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Everything posted by coljones

  1. But we don't know what background checks are undertaken as part of the ASIC investigation. I would have thought that "working with children" checks would be equally extensive but are much cheaper in comparison. The 100 point check is absolutely no guarantee of a persons integrity. Plenty of crooks, criminals, paedophiles and other lowlifes have licences and bank accounts. The 100 point check is only there to ensure that the gummint doesn't miss out on run of the mill taxes. We can't even get pollies to agree on a cashless gaming cards to keep ne'er do wells out of pubs, clubs and casinos. The owners and administrators of airports are entitled to ensure the bonafides of users of their facilities - to a certain extent the ASIC is about the best it gets BUT at a very high price.
  2. I'm not sure that RAAus is dragging anything. CASA is the devil in the detail. An RAAus medical costs bugger all, Class 2 medicals of any description can attract some horrific costs.
  3. That would appear to be the case at Camden but they haven't sought the protection of an ASIC and they don't have RPT. If you decide to go to lunch and visit HARS at Shellharbour you will need an ASIC (now $290.40 - inc CC fee)
  4. "Free" - sweet words to my ear. What app/product are you using?
  5. The SE2 is a very effective front end to a variety of apps - it provides an ADSB-out signal that contains an accurate GPS position (lat, long, height and ident) and receives similar ADSB-In info from all ADSB-out equipped A/C in range. What is required is to get some smarty to integrate the Out and In info in plane to produce an accurate system to provide proximity alerts. The beauty of SE2 (and some other ADSB systems) is that it does not depend upon ground stations or mobile towers (and which suit your SIM card). I may have missed it but there are some smart people out there doing majik things with Raspberry Pis and who may have already built an ADSB Prox detector that doesn't require one having one's head inside the plane staring at a tablet screen. I'm not sure that an ADSB prox device could/would/should be built by the regulators.
  6. RAAus has insurance - I'm not sure what it covers. Might be on their website.
  7. And they sell Coopers Stout.
  8. Have you tried to get the wheel nuts off with a standard brace?
  9. I'm sure there is an ADR that covers spares. The performance of some of these spare tyres is probably no worse than XPly tires on early holdens, fords, morris minors or gogomobiles. these days you probably need to call out NRMA to change the tire anyway (who carries a 6 foot wheel brace these days?) and their agent will give you instructions about what to do next. Got a 6 foot wheel brace? you don't need advice from us.
  10. My spare is 80k which is fast enough to get to a repair point (or even back to the big smoke for an exotic replacement). Being a member of NRMA helps.
  11. the number of drivers with CASA medicals is bugger all. Rather than caving in to each pressure group (like those with self certification following the homeopathic manual) the transport authorities have decided to insist on people doing it their way. Seems fair to me, I don't want to share the road with someone with an iridologist medical cert.
  12. or maybe they have.
  13. No, but the dopey politicians might forget what BOM stands for and claim that bombs is already provided for as part of the RAAF budget
  14. But it isn't private enterprise so it needs to be ahead of the game during budget time otherwise the smarties from the right wing media and the right wing think tanks will start up a pogrom of misinformation. How good do you think windy weather would be if they didn't get a daily feed of free data from BOM.
  15. Yes, I can see that but you should turn off "mobile data only" when at home to avoid a big bill when doing AvPlan and RWY data updates. You might also need to check on the need for other apps to be switched to "mobile data only" so you can continue to get data for things like Chrome, Google Search, Google Maps etc when in the air.
  16. I have a Samsug Tab S6 Lite using RWY (OzRunways). I turn on WiFi on the tablet to see the SE2. I then go to the WIFI (samsung) settings and disable "Auto reconnect" against SE2 and make sure SE2 is NOT connected. The samsung/RWY will then see the GDL-90/UDP 4000 info packets from SE2 as well as the internet via mobilenet when the external device setting in RWY is turned on. The downside is that you need to fiddle to CONTROL (rather than LISTEN TO) SE2. To save confusion I SETUP/Turn On the SE2 via my phone.
  17. The aim of companies is to act in the interest of members. "Not for Profit" companies, like RAAus, RAC -Qld and the AMA can't distribute profits to the owners, the members, so in the long run sell cheap beer, build Taj Mahals, charge low fees or some other means to avoid making a surplus of cash.
  18. RAAus, the company, is an "association" owned by the members, generally the financial pilot certificate holders, just like most other associations, including registered clubs and aero clubs.
  19. It is probably cheaper for operators to use AvData rather than incuring the direct costs of airfield usage surveillance. A bit like planes, renting can be much cheaper than owning. A bigger bugbear is BP and their bloody carnets.
  20. Maybe it is time to make a list of AEROPLANE unfriendly airports since some, including the Roper Coast NT, are very unfriendly.
  21. You could do either but hotspotting adds another layer of complexity. Look at hotspotting via bluetooth, if you must, which will leave wifi free for your next gadget, a SkyEcho2 (maybe)
  22. I have a Tab s6 lite (LTE,4G) 10.5" and it works well (love the pen). A bit big for a panel but I either have it in a knee holder, sit it on the seat next to me or give it to the passenger as you don't need it continuously (just point the plane and fly the leg and look out the window to check your position because the GPS is not TSO (but can help)). For OzRunways 32GB storage can be limiting, I'd go for a min of 64GB. Mobile Data? Go Telstra every time, it has the most extensive network and despite the claims all networks piggy backing on Telstra are not created equal. Being an Apple sceptic is a definite sign of sanity.
  23. Garfly, I have the SkyEcho 2 teamed to RWY (OzRunways) on a Samsung Tablet. I have only set it up as ADSB-In till I sort out the Trig TT21 ADSB Out status. I can see both the light blue (ozRunways) swarm and the dark blue (ADSB) swarm but no ADSB Out from the (my) planes TT21 in flight, because, I suppose, it hasn't activated the ADSB Out because there is no GPS source. ADSB Out is a project in progress but ADSB In works well, I have, during the Covid Lockdown, been tracking heavies as they fly over the house at 1500 ft. On long flights, out of mobile range, ADSB is the only way to get situational awareness. Telstra is getting better with a range of small 4G Cells being installed at remote sites but they are not contiguous and the OzRunways swarm can't be seen (and planes on lesser mobile networks can't even transmit their position). Cheers
  24. TSO means that they don't cook in cockpits above 25C or exhibit other weird propensities when the only device available. We need an aviation Choice magazine which will test these things within an inch of their lives before hapless and innocent owners install them in their planes.
  25. I could be wrong ... Mode S is not ADSB-Out but you can add ADSB-Out to quite a lot of ModeS transponders by installing/adding a combined GPS Rx and antenna ADSB-Out is not Mode S (or A or C) ModeS responds to radar intercepts (where radar exists) ADSB-Out dumps identity data including height and GPS Position continuously ModeS only dumps id data including static pressure if (and only if) it is radar interrogated. ADSB-In cannot receive Mode A, C or S signals, it only responds to ADSB-Out signals. At the moment you don't need a Mode transponder in Class G or D but you do need a Mode transponder in Class A, B, C and E (and maybe above 10,000 ft) ADSB-Out squawk codes may make sense to ATC but the SkyEcho can, and should, be fixed to 1200 but which doesn't seem to be tracked by OzRunways. I'm still trying to work out if my occasional bird of choice has ADSB-Out (Trig TT21) without crawling through the plane looking for the GPS source. Either it doesn't or it has a squat switch but doesn't show up on ADSB In on OzRunways. Cheers and may Santa bring you a SkyEcho so you don't need to wait around for (yet another) government promise to be fulfilled.
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