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Keith Page

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Everything posted by Keith Page

  1. Hello Rod, The voting will be very interesting. You mentioned caution do not stress there is a lot caution and thinking out in the members ranks. One of their concerns is what will happen in the long term you know those situation we can not see and envisage until we are bitten. Yep Don has put a lot of work into the re- write but still not stop us from looking in the distance and laterally as Don says all good sailing ahead, will it be? Now how can it be when there are know corrections already.? KP
  2. So NO has to be the answer. KP
  3. Two things there Don is pushing his yes vote... The other RAAus is a member based organisation.. What do the members want, not the board. KP
  4. What is if one has puts the hard yards in and still there are unanswered questions and still does not like the direction. Well it has to be "NO" till it is corrected. One does not start a journey unles the plan is correct at the beginning. It is OK to change a plan when the trip indicates such but, no, to the faults at the start. KP.
  5. It is a case of NO until there is a clear understanding. If we vote it in where will it end up, so NO has to be the answer. KP
  6. Good on you Don you have mentioned something I have been on about for ages. You have seen this with your own eyes and how easy it was get implemented.. #117. We do not need more Acts, Regulations and Rules to control things like what is being presented and designed currently. In our case (RAAus) it is a simple case of Education and Culture development, this will be a simple shift to people being happy to belong and interested in helping. This is done without fluff, glitz, flowers and bells and whistles. What will Acts, Regulations and Rules is only resentment and that is the direction at the moment. Education and Culture development is not achieved with a big stick, Education and Culture development has to be done correctly imperative, then E&C is contagious spread like wild fire. Regards, KP
  7. Hello kasper, As yet the draft V4 Tech Manual has not had a read. Waiting for my mag to turn up. To me this sounds like the constitution - shown to the members in a shabby form. Why not get it about correct before it is presented? This is same as the constitution. I am wondering who has the idea that RAAus has got to have more regulation than GA? The concept of AUF has drifted off in the clouds. RAAus is a members organisation I think the members should be listened too. OR Does RAAus want to loose all its members.? Regards KP
  8. SO Why is it dying in Australia?? KP.
  9. OK!!!! You say a career in aviation, put it to you this way -- if all these policies and wishes are enacted there will be no planes about so what will be the use of aviation? Regards, KP.
  10. In reply to nong post#81. My answer is yes. This new constitution is the initial tool which will allow what you are advocating. The rules you are mentioning just pop out of the air they are not in place within a system and process. Regards, KP.
  11. Got to be a system and process with in the SMS. You all talking about auditing well some news there is no registered system and process in the SMS as to which path is used to monitor the log books. Regards, KP.
  12. Yes there is to be something to be done.. But not an eeny meeny miney mo process. A nominated designated system and process not something just thought about and cobbled together. There needs to be a clear nominated process not this pulled out of the blue where no one has heard about. It is one of those basket of surprises which was not communicated. The process needs to be registered with in the SMS. Regards, KP.
  13. Did you read the rest of it? How is it to be executed? Regards, KP.
  14. Yes those preflight inspections go on my flight log along with the fuel measures, times and landings.(Fuel management needs a safety net as it is done in flight planning procedure as well hence fuel required is calculated twice.) Better to be sure. Only the services and maintenance/repairs get on the log book. Regards, KP
  15. Looks like other people do not know what is in the Tech. Manual as they would not be asking for information outside the content. Regards, KP.
  16. Are those requests in the Tech. or Opps. Manuals? If the format for requests not there, how can one comply? To me it is making up rules at a whim. Regards, KP
  17. Yes Bill you are on to it. Sorry about harping -- that is the exact reason why I am against leaving three directors on the board with a new constitution which is not correct.. They have runs on the board for making rules on the run, that is just one demonstration. Regards, KP
  18. As I see it there is no requirement -- as nothing regarding paperwork work requests is not mentioned in the Tech. Manual. If it is not a directive in the Tech. Manual so why? To me it is regulations on the run. How can you comply with something if it not in the Tech. Manual or Opps. Manual. If it is not they can make any rule up. Regards KP.
  19. and that is what we being told to vote. YES to.. KP.
  20. That is well pointed out, Thank you Ian. The issue of -- don't worry about it we will fix it on the run, in the mean time the organisation is being guided by only three directors and they will be the ones designing the correction. Yes fix it before the journey starts. KP
  21. Bit of a correction here "ego" should read "rego",, I-pad spell check/correct plus I should read 100% before posting. KP.
  22. OK! *RAA is a member organisation. What not the TechManager go off and do something to fix the problem. (He knows the rules/regulations.) Instead a letter is sent and says your ego is cancelled end of story. These fellows are supposed to be batting for us not playing police people. Now would it be good if one gets, you can not fly this way however we need to XYZ and that will get you going in no time, but it is always this big fight, never a quiet yarn just ends up a yelling match. Regards, KP.
  23. Query To Raa CEO. Regards KP.
  24. I think you need to visit #150 in another thread, if you take the points from this board member, looks like they did not tell you all the truth. Regards, KP.
  25. I have been away doing some work hence a lot of time has not been utilised checking the happenings on the forum. However I have put a lot of thought to the issues and this post from another board member solidifies my thoughts on certain issues. So this proves a lot of members are aware this "Yes" is a manipulation. Remember there are some gag restrictions on board members however one member has broken ranks. We have been told by Don that the board is rock solid on "Yes", ????????. To me it looks like Don has been vested the duty by the board to push the "Yes" vote in doing so Don has enlisted the help of a few buddies to push "Yes" as well. Another point has been mentioned to me - by having a smaller board that will get rid of the dead wood from the board. Now? One meaning of "Dead wood" we all know however the other meaning, Is it a disguise for those who are not partaking in the party lines which is a "yes" in this case. Looks like the smoke screen is falling down. Regards, KP.
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