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Keith Page

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Everything posted by Keith Page

  1. OK.. If no one in RAAus is listening.. Call a special meeting and have questions from the floor, none of this must be on the agenda before it can be tabled. If the constitution and both the tech and opps manuals were not presented to us in an open and honest manner, I have to ask what else is not presented honestly. Even this election for the board is not done honestly. KP
  2. I see on the latest ENews it is up and running. Two things here.. It had CASA approval well before it was out for members approval. (Members consultation time???) The other where is the members approval time? I thought this is a members organisation, not a police state. To me there is a lot of, "Sit down shut up this what you are getting". (Members) I have been talking to a lot of people and their very valid suggestions have been ignored. Could be a lot of people leaving in droves to take up other activities. Because RAAus going like a mini GA. KP
  3. Dr. Zoos, How accurate are you. They only care what looks good on their resume their talent is lower than secondary. There is a disruption which describes them, They lie by the fact of exaggeration. KP
  4. I can not sit back and read what has been said in these posts. Started out that it is not pilots we need. Only managers. Try and select five out of line up, the selection must have vision and an aptitude for flying. Quite simple no pilot no organisation, just these extra special managers that out president is advocating. We need vision and expansion with out that we will go know where. The member base is getting smaller I think that tells us all there is a big problem.
  5. By reading your post TAA up-into-the-air. I would be correct by saying the lower order of the CASA bureaucrats are only interested in saving their poisons in CASA. Hence will be a good idea for an enquiry starting at the bottom and moving to the top. KP
  6. What you are saying there, Dick. Correct me if I am incorrect. There should be a senate enquiriey into the CASA operations, start at the bottom and work up, this will prevent the manipulation of evidence and give a chance for some whistle blowers to save their skin. KP
  7. You are correct with that one OR could he be trying to sink the director because his nose was well out of joint because he wanted that position? There are more hidden behind the curtains, bring them out and give them the OSullivan treatment. KP
  8. The video of Senator OSullivan questioning the director re. Jabiru. Blind Freddie could see the director was given the incorrect briefing. Very easy to fix that - adjourn the enquirery and get that advisor in and then ask them what is going on, then keep on going down the line the lyers will be found. Do not have a time limit see the good senator went over time, the scallywags know that they have to weather the storm and time will be on their side, then off they go not having to reveal all. This CASA issue has to be fixed it is a joke just a bunch looking after their ego and pay packet with no constructive results. KP
  9. You better not let Don Ramsay see that, he was telling us all, every thing would be so good and safe when the Ltd is tacked on the end of RAAus. Looks like we were fibbed to again. What that equates to and I have no time to research it, members of a company are directly responsible for the company. That is why so many have huge liability cover.I have to verify that. KP
  10. Hello 2tonne and yen, Yep if one is naughty RAAus will hand the information along to CASA and they deal with the situation. However RAAus can with draw ones membership for so long for for what ever -- and it is illigal to fly while not being a member. So I do not know how that one works. KP
  11. For the extra special meeting, I had in mind - partake in a line of questioning of a subject if someone else had an interpretation they could ask as well. How can all that be done on the phone to the CEO? You mentioned AGM in October, no. What I have in mind it will be the result of what happened at the AGM and it will be controlled like no bodies business. KP
  12. Hello rick-p, I am stuck for inspiration. As you refered to the ivory tower and its residents. I can not under stand how this situation is different, I think it is worse as it is a "Constitutional Crissis" regarding this voting, kasper has his head around it. As I mentioned to kasper the difference is, the crowd which was making the noise then, is steering the ship now. They were yelling poor governance, fraud, not following the constitution and nepotism, how come this regime is so perfect and wonderful? I do see one of the past noise makers is having a bit of time in the sin bin and another has just returned from the bin. The board was split wide open on agreement for the new constitution. Tells me something??? The other good one how the yes votes were garnered, there are snippets every where regarding the techniques used to gather them. See kasper mentioned one of the techniques. What really needs to happen, an extra ordinary general meeting called and all these doubts placed on the table AND have questions from the floor not this rot,,only question on the agenda. KP
  13. Hello kasper, re. Your #164. I can remember the president and his followers back in the Runciman years yelling how un-constitutional the actions of the day were. Now look what is happening now, I can not see any difference, only different issues. May be worse this time as the constitution is being meddled with. Regards, KP
  14. That is it Yen. Put in simplistic terms. CASA is a board which administers aviation in Australia. CASA has made an agreement with RAAus to manage a section of recreational aviation. So every one is obliged to honor that agreement. KP
  15. Hello Frank back again with this L1 monster. My way of thinking the L1 does not have to be hard and complicated. Have some training sessions across the country delivered by those with training assessing qualifications, there are people in our midsts who can perform that task. The content is about as I have seen two very good short courses and they clearly demonstrated what we need to know. I really think there should be a practical session involved for those who learn by hands on, for those who need to see the difference in objects, practical use of a tension wrench and other issues we have to verify that all are on the same song sheet. This tick and flick on a computer really demonstrates one can read we got confirm they understand. When the GM went to Bundy I asked about the prac element, it is supposed to be up and running now. KP
  16. One for you Oscar, I will not write what I know I have given it some thought, that is a given. However as I did mention Barry OSullivan will be a good one to ask to sit and adjudicate. KP
  17. Thank you for that. KP
  18. I agree with you facthunter, Rod made those comments on good grounds with his personal knowledge and good information so how can they be called lies. We have to think through the lie point, as there is some untruths being campaigned, the different truths are in conflict so one must be correct. Some one has the incorrect information for this to get so ugly. We may need a senate inquired chaired by Barry OSullivan. KP
  19. Oscar I am at wits end to arrive at a reason for your interest in RAAus when you are not a member. If you have a vested interest I can under stand. The drum beating for the ideological direction for RAAus has me wondering??? Regards, KP
  20. To get my thinking up to speed, Which domain does he own? Thank you for that. Something we must know. KP
  21. F_T.. How could you think that. You will have Don after you. Regards, KP
  22. I have a problem with that, Where is the practical session? My way of thinking there has to be a hands on element. Regards, KP
  23. Frank.. They think we are not thinkers when they are coming up with this faction rot. Factions do not go anywhere they end up in one big >*^\{~>#£%}{#*€~ fight. When I get a bit of time I will put some history here and it will not be kind to this present board and previous segments of it before the Big constitution "reform". Some of those gentlemen start their faction war from way back hidden and from the side line. Regards, KP
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