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Everything posted by captbigwings

  1. Hi Bruce, I've got a Round Tuit, had it for years. Where about is your block of land? I am building a new house near Lithgow, so might be handy strip to know. Will your strip be capable of handling a Sonex by any chance, nudge, nudge, wink, wink.
  2. Where is the other strip to the north of the highway? I know there is a model aeroclub strip there. I will be moving out to Bowenfels in a few months, so would be good to know?
  3. Charles Dalglish on 0263 552299
  4. I must get my eyes checked then, they obviously aren't as good as yours p :private eyes:kemon.
  5. Glad to hear it from the horses mouth slarti,this was my observation, not pointing any fingers. I wasn't going to mention names anyway. It certainly was spectacular from where I saw, I can only imagine what it was like for you guys. It takes courage to admit your errors and in an open forum especially and for that I have the deepest respect for. Steve
  6. I cant confirm at what height engine failure occurred, but suspect he may have been on cross wind leg, possible on 500 foot circuit, it certainly wasn't a low to the ground turn back. I agree with you comments about about turning back at low heights but think in this case it was done safely.
  7. Glad to hear she is still with you Guernsey, I lost my father in January due to a heart attack, unfortunately we didn't get a second chance. I still cant believe he has gone, only 66. Just retired from a life time of military/international flying.
  8. The Dig Tree, near Innaminka, getting pretty hot by November. You wouldn't need much camping gear, just a tarp over the wing. Steve
  9. I agree winsor, it was well executed. How was the trip home? Thanks for the tent, the young bloke has taken ownership, he loves it. Cheers Steve
  10. A Bantam suffered an engine failure on RWY 23 Sunday morning, turned back and landed in the Aerochute area, west of RWY 36. I watched it all. Some other interesing things I saw over Natfly weekend, a GA tail tragger doing run ups near camping area, blew someones tent rolly polly down the camp ground. Someone took off with a wooden control lock still attached, luckily fell off and found on runway. Watch 2 aircraft takeoff on RWY 36, dispite a good tail wind/ crosswind, first 1 departed ok, but 2nd one almost became a statistic. He rotated, weather cocked, bounced, rotated, weather cocked bounced all the way down the strip, finally got airborne then dropped right wing doing a knife edge impersonation before levelling off, I thought he was gone, it was scary. I thought I saw an amphibian go down, but was relieved to find out he was doing a touch and go on lake north of the field. An interesting weekend to say the least, now dont get me going about the Air Museum.
  11. It is also believed that copper wire was invented by two Scotsman, fighting over a penny.
  12. I just go with the flow.
  13. Hi LD, Just create a playlist with the songs you want to listen to, very easy to do. Just touch bottom left of screen(3 lines), then 4th icon to the right, then create you list from there. When you want to listen to them, just select your play list. Even I can do it. Steve
  14. Hi Frank, I found the video on yahoo7, clicked on share, then save. When I go to embed it into the post it is there, but disappears after I post it. I am not too sure where it originated from. Thanks Steve http://au.news.yahoo.com/a/-/newshome/9102951/video-captures-us-plane-crash PS: Thanks slarti, it is the same one.
  15. Help please, I am trying to add a video. When I add the video clip it appears but disappears after I submit it, dont know what is happening.
  16. I'll try again T-28 on short finals
  17. T-28 on short finals NB: First video post, hope it works, Steve
  18. The program is being replayed tonight, Tuesday 29th March at 11.35 pm according to the Four Corners website. Steve abc.net.au/4corners
  19. Hi Ian, I will be going on Sunday, will drop by and say hello, Steve
  20. One of my old bosses famous quotes " The @#$%ing, @#$%ers, @#$%ed" when he blew up the engine on his work ute. Still makes me laugh today.:big_grin:
  21. Nice video Tomo, I dropped in to the Morgan factory on Friday and it was all locked up, now I know where they where. I took the family to Forster for the long weekend and was looking forward to checking out the Sierra and Cougar. Looks like I will have to go up there again, maybe i'll ring first. Steve
  22. Hi Terry, maybe this will clear it up. Cheers Steve Angle of incidence of fixed-wing aircraft Angle of incidence of an airplane wing on an airplane. On fixed-wing aircraft, angle of incidence is the angle between the chord line of the wing where the wing is mounted to the fuselage and the longitudinal axis of the fuselage. The angle of incidence is fixed in the design of the aircraft by the mounting of the wing to the fuselage. The term can also be applied to horizontal surfaces in general (such as canards or horizontal stabilizers) for the angle they make relative the longitudinal axis of the fuselage. The figure to the right shows a side view of an aeroplane. The extended chord line of the wing root (red line) makes an angle with the longitudinal axis (roll axis) of the aircraft (blue line). Wings are typically mounted at a small positive angle of incidence, to allow the fuselage to be "flat" to the airflow in normal cruising flight. Angles of incidence of about 6° are common on most general aviation designs. Other terms for angle of incidence in this context are rigging angle and rigger's angle of incidence. It should not be confused with the angle of attack, which is the angle the wing chord presents to the airflow in flight. Note that some ambiguity in this terminology exists, as some engineering texts that focus solely on the study of airfoils and their medium may use either term when referring to angle of attack. The use of the term "angle of incidence" to refer to the angle of attack occurs chiefly in British usage.[1
  23. Congratulations, you wont forget it, I first went solo over 22 years ago, remember it like it was yesterday, welcome to the club. Steve
  24. Hi Rocketdriver, "angle of incidence " "angle of attack", maybe. Steve
  25. Hi, welcome aboard, another mountains boy, many of us here, Steve
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