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Keith Page

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Everything posted by Keith Page

  1. You missed it Turbo need to go back quite a bit to safety training. All organisations are out there doing safety training till the cows come home. What is "safety training."? Now it would be better to train "safety culture"? People will resent safety after safety, develop a culture and they will take that on board. Regards, KP.
  2. At the end of the day CASA has to be obedient to the minister and his bureaucrats.. RAAus is there with CASA's blessings. Just look at the debacle over the Jabiru engines who dobbed who in. When that is sorted out we will move on. For some good listen get that recording of Senator Barry O'Sullivan quizzing the CASA director. Barry knows the answers and they would not come clean. Regards, KP
  3. Yep.. QUANGO..
  4. Hello Turbo, Just a matter of interest, for want of a better description or interpretation. CASA is a board which has been given the duty of administering aviation in Australia. This is done by way of a government act. So CASA is a board with all it warts, bumps with its top heavy bureaucracy. Regards, KP
  5. Do not go Frank we need you. You used to handle more mud than that. Look you survived. Regards, KP.
  6. You mentioned you are flabbergasted --- just stand back forget about your small group who brought change and have a look at what is happening. When you are scanning your eyes about present yourself a an every day normal member. Have to be a case of what are they realy asking for not a case of that/this will do them. I have a letter from the President of which I will answer and the concerns are there hence the board will get to know my thoughts. Regards KP.
  7. I am back from my tour of duty. So now I have get an understanding of what has been said in last pile of posts. I see Don giving me some stick, nothing new. Just to start.. A board member must have vision of where RAAus has to go. To be successful for vision, tertiary qualification are not necessarily an asset. Will have a read and add my bits. Regards, KP.
  8. Thank you Turbo. You forgave me. KP.
  9. As I believe what is correct, you are not to far off the money. You mentioned RAAus that is correct. The RAAus/CASA people their roll in this issue, they were told to take the baton because it was their job. One tried to run away from the baton knowing full well what was going to happen, but upstairs had clout. As I see it, the vindictive people are with in RAAus they could have stopped it but they kept on pestering. Now. What a mess to clean up.. There is a CASA safety thing in Townsville next week something may happen. Regards, KP.
  10. Re-post it. See how we go. I will keep an eye out for it. KP.
  11. I hate IPads. Life is supposed to be easier with these know all I -Pads with their auto correct. The last phrase is:- Not a police state. Sorry about that, had to be corrected or turbo would rip strips off me. Regards, KP.
  12. It is something else, RAAus is supposed to be a members organisation as it stands here ....it is a select few board members and selected staff and there is the RAAus. No members organisation. Regards, KP.
  13. That is my case, it is an organisation for select board members and selected staff. That is what Maj eluded to on many occasions. It is forgotten that RAAus is a member based organisation. Not Alice state. Regards, KP.
  14. As I have said many times RAAus acts as small police force. Case one, look how they are handling the Jabiru issue we get told how diligent they are and looking after the members interests. No. How the tech. department are acting looks like they are a mini CASA. Read in the last Sports Pilot the presidents report, as I interpret the report this constitution is angling at paying a smaller board. Have a read, make your own decision, played my card. We have to be very careful with this new constitution or RAAus will be gone for ever. We get told how wonderful it is but only for a few. Needs to be sympathetic to the members. I would like to know what deskpilot wrote. Must have been a sensitive issue. Regards, KP
  15. Hello All, The Thangool fly in is on again. 22-24th July you will get more details as the post gathers speed. I thought I had started a post however it was only an entry in the events calendar. This year the races are involved with the fly in hence there is an extra activity instead of just sitting about and talking planes. Regards, KP.
  16. Yes there is one this year 22-24th July 2016.. I have started a post for it somewhere here -- seeing you have mentioned it I will repost it.. You have to go along. The Thangool races are mixed up in the activities as well so there will be things to do or just have a small beverage and brag planes. Regards, KP.
  17. You recon the good new days are getting better and better? Electronic mag.. as I am told it is a two page thing on a tablet. State representatives be in a cluster.. I will not go any further or I will incriminate myself. Regards,KP.
  18. Good one, Spooks. You forgot the crank shaft issues. KP
  19. An area rep has to get about their region. I am in the Southern Qld section and only have seen one of the southern boys up here. The Nth.Qld rep used to be here all the time he was aware of the members needs. How can they get to know in which direction they need to stear RAAus? I here:- phone, OK.. Most people I talk to on a phone they sound like they are up a hollow log with a mouth full of marbles, "Can not hold a decent conversation" Ya give up. There are people who do not come forward, we only get information from them on prompting, normally it is good information coming from these people. Can not use a useless phone here got to be face to face. Remember these board members are supposed to be guiding RAAus to the future. For the Qld people who go to Old Station imagine the Victorians getting themselves there. Never see them.. Remember the board members are supposed to be looking for direction from the members. I read with interest kasper's point regarding the electronic mag. "Got to zoom in and wonder about". Come on be reasonable, that would give me the chitz. I get the paper mag. still. We get told the mag is a good form of communication. Regards, KP.
  20. This re-write of the constitution has gone quiet.. I wonder why.. I think it is what the board is after.. Could be some nasty stuff sneaking through.. Hope I am wrong needs checking on with a fine tooth comb.. What is tabled is one thing and the real thing is waiting in the wind somewhere.. Remember it is a member based organisation, not full of paid directors. Regards, KP.
  21. Catch up to me and I will put the jigsaw together, There is information I wish have on a publis forum. I do not know you personally hence why I am so guarded.. PM me and I will see what I can do... Regards, KP.
  22. No retaliatory action...
  23. "They" have names :- Find out who authorised what? Who provided what to CASA? Go to the top that includes the minister and his advisors, yep go through the RAAus office. If anyone does that I thing there will be a lot of scrambling for cover, as there are a lot hiding behind organisation banners and we are not getting the truth. As I said in another post "retaliatory action". Regards,KP.
  24. Have you ever looked further into this situation or moved the scenario about endeavouring to discover something different. This new "New CASA tactic", have you considered it may be a retaliatory action on their behalf. Regards,KP.
  25. So Oscar, What you are saying there :- All RAAus aircraft should have restrictions put on them by Casa as all the engines they use stop. I have a big problem with singling Jabiru, as people will get the idea all other engines will not stop. Regards, KP.
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