production

    apart from the limitations on MTOW, "great aircraft to fly" !!
  11. NSW GOV Property Report for 995 BURRAGORANG ROAD THE OAKS 2570 13006623-db84-4f8c-bf0b-f0df67222144.pdf
  12. I've hit a wall on 995 Burragorang Rd, The Oaks NSW 2570, AU. I found the deposited plan number but that didn't work either. Maybe the plans are still being developed for the owner(s). Maybe, as they say, "move along, nothing to see here!" but we should keep our eyes and ears open just in case the bad people start getting greedy.
  13. Photos please Cheers
  14. I wouldn't give 75% of the drivers on Parramatta Rd a licence of any description.
  15. I did a quick check last night but nothing turned up. Maybe STCA is as far as it got. In NSW we have "freedom FROM information" which is implemented by either telling nothing, overloading the senses with an excessively excessive amount of info or by creating a clean space, placing the notice and then covering it with rubbish hoping that no-one will notice. I will keep hunting. Cheers
  16. Is there any info about the future of The Oaks? (or any vicious rumours)?
  17. I don't watch pay TV and I couldn't be happier (as is my bank balance)
  18. It would be nice if more journos had a better education at uni in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM)
  19. OME has provided a new thread/topic at https://www.recreationalflying.com/topic/38977-on-fuel-bulk-storage-getting-clean-fuel-and-so-on/ please use it.
  20. Does that include the "newish" bulk trailer that is less than 5(ish) years old?
  21. talk to the people at Sydney Recreational Flying Club (SRFC) at The Oaks. They have a fuel trailer and have used drums in the past.
  22. Can you provide links to any authoritative sources?
  23. There is no reason why SAAA can't offer RAAus training for both construction and flying - they just need the instructors and planes.
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