Mmmmm......dreams are very important in ones life, they provide the basis of aspiration and the motivation as well. Long live the peacemakers for the practical, and the John Lennons of the world for the inspirational.
Hey Escadrille, you have just about nailed it with the explanation, BlackRod too with the first line drawn, Facthunter for a bit more illumination, Eightyknots for making the point as well as the pun (good one). Well done.
I would think that in an informal atmosphere such as this that thoughts get kicked around in a more free manner than in a brainstorming session. So, because there is obvious difference in the thoughts on direction of RAAus, would it be worth pointing them in the direction of this little forum so they are kept up to date, or at least aware of, the opposing opinions of members? Being new to this game I don't know what has transpired before or how RAAus gets its feedback from members. Lots of feedback that people get is of the PM's driver type - tells them what they want to hear for fear of loosing his job even though its not what is going down in the real world. (I think it was Paul Keating or maybe John Howard that said he got a feel for the people through his driver.)