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Keith Page

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Everything posted by Keith Page

  1. Been looking about and seeing some of these airport closures just because some small bureaucrat can flex his muscles -- what spite is that. I see Proserpine is on the list for us small aircraft that is including Dysart, Blackwater and Moranbah. What a disgrace -- these fully serviceable strips sitting idle for the light aircraft. What a great Christmas present to have these airports serviceable to light aircraft just by removing this bureaucratic ego. KP.
  2. Why not do some lobby work to get some of those closed airports available to RAAus operations.? KP
  3. Yes -------------- They love themselves in Canberra. Poor mob they have not heard about "decentralisation". As Frank said - Australia is big. What use would an airport in Canberra be to us in Nth. Qld? A very good place to start the airport lobby is Blackwater, Dysart, Moranbah. Last time I did a search regarding member's post codes Emerald was the winner hands down. Those airports are closed to the general public. The big mining companies are running the country and also the airports. Now would it be a good idea to get off their little soap box in Canberra and take these mining companies on, that will be a useful achievement. Remember Australian"s own Australia not the non tax paying multi nationals with their accounting tricks. Just a task for the "Airport Funding Brigade" might be a bit hard for them as they will not be using members money to purchase an airport. Then again, "Why not start a satellite club in Blackwater"? Food for thought. KP.
  4. "Thank you Ian". I do liken the progress to building high rise buildings. One must keep digging till the foundations have 100% structural integrity - then the part which all can see is happening, that is up into the air. It is getting very close as we speak. Except for those hidden hurdles. (Challengers). You know those challengers which arrive unannounced, them which no one can predict. We will see what we have to jump over to open the doors for business. Regards, KP
  5. Could be a rolling seize, could be a freeze seize, consider the original evidence -- spit a piston then seized. Fuel will cause seizures. Restricted fuel will cause seizures. No evidence for a sensible comment. KP
  6. Oi! Yen.. He most likely run out of fuel and with embarrassment gone and hid. Now the 5 min. experts are continuing the noise. KP.
  7. Yep those bush barristers and 5 minute experts they are the gospel to live by. Just ask them they will tell you the unadulterated truth and it is 100% accurate. Guess what I know which knowledge NOT to base to use. I use a saying and it is quite appropriate. "I would love to buy them at my price and sell them at their price". KP
  8. 2Stroke training Eh Doug? I do have to laugh at the sequence of events.. KP.
  9. I will answer it like this.. Baaa, Baaa is many sheep but Bah is only one sheep. This is a case, I am not sure of the burden of the question. Hope that answer will suffice.. KP.
  10. Well Sue, I am only pointing out what happens when one dose not listen. Orange:- Read the news. Cost to send the constitution to Fair trading. Cost to send the revamped manuals to CASA. The board situation will not get a comment from me. The members need to be clearly aware of what is being manoeuvred. KP
  11. I am going political (only for demonstration purposes only) please forgive me, only to show how people are sick of wool being pulled over their eyes. Point one, "Look what happened in America" for those who had their ear to the ground knew that answer well before the people voted. Point two, "Look what is happening in Orange" bit early to know that out come people are wishes are being ignored. We are being served what pollies want us to have. Point three, "Don Ramsay told me it was easy to resubmit a manual/constitution to CASA, no hassles, no costs, just so easy" I can not find that post where I was told that---- that was the answer I was told after I did mention it would be treated as a new document and there will be a cost involved. Look what Aeroshute Kev was told. With those three points considered, clear demonstrates to me people are being sick and tied of accepting what our leaders are giving us not listen to our requests. What is next is a big clean out. KP
  12. Thing is you getting very close to the point and the poor gentlemen/ladies are going down and for the last chance of a win they implicate more people. Poor fellow are just running out of puff, they will go shortly. KP.
  13. Good on you Bull that will stop a lot of rot quicker than a flash of lightening. The sticky beaks are just to hard to cop at times. KP
  14. If the L1 dose not need a prac session so why have a L1 at all? The academic aspect of what we can and can not do, where is the documented evidence where it is demonstrated that we can do what we are allowed to do? (Manually) A great number of us received the L1 at the time we received our Pilot Certificate because we had gained maintenance experience. Then for the armature builders that is an absolute insult removing their L1. Some of these fellows need to be awarded an honours with some of these kits we are expected to complete, there is no doubt regarding the 51% rule. KP
  15. SDQDI... How is good knowledge be called regulation? How can reading learning be substituted for good dexterity teaching. You will have to demonstrate that to me. Well it could be interpreted as regulation that a bolt is either left hand or right hand thread so in that mechanical regulation? KP
  16. Bit of news for you Sue I do not align myself with anyone I have been through a few mills. A bit of justification - the simple thing of removing and replacing spark plugs some people make a real meal of that, leaking O rings just a half a turn tighter will fix it get rid of that rot, changing a tyre-- I am onto about demonstrating those simple things. There are a lot of people who need that little help just to give then confidence yes there are a lot about. Being able to indentify different situations types of cracking, perishing, crystallising and oxidisation, what about the correct process of lock wiring. The other interesting point most of those people would only be phone call away to get help. A day at Goondiwindi could be arranged that will not be a days drive. I would like to know how this on line L1 will cover these dexterity subjects, just a demonstration would be good and I will shut up for ever so till then I will keep harping on. KP
  17. Definitions - do not teach people what to look for. What I am on about is our scheduled, programmed and routine maintenance for our small aircraft. What to look for at these service intervals what the pending failures look like. Definitions and reading are not a good guide, one has to have the basic knowledge in the first place. Got to teach this knowledge. The terms like "Line Maintenance" makes it all look and sound so fancy. KP
  18. happyflyer.. "Line Maintenance" is for airlines not us fellows with our little planes. "Line Maintenance" is where if an airliner has some spare time between trips and little bits can serviced at that moment that is when it happens. So "Line Maintenance" has nothing to do with us. So how did "Line Maintenance" get into this equation? KP.
  19. chrisag... That is my case for a practical section and I have been yapping on about it for about 3 years, "That is a good idea I will look into it" That where it ends. It is proper debacle. KP
  20. Bill as of 01/02/2017 our L1 endorsement will fall off our certificates and to get it back those who want it will have to do this on line questionnaire. I have grave doubts how good this course is, as there is no practical component. I am stuck here, how can a course which needs dexterity skills and none of these skills are being assessed. Stay posted as to the L2 outcome, could prove interesting. As for the L4 CASA has a big say in that one. See how RAAus gets on when they try and meddle with that one. KP
  21. I am gobbed smacked. Saying you let the members down. The poor fellow must not have had even part of his finger on the pulse. They are the sort of people who voted the constitution up. Fancy CCing every man and dog trying to embarrass you, the only one who should be embarrassed is old mate for being so out of touch. What will a person like that go with board duties? I am just sitting back and having a grin at how it is all unfolding and you are in the box seat to say I told you so. Catch up one day with you fellows. I am stuck with academic stuff at the moment. KP
  22. Frank something was arranged/entered into at the board meeting in Bundaberg and not all the board was agreeing, I am aware two were quite hostile. The other interesting point Don Ramsay was relentless in wishing the constitution a success. Then when it was successful he resigned, most people will stay and enjoy the fruits of their labour. So back in October I was told the pending direction was not a good decision. There must be a lot of gullible sheeple in RAAus. KP.
  23. How did you dream that up ColJones.?? KP
  24. Just for interest add #38 Rod and #39TK58 to Aerochute Kev's post what is the answer. KP
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