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Keith Page

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Everything posted by Keith Page

  1. Banks have a lot to answer for regarding the farm debt. Australia can not sustain the money system which we have in Australia at the moment. I can not get my head around the value farm land and it's return on capital and we have the experts out there banging on about what the return should be. Nothing is adding up. So here we have another business gone how very sad for Australia. KP.
  2. Yes you are on to it. The big problem here a number of people listen/read to reply not listen/read to understand. As I see as of the current situation the fix is more regulations which make the authors and readers warm and fuzzy, result "diddly squat" is your answer. As I see the situation the number of problems are human factor related, simply put, us humans have short comings what ever we do those problems will persist. To get around those problems we have to develop good procedures. i.e..Taught the simple things how to minimise the incidents. KP
  3. I like that one -- how often do we see a problem fixed with another rule. Eventually we have that many rules nothing can be done because as soon as we do anything we are breaking a rule. KP
  4. Think about it for a bit.. Read to understand the points. Good education and training will be a very good avenue, which is on the way to greatly minimising incidents. We can report accidents and incidents till the cows come home, however preventing the need is an easy option. Training and educating culture is something people will hand about themselves plus a lot of people will inadvertently copy. KP
  5. OK.. Would it be better to have situations where there are very minimal incidents? What is the benefit of reporting accidents/incidents? Time and effort of good education and culture training would be the better avenue to correct these looming problems. Have these people trained, educated in procedures and cultured to good behaviour and safety will be the byproduct. If safety and safety and safety is pushed at people they will resent safety, demonstrating the culture/behaviour education will show the good benefits. KP
  6. Looks like this comment was taken out of text. I am not one to write a novel just to give an answer, I endeavour to keep all as short as can be. Why not have the constitution as correct as possible as of the time of implementation. A number of areas were identified pre the voting. These areas were the ones which were preferred to be ignored. How ever there will be other areas which need updating as time progresses then these can be updated as members see fit as to what the correct can be. Still does not get away from the fact, have it correct as possible at the beginning of the journey. KP
  7. Changing the constitution after the implementation is another task. I can imagine the office staff are not running about tripping over each other, they are busy with their work things. So why not, a case of work smarter not harder. Most things in life, the fix is the easiest at the beginning of the journey not after the commencement. So why not fix at the beginning. KP
  8. Why not have it correct to start with? KP
  9. The problems were high lighted early in the process. There was a long time before the voting happened to correct the constitution and no interest was demonstrated to correct the problems. As I have said here many times have the planning correct before we start on the journey none of this correcting on the trip. KP
  10. David. Just a point which is not considered anywhere in all thes posts. If a registered document is altered in any way that document has to go through all the accepting and registering process again as it is for the purpose of the exercise a new document. Hence that will a another colossal task. That is my reason for having it correct before registering the document. KP.
  11. I will reserve my opinion for my self. I think you can form your opinion as to what that adds up too. Not hard you know. KP.
  12. I was commenting on planesmakers post. How he sent questions out and only one person replied in an unsatisfactory manner. When people go quiet, well we have to ask questions and when there is silence they are normally up to no good. Planesmaker was referring to the tech. manual. Upon Frank's and Rod's posts it was done in secret, which a number of people do believe. So when there is a board of 5, negotiating is far less as when there is 7 the task becomes a lot more complicated. So Frank's very valid suggestions were swept under the carpet and Rod saying "done in secret" rings loud alarm bells for me and the small board things could wriggle through without a lot of questions. What dose that add up to? KP.
  13. That tells us something, eh????????????????.. Look back what Frank and Rod told us, there are the answers loud and clear. Remember there was a big push to have only 5 on the new board, but this 7 has spoilt a lot of plans for the 5 to get their majority way. KP.
  14. We all work under the same Act and Regulation. Not a case of different rules for different sectors. What is in Part149. We are all the same. KP.
  15. Education which develops a culture and by gosh we then have a by product which is safety. Why go out and hamer and hamer safety when it is so simple, a case of education and culture development. The good thing about culture it is a catching thing, people naturally take all on board without a grizzle as they do not want to miss out on something good, plus it is a good bonding issue. KP
  16. No Don, It is a membership based organisation and something as big as that dose not get done in secrecy. Even though you will get a lot of noise it should have been reported that it was being done. There are a lot of clever people out there and only reason they were not consulted because they would not rubber stamp what was being done. I do believe a lot of people will abandon RAAus be cause it is moving to a over governed organisation. I suspect you are referring to me as one of those arm chair critics, news for you, that is not correct. I am out and about pushing the correct cause. KP
  17. Well said Frank. Looks like no return from there. One has to listen to the people, incorrect or correct and they will respect the opportunity not this..... ....."This is what you are getting"..... that was done without any consultation. To me RAAus looks like it is on a similar path as the Canberra RSPCA had found its self. It is such a dreadful situation for RAAus from such a great organisation to this shambles now, the other interesting point the one who were yelling just a few years ago, you are doing it wrong, the bulk of them are and have been at the helm for RAAus to get to where it is. The jury and judges are saying how great things are now, I would hate to see it if they say things are bad. KP.
  18. Thank you for that kasper. I have some friends interested, I will let then know. KP
  19. Imagine that fence is a bit like the rabbit fence. KP.
  20. Riley you have nailed it. Only thing missing, put the advisors in the ship as well, them I will give you 98% Which is an honours graduation. KP
  21. Hello Gandalph,I have to agree with you, 5 board members is the better number however in this situation I will go with the 7 goes back to Frank's and Rod's posts. It is good that they broke rank and told us the truth. With what I have gleaned from those two and how I see the desperate need for the 5, one only needs 3 to get the voting in their favour as I have read and collected the other snippets of info we are to get some more radicle change of direction. Poor old octave is out wading through the Tech. Manual when he gets that sorted he will understand what a monster that is, RAAus is only to follow the regulations not add their own monsters. If RAAus goes mini GA so where is the benefit of recreational and experimental aviation hence then it will be cost and time prohibitive. Just look what kasper has gone throug to register his machine wonder who has the ego can't good sense have prevailed? I might as well all go fishing. KP
  22. The RAAus Opp. Manual is monster a lot of the content is simply repeated, not wanting to sound disrespectful to me it looks like the document had to be a certain length and that what was done, well say a third could be cut out. Then it would still say the same thing. ELAAA.:- Consider the Opp manual as well not just the Tech manual. All the information will be out for all to see, read and understand. KP.
  23. The last thing I want is to be likened to a Uni. tutor,sorry no short cuts to gaining the knowledge. The ideal process is get your own interpretation of:- *Have a good understanding of Part 149 because there is our new regulation base. *CASA requirements covering our form of aviation include the different classes. *The Tech. Manual. (New) *The Opp. Manual. (New) *The construction. By reading and having a clear understanding you will be avoiding the interpretations from the bush lawyers and those pushing their own agenda.. You now will have octaves interpretation. KP
  24. Hello gandalph, Considering and regarding your post.. factor in what Frank has told us regarding Michael Linke ingoring the suggestions and advice and implementing regardless and jetr telling us only a select few saw the tech. manual before submission. Ummmmmmmm? Regretfully I have say that RAAus is not a member's organisation. While you are all pondering this, ever wondered why the desperate need for the promoting of only 5 board members, I smell a rat. Just to help you get a clear understanding, Google the situation see what you find? KP
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