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Doug McCullough

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Everything posted by Doug McCullough

  1. Thanks Guys, all valuable information and advice. I actually didn't want to categorise myself into one or the other, it was rather where did I sit and from you comments which I accept, don't try. Currently I have completed all of my hours in the Tecnam which I am a part owner of over the past 5 years. I have an Ra-Aus License. I have just embarked on applying for my PPL. I will will doing this in a Cessna 172, so I am a Student Pilot again learning to fly a new aircraft. So as you say, I will be a very low-time pilot in the new aircraft. Thanks again for the response. It appears that the question is mute.
  2. Just reading an article that refers to Low-Time Pilots and Experienced Pilots. Just wondering when a pilot moves from being a Low-Time Pilot to being an experienced Pilot? For instance, I have 320 hours up flying Ultra-lights (Tecnam Sierra). Am I still a Low-Time Pilot (I know I would be compared to professional Pilots based on hours alone) on the other hand I would have a more experience at flying Ultra-lights compared to professional pilots who have flown GA aircraft only. The terminology got me thinking which I know is dangerous but has anybody got an clues on when a Low-Time Pilot becomes an experienced Pilot.
  3. Great video and YES breakfast at Dunwich is always worth the visit.
  4. Details can been seen at http://www.gkiholidayvillage.com.au/ Geoff Mercer's mobile is not on the web site but I am sure he wouldn't mind me sharing it. 0438 247 595 Geoff can give you all the details of the runway. When I first flew in there he did suggest that even with a tailwind up to about 10kts it is best to use 12 as you can see from the video it does have quiet an up slope. Fortunately, as you can also see we had a great day to fly into GKI. If anybody is interested there is a 13 minute video that I posted on YouTube . The landing at GKI was the first stop over in a 7 day trip around Qld. Other landings in the clip include, Old Station, Undarra, Mareeba, Chillago, Normanton, Quilpie and Caboolture. There were other stops in between that weren't filmed. This is the raw film, no music but has some captions to identify where we were.Cheers
  5. The Camera was just a standard Panasonic DMC-TZ7 Digital that is video capable being hand held by my wife. Great Keppel Island update, apparently the State Govt has approved a $500m eco re-development that will see the airfield/Runway upgraded. Not sure when this is supposed to start. Just another note for anybody travelling in that area. Old Station, just west of Gladstone has installed a 24,000 litre Av-Gas facility and are welcoming all to call in to refuel. Best to give Ron a call first. Cheers
  6. [medio=full]298[/medio]
  7. Got to pay a compliment to the people at Brisbane Center. In August 2012 I was one of three aircraft flying from Emerald to Charters Towers and we get a call from Brisbane Center asking who was squawking on 7600 and if there was a problem that they could assist with. As it turned out one of the pilots had 7600 as his second code to 1200 and had accidently pushed the flip flop button. As the other pilot (Not me of course) still had comms it was easily fixed, but it was nice to know that there is somebody there keeping an eye out for us all. Lesson learnt, do not have an emergency code dialled in as a second code.
  8. Thanks Scott, yes it does have a USB connector. I have used this to update the map from time to time. I will certainly give this a go. Cheers Doug
  9. Hi Scott, great video of country that I fly frequently as I am based at Caboolture and frequently flying down to Dunwich for their BBQ breakfast with the last one being on Saturday. I have quiet a few video's of my flights and if you are happy to share I would be interested in how you overlaid your flight path on Google Earth. To date I have only been able to draw straight lines. This is a link to a 13 minute Youtube video that I took in August of a few landings on a trip I took with 6 other aircraft around Queensland. Not as professional as yours, no music added just the aircraft noise.
  10. I believe that forms giving proxies to those who can attend the EGM will shortly be available. Every member who has a concern for the organisation and cannot make it to the EGM should endeavour to seek out who will be attending the meeting, seek their views and if they are similar, offer them their proxy. Again, I believe that these proxy forms will be available soon. Cheers Doug
  11. In response to Col Jones post that is would $10,000 to $15,000 in P,P&P only illustrates that if this association could get its priorities in order, most of these notices could be done via email. At the AGM technology was brought up it was stated by the Board that the Web Site Priority is to get the Store up and running. When members vented about having the ability to pay renewal fees via the web site (Not the current antiquated system) the Treasurer quipped that he was not aware that the members felt so strongly. Just another illustration of a Board not being in touch with their members. To me this association is getting bogged down (drowning) in the paper work required of an association that is growing faster than the old ways can handle. The response to date as I see it has been to have people either employed or the additional work load is piled upon the existing people. Getting a response that the existing people apart from the paid employees are volunteers and are have other jobs and are working as hard as they can, for me just doesn't cut it any more. This association needs to urgently re-assess where it is going, put to the membership a plan of action for comment (Open and Transparent) and how is it gong to get there. The current system is (I'll be polite) broken. Cheers Doug
  12. Hi Scott, thanks for the photo, what a great shot. As memtioned previously, we rent our aircraft to a few pilots and this looks like Jim Gollagher. Cheers Doug
  13. Hi Neil & Scott, I have a co-owner (John Hammond)and we rent out our Sierra 24-4651 to a few pilots and Jim Gollagher has booked it from us for Clifton, so if the weather is OK Jim will be flying our aircraft there. Cheers Doug
  14. Thanks for your welcome Doug. As you can see I have had quiet a number of welcomes from all over Australia and it has given me an incentive to look at touring. I will let you know if I get down your way. Cheers, Doug
  15. HI BLACKROD, I have a cousin who lives at Kincumber NSW and we have discussed where I would fly into if and when I get down that way and he suggested the Central Coast Aero Club which I see is at Warnervale. I will have to keep you in mind, again if and when I get down that way. Thanks for your blog and Cheers for now.
  16. Thanks Thanks to all of the WELCOMES I received. It certainly encourages a person to enjoy and participate in this forum which I am much inspired to do.
  17. Hi Graeme, thanks for the welcome
  18. Hoffman Propeller For Sale Has come off a Tecnam Sierra with a Rotax 912 Engine Condition: Excellent Comes with spacer and Studs Have origianl Manual Is a two blade wood with composite leading edge, non-adjustable Specs: HO 17G NM A174 177C Price: $1,200 ONO Contacts: Doug McCullough: 0403 255 575 John Hammond : 0419 648 438
  19. Hi to everybody, Just joined this forum as it was recommended to me by a fellow pilot. In my welcome I was told to let everybody know a little about myself. Well I am now 63 year old and had a late life crisis deciding what I was going to do in my retirement so I started my instructions in October 2007 at Caboolture Airfield Qld where I fly out of now. To date I have completed my Ultra lIght Pilot Certificate, Cross Country, passenger, Radio and Human factors. Then I really set a cat amongst the pidgeons when I cam home to announce that I had bought a Tecnam Sierra ultra light aircraft. I was then asked (by my wife), what about my kitchen? Needles to say the kitchen hasn't happened yet as I felt we had to keep our priorities in order. Anyway, enough of my rambilings, I will sign off. Cheers, Doug McCullough
  20. From the album: Doug McCullough

    Landing at Great Keppel Island, first stop over on a seven day trip around Queensland.
  21. Doug McCullough

    Doug McCullough

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