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Keith Page

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Everything posted by Keith Page

  1. Yep.. "Good Luck" may you have a win. Most likely not, just a waste of time and energy. You will get sent off to CASA there is the end of the story.
  2. Would you say. "Rafferty's" ?
  3. This hands on maintenance course. I wonder why these manufacture's courses do not carry any weightage. I have in mind the Jabiru workshop for the 4 days. This covers the engine and I found it was a wealth of knowledge. So why is this not recognised? KP
  4. I think you missed one!!!!! - What is the murmur from the glider federation? Things are not that pleasant in that camp. This exercise is a complete waste of money, the running around in circles with document writing is not a concern to CASA as they just sit back and watch the turmoil. Their money is still the same for the CASA bureaucrats. They have to be seen doing things to make the boffins think they are doing something useful instead of sipping Lattes'. KP
  5. A rule of thumb for cruising.. 1/5 Lt per HP per hour.. That is a mental arithmetic equation. Yes there engines either side of that however a good guide of fuel usage.
  6. Hello Kyle, I will not or say too much -- however go and discover how the Glider Federation was treated after advice was given. You will see "adverse treatments demonstrated" for want of a better descriptive term, remember they acted on advice. KP
  7. In there is the beast. The agreement we all signed, "Our information is to be kept private". Q1 As to where did we give permission to change the agreement? (Not at all). The other point which the press are currently up in arms, "Your right to Know". We have heard it all for the last two weeks. Q2 Is this a case of the member's "Right to Know" disregarded? I think so. All this has surfaced after a few strokes of a pen which no member has had a clue about. If the issue of landing fees is so big? Why not Avdata send a list of landings and RAAus pays that bill, then we all will get a bill from RAAus. If a member does not pay their bill, the plane can not be registered for the following year till the fees are paid. Problem solved. No breaching of privacy. I suspect very much that RAAus are getting a percentage out of this action. KP
  8. OK?? Regarding the privacy issues with the matter of theses organisation *AAA *OAIC *RAAus. Here is another clear case of "Right to Know" over the last week and a bit the issue of you have the "Right to Know" has been broadcast loud and clear. To me this is just another case of telling people when it is on the road to be well planned. The instigators should be held to account, they are keeping secrets from us. To me there has been a lot of secret planning happening behind closed doors. Why have not we been told in the planning phase. The members/public get to know what the shenanigans are, only when the shenanigan perpetrators have all plans active. KP.
  9. That is why we pay taxes, rates and the clandestine tax levies for these services, we do not need to pay twice/three times or what ever. The other goodie we can get fined for speed violations on toll ways, I thought toll ways were private concerns because the money for a toll way goes to some finance organisation. There we go again toll ways and vehicle registration. (Twice). KP
  10. "Safety":- It is used to hide a multitude of excuses for the authorities. If an issue is being pushed it is because of "safety". To me when "safety" is used the scallywags can get away with anything. KP.
  11. This submission is not for the average pilot/light aircraft owner, more to the point of being directed to the law makers and their advisors. KP
  12. Needs to be read to be comprehended. Not just for a reply. KP
  13. Old Man Emu. Post #1.. You are on to it -- whole of Australia is in one time zone and the residents have to work out which segment they live in -- stop this rot of Day light Saving and the bitching. KP
  14. "New Schools".. Hmmmmm... Well the evidence I am receiving -- schools are not being encouraged. Schools are closing. I think this trend needs to be reversed very quickly. KP
  15. Historically considering:- supposed to be -- Part 149 the structure Part 103 how it is all going to run and operate.. What we get and what we were informed are two different animals. The big question for you Turbo.. What will happen when Part 149 is discovered to be unworkable? KP.
  16. Hmmmmm..Read the rules? You are correct, read the rules is the operative statement. ..BUT.. The interpretations are vast, even whoever we talk to in CASA there is an abundance of interpretations. The other interesting situation the MOS for Part 149 is the same as to what Part 103 is to supposed represent. Work all that out. Some more to consider. South Africa tried to implement Part 149 a few years back and it was unworkable. The advice I have received, this is the same document -- so something must be common. KP
  17. Hello Turbo.. P&O = P&O Cruisers........ this is my P&O....So is that what you mean or you have something else in your mind? KP
  18. Just what are they coming too. Yep generates a smile. I think - how can someone dream that up then write it, how can they be taken seriously? KP
  19. That L1 is a joke. The test is how good one can read the paper work but the important ones are missing (aircraft maintenance). They even disregard maintenance course Jabiru run, come on I think Jabiru know a bit more than the test paper writers. KP
  20. I thought when we signed a document, that is what we are agreeing to abide by. (not Johnny come lately amendments) .....BUT...... We do not agree to added clauses at a later date, (where is that?) so what is the use of a legally biding document which adds clauses after the agreement date. To achieve an agreement all must go back and start again with a new document. KP
  21. You are saying a lot about RAAus aircraft and what they should be doing or should not be doing. Wondering what your interest in RAAus management would be? KP
  22. I think Spencer is not involved with AOPA any more. KP
  23. Oi! Turbo are you a member of RAAus yet? If not I think there should be minimum of comment regarding RAAus members. KP
  24. However looks like a few things are concealed. An audit will pick it up however how it is presented to the members is the exercise. KP
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