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Everything posted by coljones

  1. It is good to consider ways to reduce the inefficiencies but only if it can be done cheaper than a competing solution (considering ALL costs and the externalities). This is a properly engineered solution. we don't always get these. Fx, a properly engineered solution might consider moving Parliament House and the politicians to Parramatta. The political solution insist that we move everything else. Another solution would be to move the politicians over the sandstone curtain to, say, Temora and force them to commute to work each day.
  2. So a "Decision" has no binding force on the organisation nor on the board members not committed nor does it bind the board members committed to remain committed? And a "Resolution" binds to organisation and all board members? Or is the board castrating mosquitoes (again)?
  3. I understand that no "Resolutions" have been made since October and those have been reported. I also understand that a number of "Decisions" have been made but not reported explicitly. What the difference is between a "Resolution" and a "Decision" is I can only guess but I don't think we will find it in the ACT Incorporated Associations Act. A magazine is a good place to report board and association business but the news cycle is over in 24hours. The proper place for decisions is on the website where we can see what was proposed, those for and against and the final resolution (decision taken) in the matter. It would also be nice if the action sheet was posted to see if anything is being done with these resolutions eg "Set up a Constitution review panel" agreed - progress? None, the (then) board decided that it was all too difficult.
  4. No Hydro in SA. NSW, Vic and Qld have pinched all the water
  5. Hi Nick,what are you flying? Enjoy the trip
  6. I understand that Lee Ungermann will be at the CASA stand at the Avalon Airshow. Any contributors might seek further info from Lee and pass it on.
  7. Not all that easy to find. They are not exactly where one would expect them. They are in https://www.raa.asn.au/members/meetings/ but not https://www.raa.asn.au/members/meetings/minutes/
  8. You should watch the Peter Cook movie called "The Rise and rise of Michael Rimmer"
  9. http://www.comlaw.gov.au/Details/F2014L01806 and see post #1 in this thread. (if this is what you mean)
  10. I must confess that I didn't look in the right place for the financials as I had burned all my calm searching for the, now revealed, secret location of the minutes and resolutions - bugger. I am impressed with the detail in the financial reports but, as I indicated to Michael, I will need a large pot of tea (maybe even a somavar) while I go through it. Keep well.
  11. Hi Andy @ https://www.raa.asn.au/members/meetings/minutes/ the latest minutes are the draft from Temora in April last year. The last board minutes are from September 2013. Are there any intentions of releasing the current budget or YTD Accounts? Cheers
  12. Where do you see the cost increases coming from FT? You will probably find that the large number of plastics and the ease with which they can pass the registration process means that they are already providing more of the RAA operating revenue than their costs eg RAA makes a profit out of plastics and their pilots. Most of the load of fighting CASA is actually done by honoraries rather than paid staff eg Presidents and Secretaries through the ages including people like Eugene Reid, Steve Runciman and Michael Monck.
  13. Do you want 9,000 members all ringing you up?
  14. The stall speed applies to RAA Planes (Regulations and Tech manual). The regulations and Ops manual constrains the PC holder to only flying RAA planes (unless they have a non RAA licence as well). Rather than the pilot "the need for safety only applies for some types" of planes wrt stall speeds.
  15. It appears that the board is leaking to you but not to the rank and file. This of course begs the question of what they are not telling you and what you are not telling us (although that is not your job). Michael has promised that the membership will be afforded an opportunity to input to and review the next Ops and Tech Manuals but he and the board were silent on the prospective changes to the Ops manual and are now not telling anyone about changes to the Tech manual. While the President's report suggests that we should be informed there is nothing in RAA staff or board body language that there is an inkling of an intention. You tell me that 9 or 10 on the board are working flat out, obviously in a position to chat to you but not to us. Who would do all the work if the board was reduced to 7 complete with 3 or 4 passengers. One could even ask about progress to get a approval for a replacement for "Allsize" props - I'm not sure how many Lightwings are grounded because they can't be used for training or hire - I would suspect I should expect the usual response.
  16. "open mind" and "parochial" in the same sentence - good one, Don. Isn't democracy a real bastard.
  17. coljones


    Mine arrived today
  18. ERSA 13NOV14 at Page 688 at ATS Communications Facilities footnote 2 (for ACD Willy Delivery) says ATS hours 2000-1200 D (1900-1100 HDS) unless varied by NOTAM. Perhaps YWLM is not available to Civil traffic til 8am because the Civil Terminal Staff don't do business til 8am OR perhaps the RAAF just don't want distractions between 6 and 8am. The simple solution would be check Notams, give Shags a call on Area and don't expect to be able to just sneak through at any time without properly informing yourself after reading ERSA 5 times. IMHO
  19. Rich kid!
  20. IFR = "I follow Roads (or Railway lines)" The firing ranges are over the coast.
  21. 1900+1100-2400=0600 AEST
  22. The lane, D589A and D589B is centered over the Northern Rail Line - keep your left eye on it and you will be in the right side of the lane but don't drift too far right (IFR!!). WikiPedia isn't a good look as a replacement for ERSA - use ERSA. The restricted areas around YWLM is pretty well 6am to 10pm local so you will need PPL with CTA and a transponder to get through. R583A and B are not showing up in the current 7 day NOTAMS so may be de-activated. In this case you can fly higher than 2000 feet in the D589B lane north of the saddle north of Dungog OR from Glendon Brook all the way to Taree around the back of R578E. BUT always check with YWLM for the current status. Have fun!!
  23. Sydney Flying School YSBK - Class D C152 $355 PA28 $365 dual including all fees and GST. http://www.sfcaero.com.au
  24. Perhaps a recap on Certified, Certificated (and Nons) and their eligibility to overfly "Built-Up Areas", "Populated Areas" and into "Controlled Airspace". Anyone?
  25. Keith, I can't find "Board member or ROC". Cheers
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