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Everything posted by F22

  1. F22

    Thruster Photos

    God they look like fun
  2. I have never thought of these sort of situations ever happening until now.
  3. Lol, I'd leave it in there or treat it as a laptop
  4. This is where the iPad would sit comfortably. You dont have an iPhone?!?!
  5. I have to watch it sometime, internet is dial up fast at the moment
  6. Ooh! Didnt expect a photo THAT good!
  7. If flying means movement through air without any physical contact with the ground, I guess the first person to jump to their death :)
  8. Helicopters are aircraft, lol But the Chinook isnt bat at all! ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch... These are ugly planes; (I dont really mind the above) Hideous. I dont even know what this is. Unique, Hideous.
  9. Did you know the wheels protrude from the body a little to reduce damage to the underside in the event of a crash landing
  10. That the A-10 thunderbolt (pictured) was designed to fly with an engine and wing torn off. It was made to combat the number of planes that got shot down by small arms and the like in the Vietnam war
  11. It's the people, guys
  12. This book is my favorite book out of any flight and space flight books I have. This is the front Great 5 page long intro complete with individual info on every generation of fighter, pics included. There is about 30 different planes in this book, here is a favorite of mine along with the raptor.. I'm loving these new ones Here's the mig 31, I was surprised to find the 21 not in the book even though this is the later gen Thats basically it but there's alot of verified info on the planes that is factual as compared to what ive read about alot of them on the internet.
  13. that was the last plane i ever expected to see rip D:
  14. looks like it could come from a kit!
  15. that almost looks like it can fit 2 pilots side by side in the cockpit
  16. After much thought I cant say I do.. Because you dont have room for a tailplane? : P
  17. The F-22 Raptor, obviously. If it wasnt such a failure of funding (not that I care about what the US spends it money on), or needed 30 hours maintenance for every hour of flight.. It looks like it was ripped straight from a game. I'm also a big fan of the F35 lightning II ~ its VTOL if you didnt know ^_-
  18. Are you getting your license with air australia at jandakot?
  19. I saw that in a documentary DVD I have, the owner said its the only plane in the world that can reverse, engine engaged (being a car).
  20. What I said is nothing like that, haha, it's more like saying even though this is a white country, there is so many foreigners its not out of the norm. But I dont do drugs. Apart from that being obvious, how does it defeat anything I said?
  21. I can assure you that the mainstreamness of drugs these days would probably boggle your mind. I know, maybe 3 or 4 people my age that dont use any drug at all (scratch that, they all smoke and drink). Its almost normal these days. No wait, 1 of my best friends doesnt take anything, and she just applied for the air force. Her drug free lifestyle and high TEE scores will prove most useful I'm sure. I got her into it when we had some bring-a-friend thing happening at air force cadets
  22. it was a one seventy two I havnt been bothered changing it
  23. never an addict just took drugs like any other person my age does
  24. Well I stopped taking fast drugs, and since stopped taking the slow ones but being around the resources and influences I have I figure I should put the medical on hold just for a little longer until I'm sure my urine is consumable-clean. flying motivated me to stop using
  25. Are any particular planes better suited to formation flying?
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