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Keith Page

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Everything posted by Keith Page

  1. That is a very good point:- "Do the members want to go in (X) direction" It is member based organisation not something we are told to accept. KP
  2. Fix it on the run........... What rot........ OK which way will the fix go - is the problem. We have voted on the constitution but not the unknown direction. KP
  3. Does not matter if the board is here or not. Just get the members up to speed as to, there could be some shananagans going on. Case of open your eyes and ears then they can make an honest informed choice. What interests me, why no official reason for the special general meeting? Some one on this forum knows. KP
  4. The members need to be alerted as things are not good. Hence the members need to get their thinking caps. Have them thinking about this massive spending program when the magazine was toooooooo expensive. KP
  5. Shags_j, they have yapped and yapped how they are going to be so transparent.. ---- " Nothing like the old board". This mob are worse. Would not be hard to explain things with communications. I read the last months presidents report bragging how good the modern communication is so no need for state based reps. A state base rep has a real feal for the local members. If one calls the southern people we only get woffle as they do not have that local feel. What I say why not explain themselves not delegate the task of explaining to others. Straight from the horses mouth is the go. What is being hidden. Regards, KP
  6. I am a bit suspicious here. * There is a special general meeting being called and there is little information out regarding this event. (1) Is it to get the new constitution through? If that is so, must be something dodgy in the new constitution. Just a thought. (2) The other when the board is reduced to 7 sounds like they will be paid directors. I thought RAAus had to reduce costs hence the magazine as we know it went west. How are the directors going to be paid? Where will the funds come from? RAAus is going broke??? OR!!!!!????????. Are the members fees going through the roof? The other part I have heard, There has been a lot of money spent on the female pilots programme, Wonder how true it is? Good program however not that larger spend. We are not being told a thing. Has anyone else been informed as to what or where those happenings are heading. What for an unknown destination? Regards KP.
  7. No Weipa would nearly be at the tip of Australia. (In Australian terms) KP.
  8. I do not see you rushing up to Nth. Qld to give them a hand. Like most things up there it is only self help they live on. Regards, KP
  9. Hell Timb, I do not know your angle of thinking there however:- I will expand on the miles away. First of all I myself am not in the equation. I was endeavouring to demonstrate how big Queensland is with just a few words without writing a novel about the subject. Just imagine driving Melbourne to Weipa how big of a stubby trip that will be? Oh "stubby trip" a measure of distance most used in qld to denote how far away a location is. Regards KP.
  10. F-V There are two others Alan Middleton he ran against Maj last time. A new one Luke Bayly he is from the coal fields somewhere. Alan Middleton from Weipa that is miles away. Regards, KP
  11. I was out in digglies when the news arrived Frank Marriott is running for the Nth. Qld board position., now I am back in good reception I can type more on this trusted IPad. Frank will go well on the board as no one will be able to put anything over Frank. At the moment the board really needs someone who can give excellent checks and balances. One has to have their house in order and all the ducks in order even before thinking about taking Frank on with an issue and Frank will not play politics. Enough said will be great to see you on the board Frank. Regards KP.
  12. I am pleased to see Frank has put his hand up for the board election. May Frank go well. We need Frank.
  13. Hello DWF.. Keep going on Don he will get there. Oi! Don there is a missing reason regarding RAAus existence. Being able to fly "Legaly" all the rest is secondary. We must fly legally then the rest is an expansion on the legallity. This bit about "Safely" what does that cover?...??. "Safely":- only covers flying without damage to person/persons/property or aircraft. We must looks at the acts which generate the out come which is safe. Safety, Safe, Safely are the result of these acts which generate them. Safe and its derivatives are the end of the road. Regards, KP
  14. Thank you for your answer, I can remember the offer of an out. I liked that section acknowledging the engine is the problem,data told them such. The questioning line switched and then data could not tell what is wrong with the engine. There is a stage where one has accept a case of futility and one can only protect for a certain amount of time. If my memory serves me correctly that particular Legal Speciaist wrote the instrument which is causing all the grief. Regards, KP
  15. What you are saying Ron5335.. :- "Please adjourn this session and I will get this required information clear in my mind and get back to you" or a statement to that effect. Is that you are saying? Regards KP
  16. The inconsistencies in the Jabiru issue should set all alarm bells ringing. Just a little think will fit the jigsaw together not a truck load of sustistics. GA and RAA are two different critters and the Jab engine can not ever be compared with the continentals and Lycomings. The last paragraph of post 595 from Jab-who has a lot going for it. Regards. KP.
  17. Old Koreelah.. I hope he escapes it. He is a decent person. There are some grubs about who need rapping they are hiding behind some banners when they are exposed they need to named in every news paper in Australia. Regardless of their standing in the community, named. KP.
  18. Jaba-who, The RAA data to CASA is the only difference I have with your summary. The rest you get 100%. Yes the competitors making a noise and they were listened to. It is going to be very interesting when the mess is sorted and who is going to hung out to dry. We will be surprised who is going to be dried. Barry O'Sullivan is not going to give up till those people are exposed and they need to be. Jabiru is an Australian business and needs to be helped. There is some much moaning about foreign buy outs in Australia. Regards, KP.
  19. I would love to be that fly. It is obvious that Barry O'Sullivan is well briefed and educated regarding the subject. CASA are trying to get out of the situation without revealing the main source of the information. Regards, KP.
  20. I think you are not to far off the money,"Not going well for CASA". I would like to see a transcript. My question, how come CASA acted of the Jab engine and now they do not know what is wrong with the engine? That was revealed in that last recorded government enquiry. If one acts on something one knows what is exactly what is wrong.. Or did they go off half cocked on someone else's advice.???? For my way of reasoning RAA is involved with this saga as well. When the director was asked, What is the source of your information? The director answered :- ATSB, RAA and our enquires. "Our enquires":- that information would have come from RAA not hard to work that one out. Regards KP.
  21. They are special Doug I get all my tyres from there. I must be easy pleased as I am always happy with them. KP.
  22. Inclusion on equal terms will do. I just do want to see them ignored. KP.
  23. Andy however the constitution must show sympathy to the rag and tube sector because that is only what some members wish to participate with. Regards KP.
  24. DWF That is a very good point there has to be a mentioned consideration to members as it is a member based organisation. Continued learning is a very good area to consider as the continued learning aspect is a requirement for a number of professional organisations to keep ones registration current. Regards, KP.
  25. You missed it Turbo need to go back quite a bit to safety training. All organisations are out there doing safety training till the cows come home. What is "safety training."? Now it would be better to train "safety culture"? People will resent safety after safety, develop a culture and they will take that on board. Regards, KP.
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