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Keith Page

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Everything posted by Keith Page

  1. What is the Tech team at RAAus going to get up to? That is a concern as well. KP
  2. See you on the 10th..
  3. How is your engine coming along? All has gone quiet.. I am keeping my ear to the ground. KP
  4. Only if you wish to, no compliance issues. Everything will be ELAAA. I would like to know your reason of thinking regarding RAA membership. KP
  5. Not much -- Camel is only being dictatorial.. a HF stuff up.. For Chester's own display natural cunning he should have reported it, that manoeuvre what have killed all noise in a blink of an eye. Imagine the silence if the then minister was involved with the reporting, nothing for the masses to go on about, if one tries to hide things the noise from the mob is deafening while they are looking under the carpet. Instead try this line"Hey I stuffed up here can you come and give me a hand to fix it".. By gosh noise of them all leaving and concealed by the dust as they leave. KP
  6. That is correct Frank, we must have an understand the principals of navigation. When the only form of navigation was compass, paper, rulers, slide rulers and protractors not one person would have dreamt of what we have now. Think of what we have now, what will be next? That is what I was trying to say move along with the digital age. Technology moves too fast for the law makers they have to catch up and embrace it with new laws which will encompass it. They can not stay asleep as the boat is floating along. KP
  7. The digital age is here, so we have to embrace it. News papers come on tablet from. EVEN the RAAus mag has a digital version. With that said CASA, the school's manual of standards and all other relevant bodies must reflect the presents and use of the digital equipment. So the teaching and the use of this equipment must be in the school curriculum. See digital age is here. KP.
  8. Well said RobT.. I think the electronic way is out of the depths of some of the law makers and some of the old instructors hence they are shoving the electronic way under the carpet. But alas there are young people out and about creating waves, "Good to see." KP
  9. Schools have to move with the times and include electronic navigation in their Ops. Manual. Remember it is 2018. A lot of the commercial fellows have moved to the glass cockpit, they are moving on so must the schools. KP
  10. Look at it this way the year is 2017 and nearly gone, things happen differently now to yesteryear. Yes hard maps must be taught and understood. Also how to use these electronic flying tools, if the subject if not taught the instructors would be derelict in their duty of teaching. The way society is going. The student also has to be taught how the electronic navigation fits into the flying because bad faults will creep in if the student self learns. Who is to teach the subject of electronic navigation? KP
  11. The tracking and location feature, is so special. You can have your friends track your journey, just give them your access. You have a map record of your previous trips. The other point schools can check on your navigation exercises. Regards, KP
  12. I forgot to mention - have the latest IPad as OzRunways is engineered to work with the IPad, by having the latest IPad the IPad will be able to cope longer with the OzRunway upgrades. Other tablets will have short comings and not operate as well, sorry android people. Buy direct from OzRunways this way you will avoid the commission paid to the app store.. KP
  13. I will say "yes", get yourself OzRunways. Extra tools to get you to your destination do not go astray. Hence get tuition from OxRunways tutors. I say get it now and practise with it as there are a lot of special features that can not be found anywhere.. (Learn to use and understand them). One of the features I have in mind is Windytv, practise with that. The other good information there are tutorials/videos out regarding how to use the system. KP
  14. You omitted one point regarding the PS - work will stuff their Latte' break. KP
  15. I had to mention 760kg to have it as the common language of the weight increase. Maintenance will be the same as what RAAus enjoys at the moment. KP
  16. Wondering why everyone is stuck on 750kg when 760kg will cover the extras, see the Cessna's are 757kg. Go to 760kg this will cover the discrepancies. KP
  17. While the debate goes on -- the 750kg should be 760kg. The 760kg will cover a few extras yes it is 10kg but that will cover those extras. As for the crowd who want 1500kg and CTA, let them whistle Dixie. They have forgotten what RAAus is all about. KP
  18. I did not read the thread fully was answering as I went along, Thank you for that. Still I think it is rot playing around with legislation for 2strokes. Some of the nation's industry was started with 2strokes. What is so irritating the experts go and ban something however the replacement has a larger carbon foot print during manufacture. Sort that one out. KP.
  19. Was sweet Sarah involved with that rot. Sounds like it. The 2stroke ban will have a large impact. Tell you the pollies are not smart. What about those very big ships a lot of them are 2stroke and they are the most efficient utilisers of fuel. KP
  20. Every one is on control surfaces and the reactions, I think power could be added into the equations. With power there is a complete change of dynamics, you know the old saying, "If you develop enough power a brick will fly". KP
  21. Looks very much RAAus is looking for brownie points from CASA. KP
  22. The other one which is getting scarce is a scratch built or from plans at home building. KP
  23. Bling will not get one to a destination.. If one wants learn in a Drifter that will be big battle to find a school which teaches in such an aircraft. One of the big problems these day the inexpensive aircraft are disappearing. Thrusters, Drifters the 2stroke Lightwings these are getting scarce. KP
  24. Looks like the problem is such a large capital investment in an aircraft, I see on this thread a school hires its Lightwing at $150 per hour. A number of schools have a $150k aircraft..... do your sums as to what the interest and redemption will be. Then do the exercise on a $30k aircraft. To me it would be better with the little war horse instead of the fancy expensive thing. KP
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