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Keith Page

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Everything posted by Keith Page

  1. A safety tribute to Major............ I can remember Major giving some good advice, "Do not use them". No negotiating. Reason:- They catch fire and can not be extinguished.. He even went as far as trying to get RAAus to disallow the use of these batteries.. Last I heard he was not having much luck with RAAus management regarding this issue. As usual he had all his evidence in order.. Regards, KP.
  2. Come F_T get your facts correct.. Electrical goods is only using Dick's name. Dick Smith food is still hitting runs. Regards KP.
  3. Well put Frank, you let your trusted friends know what you call yourself and give them the pass word.. Regards, KP.
  4. F_T ...That is good to see that your airport is starting to take off. I think you are foxing us, just to keep us all away from the airport. Best thing which has happened in Toowoomba for ages. Regards, KP.
  5. Engine are a bit like a chain. The chain is only as strong as its weakest link. An engine is old as strong as its weakest component.. Hence if the weakest component is modified then another component will take over, with engines there is another set of situations arise when there is a component modification other reliable parts start having turns of failing.. So quite often it is better to stay with the devil you know and manage it and be kind to it. I have seen Cat D11Rs killed and they are boys proof, so there are people who can brake an anvil with only their hands. Regards, KP
  6. There is very interesting view here - looks to me if one has a *Rotax * Camit or something else they will hot have engine failures, the only problem is with Jabiru. I thought all engines have loss of power or failure not just Jabiru. With a mind set like this there could be a false sense of security developing for all the non Jabiru powered aircraft. Regards KP.
  7. Russ, It is so true when one needs action all the warriors find excuses to go slow. A lot of people say how good Camit engines are for me --- for them to get over the final hurdle there needs to more engines about with more time on the clock. The old saying the grass is always greener over the fence. I do have a lot of sympathy for Jabiru regarding their engines. These engine failures I believe it is not all Jab engine problem. Just me I have heard of two which was caused by incorrect oil (1) Had auto oil (2) Some beaut oil additive when the investigation was done made for Diesel engines. The other goody, how many fiddle with the engine and think they are experts. Bit different to the old Holdens, Falcons, Valiants. The way things are at the moment I would not be game to bolt a Camit up front. Regards, KP
  8. Trust you to come up with negative stuff. Regards KP.
  9. Hello Yenn, Good to see you out there doing positive things.. Peace aviation in Rocky have a 24 reg Jab they train in it .. those people get RAAus certificates. You see two graduated students at our monthly brekkies. CDFG is a club at Thangool we have the brekkies once a month.. Come along to some brekkies when one is there one can arrange some instructional flights. CDFG is having its biannual fly in on the 22-24 July. That so is my little bit. Regards, KP.
  10. Yes "Interpreptation", could be raferty's???? Regards, KP.
  11. Good to hear shags_j that you have twigged on. That was my original intention with this thread was to get the RAAus members have a read of the draft constitution. As you have pointed out in another thread you have read it for them, I want the people to have their own read and see the discrepancies for themselves, so no one can blame me for making it up. The other point with the draft constitution to me it looks like their is some self interest in certain areas. (That why I think some points are ambiguous). Hence my reason for being adamant about state representation. Regards, KP.
  12. F_T ...With all this criticism and you mean to say you are not a member, so why are criticising? Really what the situation is you have your nose stuck in someone else's business. Regards, KP.
  13. Can't you find something positive? Regards, KP.
  14. Has CAMit engines got air hours on them yet? We need hours to get a comparison. Regards, KP.
  15. but F_T that is all export dollars and the only way is up. In the trade game every journey starts with a small step, just wonder where it all will end up. Regards, KP.
  16. Hello All I am home from my tour of duty and working from the I-Pad. I-Pads are good but they fall short on some tasks. This constitution is important and we all need to have a read and all have our 2 bobs worth in the mix. Does not concern me as to which side of the fence you are on just need to have an educated decision when it comes to voting time because no one can whinge if they did not vote or form a view. Have all the fact clear in ones mind, not in a convoluted form from some other person pushing their wheel barrow full of hidden agendas. Andy I will address your interpretations over the week end. Regard, KP.
