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Keith Page

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Everything posted by Keith Page

  1. Hello Rick-P, I missed you while your were touring about, wondering where you were. Now go to and read all the posts, "RAA Election Process". It is a complete dog's breakfast. Get to and get your mind around it the members are being treated with complete contempt as if members are nothing to be worried about. Looks like there needs to be an Extra Special General Meeting and replace this mob. Kasper is doing a good job and exposing the riff raff. Regards, KP
  2. Thank you Ian.
  3. SDQDI. I here what you are saying however just look at how the figures and counting came out of those meetings. One has to be very suspicious regarding the outcome, stand back and look at the situation and how it arrived.. Put the Rod and President posts into the equation both were claiming lies so what was that all about? How come the board is so divided on the issue? The other good one, look at the little group banding together to get on the board. I have to research the cartel before I can make an honest opinion. Regards, KP
  4. Look at the number of "YES' proxies, that gets the alarm bells ringing. For me that does. KP.
  5. You are correct Sue, the place is in a financial pickle. They are lucky that there was a $2m surplus sitting there. They are clever operators why get rid of the revenue streams, advertising. KP.
  6. The CEO and Pres. are duty bound to give a complete over view nothing slanted in anyway. that is called honesty. KP
  7. rhysmcc we were lied to. There is a legal description for the CEO's and President's actions. They lied to us by "Fact of Omission" that is they did not tell us the truth - by omitting to divulge the "No" information. They are duty bound to present all views. What they did was go and visit the close clubs in the south east and gather as many yes proxies as possible. They loaded their story for a "Yes". With this demonstrated action we have every right to be suspicious. This "Yes" action even goes to Don Ramsay pushing "Yes" on this forum, come on I am not that silly to fall for that one. He had permission/encouragement from the "Yes" brigade within the board. Circumstantial evidence regarding those actions is good enough for me. Why would Don push "Yes" and when it got up he left like a robbers dog. He knew it was a red hot potato. Regards, KP
  8. Thank you Storchy Neil, I am pleased I am not the only member thinking down these lines. Plus a special thank you for your advice. Correct me if I am wrong - get a good bunch of people together and toss the current bunch out and then treat the members with courtesy which they deserve. The buzz word "Safety" every thing which can fall apart and damage is bundled under that. My case for that is - have good education and culture not having people getting about and resenting "Safety" teach education and culture and safety will arrive simply as a by-product. How simple? Treat the members with respect not as second class citizens. Regards, KP.
  9. This issue Don!!! The document was issued before the members saw the manual. I will spell it out clearly. The document went to CASA be for approval before the member could pick it apart to get the corrections. The big question,"How can this document be changed after it has been approved?" If the document is changed the document has to go back for approval again. The contemp for the members is not a good environment to endure. The organisation is a member based organisation and the members views are not being considered as I see it there is great contempt shown to members. RAAus is moving to more regulation disciplinary procedures. The views will be considered when a mass EGM is called. What concerns me greatly, How will CASA consider RAAus if the members desert RAAus and fly illegally? RAAus will not look good as members have to operate under a draconian system. Regards, KP
  10. We may need an Extra Special General meeting, to sort out this decaying process. We need an avenue to experiment with design and thinking not this micro managing. Regards, KP.
  11. Yes kasper it is a mess.. Just imagine the mess if they weren't experts? Not concerning the Ibis issue the freedom of designing and thinking is slowly being removed as well, r.e. the privilege of building and designing. Regards, KP
  12. All this yelling and screaming here.. Home built, ammeter built call it what you like 51% plus must be made buy the owner. The owner is there own safety manager, being majority built by the owner the responsibility belongs to the said owner. Regards, KP .
  13. We hear Safety, Safery, Safety,Safety. Safety is only a byproduct, yes only a byproduct not a primary result. Good honest precise education which develops a culture will get there and the results...safety procedures. Happens naturally. No stress no roaring. Ramming safety down everyone's necks will result in resentment and apprehension. When they wake up to that we will keep on arguing and yelling. Regards, KP
  14. What concerns me here, "What is being hidden?". A trip is always planned - all maps, fuel and plans are in place then off we go if things have to change so be it we do the change. None of this - We know we are wrong but start the trip we will fix it on the trip. My problem with this plan which way will the fix go most likely be not what the members want. We are stuck as we have said yes to the plan with all its warts. Where is all this going first the constitution now the opps and tech manuals. Could be a case for an Extra Special General meeting. Regards, KP
  15. Yes kasper you are on to it. That was supposed to out to the members before CASA gave it a tick of approval. I feel like it is a case of sit down shut this is what you are going to get. Members organisation??????. Now why would they be so big on getting deciplinary procedures through. I think there will be a lot of illegal flying going on if all that is part of RAAus. Darren Barnfield the tech manager has a lot to answer for if all that gets up. The idea of RAAus is recreational aviation. Just looks like a few want to be kings in cement castles. How many L4s about? Regards, KP
  16. Well Sue that might be a good idea that I did not nominate, bit late now. Would be a couple of disturbances on the horizon if I ended up there. I still probably get the information FOI then I can tell the world. Sue, you should have nominated and we would have moved you over to Treasurer, a good idea - a treasurer with good flying knowledge. If one has not much idea of the subject, how does one know if the employed staff are pulling the wool over ones eyes? Happens you know. Look what some of these expert report writers can do. They look like world beaters. Regards, KP.
  17. All very interesting. Regarding your comment Frank,,as we have been told many many many times the board members must have a good grip of governance and useful knowledge however aviation is not one of them?.. Got me beaten as well. .??? Aldo look deeper into that Jabiru fiasco the information is different to what is being portrayed. One hint you are not on the track with your take there. Regards, KP
  18. Did you get to see Levil? They are getting up there with their development of the mini blue tooth AHRS. The unit blue toothed to an IPad there you have the expensive glass cockpit for a fraction of the cost. Regards, Keith Page.
  19. Very good advice there SDQDI. It surprising what you can do with busy trained feet. KP
  20. Some one at Boonah has a drifter so there is your tail wheel conversion. KP
  21. Get someone to convert you to a T/W once you master a tail wheal you will be right for life. You just have to accept that your feet will be super busy however once you are there you will be a master. KP
  22. That is worth a look. Just have a look and make an educated decision. KP.
  23. Ok.. Point taken $25k have a look about that Mark. KP.
  24. I hear what you are saying regarding not saying much. However at times we must stay quiet and put it out there... "keep your eyes and ears open". You will get by by bringing these so called do gooders to heal. KP
  25. Octave, You have go about with your eyes and ears open and sort the hay from the chaff. Just be cautious of what you get told from the Canberra end. As what I tell a lot of people "verify" "verify" and still chech that you are being told the truth. The other one to be careful of "lying by the fact of exaggeration". Regards, KP
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