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Everything posted by CraigRat

  1. I'm looking in the future to purchase a A/C like the XAir, something that'll get me (and a passenger) up there without too much outlay. Not in the market just yet (still learning) but I was taken up in an XAir the other week and I just loved it... and the price is smack bang in the affordable category for me! What I was wondering was what are the ongoing costs like for this type of aircraft? (Cost of engine maintenance, 100 hourlys, Costs associated with regular maintenance etc) Just an indication would be great so I can work out some real numbers and work on justifying the purchase to my wife!!).
  2. My Tracks for Android | GPS Tracklog
  3. No worries then. normal 3g is fine on them!
  4. NextG works on frequencies only used by 2 other carriers in the world (Hong Kong and Canada). The Telstra branded phones are the only ones right now that have the receivers in them to access the extra channels. You can still make phone calls and all that on the NextG network, it just means the DATA will be slower... It's still perfectly usable though, you just will have issues streaming youtube through it (not that you would on a regular data plan!) Data over wifi will be at full speed though!
  5. Only trouble you'll have is gettign it to work on the NextG network for full speed data. It'll only download using EDGE which is substantially slower. Still a good price you got it at though! I have Intellipilot on my desire (basically a logbook app), and one called TAFsMETARs for weather info. (Oh and Winds of Steel...not exactly the type of Aviation App ppl are thinking of though )
  6. Welcome aboard. I'm learning out at Georgetown in their Jabs, it's a great spot for it!
  7. Thought that strip looked familiar. Well done, great vid. Really looking forward to the day I can do this! Top stuff.
  8. Why are you flying in an airplane with floppy rubber props? Love the vid.. I'm close to starting circuits, and this has me all excited!
  9. They might not meet your needs methinks. They are more RAA geared (I could be wrong)
  10. What do you want to do? Do you want your PPL or just want to fly? I'm training out of Georgetown with Freedom Flight to be RAA certified... I just want to be in the Air! Eugene also does lessons in Hobart & Devonport depending on the day.
  11. I have a desire and it's the best thing I've ever held in my hands.........ever..... Theres a few aviation apps, heres a good list of em: http://www.cyrket.com/search?q=aviation&sort=rating&market=android Loving it.
  12. Looks like a Victa Airtourer has force landed on the Brooker Highway in Hobart near Clearys gates: Plane crashes on Brooker Hwy Today's News - The Mercury - The Voice of Tasmania Sounds like the pilot got out ok. Nasty spot to have to come down! Plane in question: http://www.casa.gov.au/scripts/airsresults.asp?framein=all&manuin=&modelin=&regholdin=&regopin=&serialin=&num_results=10&VHin=MTC&Search=Search&session=2087914289
  13. Hi, I thought I'd better stop lurking and introduce myself. My name is Craig and I'm currently undergoing my training out of Georgetown in Northern Tasmania. I am in my mid 30's and got the bug after talking to a work colleague who told me off for spending $250 on a hour long Simulator session when I could have been doing the real thing for less Told my wife what he said, and wouldn't you know it, at Xmas there is an envelope, with a voucher for a few lessons! Got to love that! Doing lessons as time and finances permit, but really getting a kick out of flying Eugene's Jabiru 120. I suppose you could say I'm hooked, and kicking myself that I didn't start this earlier!
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