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Keith Page

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Everything posted by Keith Page

  1. I received some good lessons from F_T, he is a good teacher. KP
  2. Oscar you work it out I do not have time to write novels. KP
  3. Don you were instrumental in writing it hence the short coming are quite vivid to you. KP
  4. I thought you had disappeared Don. Just have a read of the thread Don a couple of things will be brought to the surface. KP
  5. Very interesting that a lot which was said in this thread has come to fruition so soon. Regards, KP
  6. Thank you for the answer, one never knows how far up the line and down the line change is effected. There are so many bush barristers about with opinions and views. KP
  7. Hello kasper, With regard to the Deed of Agreement issued by CASA so RAAus can operate. Will this mess RAAus has found its self in, will this jepodise the Deed of Agreement? As I see the situation there is no structure at the top of safety which CASA is insisting on. Regards, KP
  8. Sdqdi. Go easy on kasper he is correct. The structure of guideance must be in place before the board can move forward not this dog's breakfast we have at the moment. One can not operate under two sets of rules. The ring leaders of the instigation of this new constitution and saying how wonderful it is are same members who made so much noise regarding the previous board now they are out there making a monumental stuff. The yell from them was poor governance. We have poor governance being displayed in way never seen before. This deliberate bending of the rules. KP
  9. No Yen it is a scrambled pigs breakfast. KP.
  10. Thank you for that kasper. KP.
  11. What intrigues me, all those at steering end of RAAus are claiming to be so perfect. The post from Rod claiming lies and the counter post from the president claiming lies, that post is still harping in my mind as who is telling the real truth. Regards, KP.
  12. Look about for a good GR582 they are about and not expensive, that way you will be able to take buddie. Regards, KP
  13. Octave all those things you mention are up to speed. However for the magazine case I used to read it front to back and a lot of my visitors did like wise, none of that happens now. KP
  14. the Thangool fly in has been postponed to the 1&2 October. Hope the weather gods are kind to us that week end. KP
  15. The Fly in due to the weather gods has been postponed to the first week end of October which is 1st.& 2nd of October. KP
  16. Yep kasper some one with unrealistic ideology is the engineer of those ideas . Regards KP
  17. Octave what I missed is a transfer of costing to the members from the RAAus, good two good example are the postage and the magazine. Communication expense have gone down for RAAus and up for us in other words a de facto membership rise. How well is the magazine read these days. No sitting on the office desk, no sitting in the work shop, no sitting on the coffee table the communication has gone for ever in those areas. Regards, KP.
  18. Octave.. Have a think for a while we are paying dearly for all those extras, it is our data, time and electricity there is a cost there and it is going up. Do any of those organisations give us a discount. Nup. This is a case of user pays. Not all people use computers so they need paper copies. Regards, KP
  19. I thought you may be interested in one of Andy's replies, it is one he sent in and deleted ever so quickly however it got to me. So have a look. kasper, is doing a good job high lighting the new constitution which was supposed to be so adequate even with it acknowledged short comings. Thank you kasper. Regards, KP Of course there is also that whole I can continue to fly exactly as I should be able to thing that has and continues to be delivered...but hey that's really only of secondary importance compared to some of those other things..... With Respect Keith keep listening and one day...probably a day not ending in y, you'll hear me begging you for something.....and shut up probably doesn't count! I don't beg trees for anything and I don't beg bricks for anything so what on earth would make you think you're in line????
  20. What I could do is copy and paste Andys comments and put them up here for all to see. The post was deleted, however it was sent to me before it was deleted. KP.
  21. An update on the CDFG fly. Postponed because of the weather gods. The new date ----- first week end of October, which is 1st and 2nd.. The ground is so wet even the cross strip is closed till further notice. There is more rain predicted for Thursday. Regards KP
  22. Hello Kiwi have a look what kasper has put out there, you and your cartoon man may be correct. How can that be misinterpreted? Regards, KP
  23. Not far wrong Bill.. I get very jittery when I get "Trust me/us". Indicates the author is getting tongue tied and begging for trust. KP.
  24. I am pleased that you are on to it, kasper. I wonder where Don Ramsay is now? Plus all the yes people and those who think it is a good idea to fix on the run. To me sounds like a lot of lying took place to convince the yes votes. Good to see you highlight the short comings. Regards, KP
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