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Keith Page

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Everything posted by Keith Page

  1. Thank you Ian. I will try then see what the results will be, could be a bit of a bother for westnet eh? Regards, KP
  2. I suspect my problem is westnet nbn. I logged on al fine with the Telstra SIM card in the IPad. Then I turned Telstra off and turned the wifi on which goes back to westnet via. the router. Dropped out saying I am not allowed on the site. RegardsKP.
  3. Yes tried this morning, with the desk top still zero. Comes up as I am not allowed on this site. IPad still good. KP.
  4. There is a pub there, just a little extra stroll. Regards, KP
  5. Sounds like a kinda over kill. To highlight some ones importance??
  6. Better pack your woollies for Thangool, could be cold. You better pack some warm gear Ian. Regards KP
  7. Still the same if I use the desk top or the iPad through the wifi still the same result. With the iPad I turn the wifi off and turn the Telstra 4g and 3G on I am back on the forums. Regards, KP.
  8. Yep there is something there. I can log on with the IPad with the Telstra 4g and 3g. How ever the desk top tower will not log in or the IPad will not work either when is is connected by WiFi looks like it could be the server I am using. The only common thing there is is the server and the server is Westnet. Regards, KP
  9. Good to see Frank, You answered it for the bush barristers. Regards, KP.
  10. F_T You must have wagged school those couple of days or the teacher sent you out of class for being disruptive got me stuffed how you missed that circus. I saw Barry he was very active on these gentlemen's ears and heart they were stuttering for answers. Got me stuffed why you are so negative when we get someone who stands up for aviation you bag them. KP.
  11. Check Barry Osullivan out he is from Toowoomba. Barry is giving CASA some stick. KP
  12. What Barry from Toowoomba? he is doing something for aviation, actually a lot he is taking CASA to task. Regards, KP
  13. You are correct one must have the whole week there. AND get some walking fitness before you go. The other important point, go to breakfast early by waiting for the door to open about 3/4 hour later place is bedlam. This is at the uni. KP.
  14. Jaba-who.. Very good idea get into those tours to Oshkosh little bit extra however none of those nasty little surprises, I say it is a must when going. Only once did I have a non aircon room I cooked. The experts said get a fan it was battling to make the place cool. I like the meals just walk to the mess pay some money eat then leave. KP
  15. The Uni. Set up is good the meals, the process of getting to and from the show are just great. Yep the beds are a bit small.. BUT make sure you get an aircon room the others get hot, even for Nth. Qlders. KP.
  16. SDQDI .... I only asked a question... No mention of, when I was at the pub I was told yeh and this fellow mentioned yippy yeh. None of that stuff. I only asked a simple question, the other interesting aspect regarding this forum there are a lot of clever characters who have their fingers on the pulse. I am astounded how some of them are so close to the exact truth. The RAAus membership needs to know what is going on not shielded from the truth. Regards, KP
  17. We were supposed to get progress reports... OR No progress. KP.
  18. Since the big board meeting and RAAus has become a company, things are very quiet. There was a meeting with CASA last week any results? Good/Bad. Has anyone heard any news as to RAAus moving forward.? KP.
  19. Must have been a big wind that day kept blowing you over. Regards, KP
  20. Food for thought Doug, Why would there be such a push for disciplinary procedures, there may be a view that there are people and planes will head for the hills and there will be a case of catch me if you can. Regards, KP
  21. What I hear Hec Field/Jacob's Well in Qld was the trial run for that non member trick. The situation regarding the proxy and attendance surfaced there. However put it all together oh that will never be achieved. Regards, KP.
  22. Hi NT5224, No truer word said. You mentioned from the Canberra area..True. NT no hope. True. Stand back and have a look not from with in go way back and have a look you will see interesting things. The people in NT and Regional Nth.Qld they have become successful by perspiration and natural business procedures, the Canberra and surrounds click they must have this novel after their name the bigger it is the more votes they get hence Nth. Aust will miss out for ever. That why one of the prerequisites of the new board must have academic skills why not some visionary/perspiration skills. Regards, KP
  23. In real estate language some operators are calling Gympie the hinterland to the Sunshine Coast so makes the area larger that is if you are using that language. Regards, KP.
  24. The other point worth considering is what about a member being present and had put a proxy in previously.? Yep Turbo just plain shenanigans.. Regards KP
  25. Hello Turbo, What you are suggesting --- there were some from the dial a mob brigade. That could be true you know. KP.
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