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  1. Grab OruxMaps from the market, it does EVERYTHING OziCE did/does (and is free). I have used Ozi for years and I really missed it when my PDA died. This app certainly fills that void!! I've converted all my ozfx3 files across just fine (instructions are on their website) Des is apparently writing Ozi for Android but no release date is even hinted at, and given how much OziCE cost (as well as ozi for the Desktop) I'd have to imagine it's going to be more than a few dollars!! Oruxmaps also is supported by some of the flying apps on thew android market too! I discovered it the other day and I'm writing some tutorials that will be published here on how to convert files etc over the next few weeks.
  2. There one owned by a guy I know down her in Tassie at Georgetown. He's had some mods done to the tail and apparently it handles a lot better than it did before. He's also got a partially completed kit, might be worth contacting him if you are looking for one, message me and I'll pass on his details. It's a tidy looking plane without a lot of vices when in the air! EDIT: just realised the post above was replying to a 2006 post Still, what I said holds true
  3. FYI: An audio based app requesting access to the phone state is perfectly normal in Android, as you need to grab the incoming/outgoing call events etc to mute the sound of your app when a call is being sent or recieved, nothing fishy at all about that in most instances. (A wallpaper app requiring it though should probably raise a few alarms!) I've been working with the SDK's since the 1.1 APIs were released way back when... Got a bit of an idea about how it all works Seriously though, the security model is probably one of the better I've seen in any OS. Nothing is 100% secure of course. Yep, agree 100%, Nothing will save some people! Hmmm, this is veering O.T........sorry F.D!
  4. You don't need to bog your Desire (or any Android phone) down with anti-virus snakeoil. You cannot run an application or service on the handset without you specifically granting the app permission, this is a built in security feature of the android OS. AV programs they are selling do not do anything other than take money from your pocket. As always, use common sense, keep away from the dodgy corners of the internet and you'll be sweet.
  5. Someone needs to crank out a sewing machine and make a holder for using this as a kneeboard! The only scary thing is the word on the net is these things are going to be $999 at release time which is about $200 too much in my eyes! Might have to hold off for a bit!
  6. Well, the other Galaxy products show that they have GPS AND A-GPS facilities, yet the tablet only shows A-GPS on the spec sheets I've seen. I've made the (possibly incorrect) assumption that that is all they are using for geolocation features, there are a lot of mobile devices out there that do that (use the phone towers only for positioning) If it does have a proper GPS in it I'll be certainly considering it myself!
  7. Only has A-GPS (using phone towers) Was going to get one (planning on developing a flight planning app), but A-GPS is too coarse for what I want. (Unless they have added a full GPS in the last few weeks...... but last look it didn't have one)
  8. We had a visitor at YGTO, a Shrike Commander, VH-LET Sorry about the wind noise, it was quite breezy today! http://www.recreationalflying.com/forum/vbtube_show.php?do=tube&tubeid=486&name=shrike-commander-vh-let-ygto
  9. Circuits at Georgetown in Jabiru 7179 Gusty 20 knot winds from about 300 degrees made landings a little exciting! Not overly happy with my little camera, plus it's pointing to the left more than I'd like. http://www.recreationalflying.com/forum/vbtube_show.php?do=tube&tubeid=485&name=circuits-ygto
  10. Interesting that it looks like hes holding the stick right back during the spin (to my inexperienced eye anyway)... it's no wonder it lasted so long! Crazy!
  11. Well done Darky!
  12. Nokia's N8 comes out shortly, has more features than most phones (HDMI out, USB support, awesome camera) but now everyone wants apps and Symbian isn't that popular a platform for mobile devs to work on. MeeGo/Moblin/Whateveritscalledthisweek that runs on their N900 isn't getting the support it needs from within Nokia itself to become a serious player, which is a shame coz it's pretty good, and as a sort of developer I wouldn't mind writing stuff for it, but I don't see there is a strong enough userbase to bother right now. Nokia will be stuck in the phone-phone category for a bit longer methinks, and that's a but of a pity as their stuff is so damn good and can survive a drop or two unlike most phones in the top end of town. (I'm such a nerd....)
  13. The X10's are running Android 1.6 and don't look like getting an update soon. They also are saying there's a high return rate on the units overseas. The Milestone, Galaxy S and Desire all rock Android 2.1 and the other phones may not get upgraded in the near future. I'd look at one of these three units
  14. One last question, how difficult is it to remove the wings etc for trailering? I'm not too sure I can afford hangar space, and need to suss out the alternatives. Great feedback so far, looks like I'm going down the right track!
  15. As my instructor told me, the hardest part is the drive to your first lesson. EVERYONE starts out the same! It took my wife to get me a voucher for my TIF to get me in the air, and my only regret is not doing it 10 years earlier! Good luck with whatever path you choose.
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