  17. There is another very important point not mentioned, that is the homing feature which occurs when the battery is getting to nearly the end of charge. Start the unit out in the open "not under a tree" because when it is in its return home mode we have no control the unit is on its way home by itself. Hence if it is high in the air - the unit comes to the home point then lowers its self down to the ground if there is a tree in the way one is in for a lot of trouble. Regards, KP
  18. Yes you are correct speed and altitude is on mine -- part of the unit. Thought of one, have you set the GPS in the quad copter so it know where it is? If you have not let me know and I will copy and paste the process -- a long shot guess to the problem. or The other one leave it sit on the ground till all the lights stop flashing then take off, if it is not let go through this flashing process the unit is quite radical to fly. With all that said I am now exhausted for ideas. Regards KP.
  19. The current system has room for improvement. Not that long ago board members would attend fly-ins and promote RAAus now that has all gone now they sit behind screens and phones and saying what a wonderful job they are doing. In the marketing game you have to be physically seen, yes seen. No short cutting. The board members also would do a bit of a wander about the aero club just to see how they are going. No more. What is the use of a personal contact they have to something, not just a talk fest. Local responsibilities -- board members be seen at fly-ins - membership is dwindling look about other threads on this forum. I have a personal view on this new cult of the CEO and President attending fly-ins. We need good fellowship at these fly-ins. Remember RAAus is a member based organisation and we do not need, "This is what you are going to do".. Should be more like " What can be done to improve this?" The president should be collating information gathered by the board members, the president is not a dictator. The CEO should be managing and giving guidance to the office staff. This is not a police division. Regards, KP
  20. This will not give a personal touch. What about the diplomat duties, what about the visual attendance, what about the personal visual appraisal?? A screen has not fixed a thing yet the experts think so, plus it has a delete button. I am over screens and the promises associated with the screen way, these days I go straight to the phone or front up. The personal approach has the "Hey You"factor, I am here to talk about things sort it out. Regards KP.
  21. You do get local issues from time to time and if it does not effect the southern ones you will get nothing done and be classed as that Northern whinger. Be careful of that banter handed about saying the best rep is in the south and you can contact them on email and all will be good. What I say here be careful. I know for a fact we are on our own up here. The other point Townsville is closer than Melbourne. The board recommending new board members that is exactly what I am advocating. (Not) Just imagine what rot that will start. The goverenence crowd will yell or might - as depending on which of their cronies they are trying to shoe horn into the paid position. Regards, KP.
  22. You are a very short price favourite on that view Frank. Depends on which side of the fence one comes from.. Will be those yelling - best person for the job, best skill set for the job, do not have to live in the area, will work tirelessly for RAAus. THEN. There are those yelling - fraud, job for the boys, nepotism, most useless person they can find. Regards KP
  23. How are the the 3 board members appointed you mention 4 are elected by the membership, however I can not see how the 3 arrive at the schene. Regards, KP
  24. Not a complicated equation the board member lives in Sydney.. Cairns needs something Sydney needs something.. Sydney wins.. We have to close the avenues for that to ever happen, if we let it in then discover it does not work, imagine all the pain we suffer while we are discovering it dose not work, have you ever thought how much effort and wasted resources involved to reverse that debacle. Regards, KP
  25. Good on you rhysmcc you are getting about with your eyes open. One thing for sure it was not Steve Runciman who organised the legal consultant to the meetings. I may have not made myself clear regarding the paid directors. Will be great to have a process designed now so that can not happen because we will have ones within our midst who think that process will be OK. Think about this,with reduced board numbers they will be able vote themselves in as paid directors by the fact of the executive having greater voting power. Remember RAAus is a member based organisation. The CEO runs the office, the board sets the direction. We do not need a CEO doing things like "Do this like xyz they will not wake up". This is the last thing we need for a member based organisation. The other issue likes of yourself in Cairns how will someone in Sydney know your lot in Cairns? Regards, KP.
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