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Everything posted by coljones

  1. Just interpolating. Do you have doubts about 6900 engines being produced, some of which were sent, and are still operational OS?
  2. Almost 3500 would suggest that of the 6900 Jab engines quoted at least 3400 Jabiru engines are either overseas in places like USA, South Africa and Denmark or not in use.
  3. That might suggest that some Jab engines are OS in places like USA, South Africa and Denmark.
  4. There wasn't all that many that failed and probably insufficient to draw statistical conclusions. There was, however, one LAME who had a number of failures which might indicate finger trouble - if you keep doing the same thing don't expect a different result. There appears to be little evidence of continuing problems.
  5. You don't know what you are missing. Jabiru makes great plane.
  6. There are numbers of ALAs where the owners encourage visits without fees and, presumably, the cost of the airstrip is covered by their other activities or generosity. There are other airstrips out there that don't have that luxury and the costs are met by the owner with some hope of payment of landing fees paid into an honesty box. I dare say that most of these honesty boxes are regarded by a proportion of pilots as quaint architectural features best regarded from afar or as a haven for venomous snakes and best kept clear of. Airfield operators are entitled to have some cost recovery and those pilots who don't pay up are a blight on the society. Most of us would be pissed off if anyone wandered down the side of the house and pinched a bucketful of apples. Please don't try the canard of council car parking as a lot have paywalls and in any case are used by a far higher number of ratepayers and with a very high turnover.
  7. Not a problem, don't fly into airports that charge landing fees. A number of airports are now moving towards demanding 24 hour prior notice (c/w Credit card details) from RAA pilots. This is an outrageous imposition. Release of details to AvData will mitigate this.
  8. Active Mil airspace is Class C equivalent and therefore requires that the PIC has a medical and Class C endo and the plane has a transponder - not sure about TSO. A great trip and good scenery.
  9. You are confusing CTA with Built up areas. Not all CTA is over built up areas. You only need and approved plane/approved engine when flying over built up areas. For Class D you need a radio and for class C you need a radio and a transponder.
  10. OzRunways has not updated my maps yet and in any case it will not be valid before 08Nov18 so I would continue to use 119.55 (area) until 8Nov to follow those following the rules. It is always good to see ALAs on the maps so that there are no surprises as you follow the road into YGLA.
  11. Ethanol is the bad ass. This is what you test for with water. Metho is the one adulterated with methanol. Drink that and it will blind you.
  12. Sorry Frank but the board is now the result of an Australia wide election open to all members. Is this any better or worse than the old model where if you lived in the wrong state you weren't even afforded the opportunity to dump the non performers (and we had a few)
  13. It is getting getting so that quite a lot of people spend an inordinate amount of time at, sometimes, quite gruelling and stressfull jobs and then backing up on the weekend with kids sport. On Sunday there might be a Long drive to an ever decreasing number of airstrips. Trucking is stressful but so are lots of other job. The effects of sleep aponea can hit anyone, anytime, in the case of flying it can be fatal. Dr Karl did some very good ads about microsleep. If your Bain is being starved of oxygen you will probably have one.
  14. Then, there are those of us who feel that providing free and low cost facilities including free airtime to cashed up football and cricket clubs is an outrage. Footy wanted a bigger stadium in Parramatta so the adjacent swimming pool was kicked to the kerb. Why should boat owners get a free kick particularly when they not only clog the foreshore but the owners also clog up the streets with barely used trailers. Just pay the bloody fees!
  15. Members of a not-for-profit were never entitled to the unencumbered funds on windup. Usually, on wind up, the funds would have to be vested in a similar not profit organisation. Most not for profits go bankrupt as their swansong. Time to move on,there is no car wreck here.
  16. Stop moaning!! Just pay the fee, it is usually much less than the price of a movie ticket or two beers at Birdsville. Airports are expensive assetts and need to be maintained out of rates or user contributions. If you go to, say, Thargominda you will see a modern fuel faculty that must have cost a bomb. Usage on Thursday? Maybe 4 planes and a chopper! Who pays for this? The ratepayers! Cyclists? They pay rates as well but get bugger all in return all the while allowing cars and trucks to have more road and parking spaces while these same cars and trucks rip up the roads while paying the same rates as cyclists. Rant over.
  17. A primary question is "why did AOPA not register the copyright or object to the registration to the registrar?" The copyright may have been open to snatchment by a commercial operator who may then have sought to use it for its own purposes or lecence or sell it for a fee. See Ugg boots trademark dispute - Wikipedia
  18. Sometimes a spare tank in the back and an electric pump is the only option. Between YHIN and YNTN there is no fuel on Sundays unless you divert to YCOE. Having fuel on board with a means of delivery makes sense.
  19. You don't have to suck a pipe to get the flow going along with the attendant chance of a mouth full of fuel or lungs full of vapours. There are other ways of starting a siphon a trip to Bunnings will reveal a range of products. For the purposes of this particular conversation a siphon is a good way to empty a fuel tank rather than filling it.
  20. Can it pump from the ground to wing tanks, say 6 feet? Or is a power assisted siphon?
  21. Check with Ken Watt at Bond Springs, just north of Alice Springs. Alice Springs Airport is in controlled airspace and you will need both a CASA Licence and an ASIC. Ken's contact is on this link NT - RAAus
  22. "Perfectly safe" or the fact that the trucking industry has the government by the short and curlies so that Less freight goes by rail?
  23. Why should rag and tube pay less? What do they use less off, both individually and as a group. Just because they are lighter doesn't mean that RAA doesn't spend less time on them either individually or as a class. Can you offer up some stats?
  24. I suspect that they have confused the similarity and differences between L2 and L4. A current L4 is an L2 with additional Amateur built inspection authorities. I think the RAA letter needs a fact check against the Tech Manual.
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