A Bantam suffered an engine failure on RWY 23 Sunday morning, turned back and landed in the Aerochute area, west of RWY 36. I watched it all. Some other interesing things I saw over Natfly weekend, a GA tail tragger doing run ups near camping area, blew someones tent rolly polly down the camp ground. Someone took off with a wooden control lock still attached, luckily fell off and found on runway. Watch 2 aircraft takeoff on RWY 36, dispite a good tail wind/ crosswind, first 1 departed ok, but 2nd one almost became a statistic. He rotated, weather cocked, bounced, rotated, weather cocked bounced all the way down the strip, finally got airborne then dropped right wing doing a knife edge impersonation before levelling off, I thought he was gone, it was scary. I thought I saw an amphibian go down, but was relieved to find out he was doing a touch and go on lake north of the field. An interesting weekend to say the least, now dont get me going about the Air Museum.