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Keith Page

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Everything posted by Keith Page

  1. I have been away doing some work hence a lot of time has not been utilised checking the happenings on the forum. However I have put a lot of thought to the issues and this post from another board member solidifies my thoughts on certain issues. So this proves a lot of members are aware this "Yes" is a manipulation. Remember there are some gag restrictions on board members however one member has broken ranks. We have been told by Don that the board is rock solid on "Yes", ????????. To me it looks like Don has been vested the duty by the board to push the "Yes" vote in doing so Don has enlisted the help of a few buddies to push "Yes" as well. Another point has been mentioned to me - by having a smaller board that will get rid of the dead wood from the board. Now? One meaning of "Dead wood" we all know however the other meaning, Is it a disguise for those who are not partaking in the party lines which is a "yes" in this case. Looks like the smoke screen is falling down. Regards, KP.
  2. Well said 01rmb..Your #246 covered a lot of points which need addressing. Fishla from #212 did the president and CEO address these points? There is a term which is used quite often used, "Lying by the fact of omission". This could cover a lot of these roving seminars. Regards, KP
  3. Thank you Ian... Good on you.. You will get good help.. Regards, KP.
  4. Of course they will have their argument stacked to say they are making the greatest decision in the world. They would not be running about saying they have made a very bad decision. Still does not get away from the fact that the constitution needs alteration. We do not start a journey with falts in our plan. We start with a correct plan. Regards, KP.
  5. I thought I would revisit this thread. I just wonder if there is something in this paid director issue? For me there are some concealed issues, we just have to identify them. Regards, KP
  6. For my personal interpretation and in a nut shell, what you are advocating with the above post:- Vote "Yes" for the new constitution. The above view has a complete disregard for my suspicions, views and interpretations -- that is not going to happen. So it is a, "No" for me. What amazes me is the intensity of the push for the yes vote. My interpretation -- when there is such a large push there are hidden agendas. Regards, KP
  7. Eloquent = appropriate expression. KP
  8. I am stuck here. pmccarthy. For my way of thinking this is what all the current yelling is about, put in simplistic terms this is amending on the run. In my view something as important as a constitution should be correct at the beginning of the journey. Like navigation ya don't start ya journey knowing full well the navigation is incorrect. Yes you do the amending on the way that is after you have done your checks and the plan is not going to work. Called correction. Regards,KP
  9. I have your posts beginning to end and also I have read Don's posts beginning to end. Regarding your posts, Inference covers then nicely. Regards, KP
  10. and that is why they want to get rid of regional representatives. Regards, KP.
  11. Hello David, proves a point you and Don are buddies singing off the same song sheet. If nong is thinking along those lines there will be others with the same view. You, Don and who ever else can defend it however those people will still maintain their interpretation. See you are defending the new constitution to the hilt. Regards, KP
  12. With regards to Admin's upper post. I have questions as well. Reference from another thread:- "Query to RAA CEO". nong has contributed to this so eloquently. Go to the thread and read #5. Go and have a read it is so wonderful, I am quite suspicious of all this drum beating saying how this new constitution is so wonderful. Have a read of nong's view. Regards, KP.
  13. Have you worked it out yet Don? KP.
  14. I do see a big problem here with regional representatives. How are we going to get the board member do as requested instead of off doing what they want to do? Here is my argument for regional representation, the locals will understand what is going on in the region. The non resident will have to rely on written reports and we all know how they get twisted in whoevers favour. There needs to be a process to bring them to heal and take a year of process to get compliance. As what you are advocating all that is in the ideal world. I can see big loop holes big enough to drive a buss through. The ideas are not stringent enough to get compliance. Remember the is yelling about governance. Regards, KP.
  15. Good Morning to you Don, I reply to your post 121. Drum beating:- What else could I say you write a novel and in a nut shell it says how good you are and how good you the new constitution is, what else could I say. I was being honest.. How I arrived at the gagging point.. When one sits down at a meeting we do not know which way the mop is going to flop, hence there was no opportunity to move anything from the floor all had to put in an agenda. I do not know about you I know I am not a mind reader. To me it is looking after the new executive I can not see how the members are going to help with direction, yes there is opportunity to give direction however it is a case of moving hell and high water to get a result. I did read post 121 beginning to end. Regards, KP
  16. Bit of drum beating there Don. The draft of the constitution which was presented in Bundaberg was just a copy and paste of previous, no one had a chance to mention any thing as the discussion frame work and time was pre- engineered and nothing could have been brought up outside that framework. Regards, KP
  17. I am having a dealing with ASIC, when they are presented with an issue. The issue is an inconvenience to their coffee drinking culture and they find every excuse why not to act. Hence why is ASIC a worry they only get a bit active when someone complains then continues to complain, while doing so incorporating more organisations. Regards, KP
  18. How did you dream that up? What great words we all need to take head of that little gem Regards KP
  19. What is my concern, "What is being hidden?" Looks like it is causing confusion and people will say "Yes" and then all the corrections will come to play which will be nothing like what we voted on. So to be safe vote.... NO. Regards, KP.
  20. Yes Peter they miss it. It is members organisation.
  21. Wilful, illegal flying:- Hello ---- that is what I have been yelling about for ages. RAAus is not a police force and they should get that very clear in their minds. That even includes the certain members who think they can administer law. I have mentioned them running about playing police people, when they should be going about being diplomats fixing and expanding RAAus. Regards, KP.
  22. As I have been away and I am doing some catch up.. What I have gleaned I am with you kasper.. I am concerned as to what is hidden behind those flaws. KP
  23. You are saying "The board will select the 7"... I think that could be a general mutiny in the RAAus movement. I will stick my neck on the line here if that is not a sign of mates brigade. What is? KP
  24. It is quiet..
  25. Who is the new Nth Qld board member all is quiet.? KP.
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