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Keith Page

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Everything posted by Keith Page

  1. You know those competitions which are on line, those ones which are designed to compile information for data lists of which they sell on, to those pests which call us constantly. Looks like RAAus on sold the members list to AVDATA and the cost of list is the kick backs to RAAus from AVDATA which no one is admitting to. Hmmmmmmmm.. Case of proving it is the mission. KP
  2. That happens far too often. There is a need where they get their money calculated to fortnightly payment like centerlink benefits. KP
  3. Now aren't the permits kept in the archives. The council is not very diligent when it looses something like that. So what are the councillors doing? Do they go along to the council meetings for a free lunch? Do not need to be a rocket scientist to under stand an airport is an important asset/service industry. KP
  4. I will contact you and start the ball rolling regarding your nomination for the board. Start the process tomorrow.. Keith Page.
  5. You are on to it Jack. KP.
  6. An important aspect which is missing, is "vision". This is a team effort, management has a handle on governance. A board has to have some type of vision to move forward or it will bog down in governance. KP
  7. jackc.. Just a moment have a think''''they''''' want people with degrees.. What you need to consider is what the members want. It is something like what the pollies are, that is get elected and tell us what we are going to get, I thought it was -- we give them our wishes and they go from there, nup, they tell us what we got to do for them. This RAAus board is the same, except for those rusted on supporters, they would stay loyal even if they were being fleeced of their last cent. I do not know what you want I need someone with practical common sense. KP.
  8. circuitsun.. Great to see you are getting your voice out there. You are so correct the members are being treat with utter contempt. Wonderful to see you are jumping in and making a noise. KP
  9. robinsm that is an absolute joke, building ones plane is a steep learning curve if one does not learn something with that exercise it is a sad world. Yep looks like a money making exercise. The acquired knowledge in aerodynamics, engines and propellers is colossal, I think the builders should be delivering the L1 course. KP
  10. That is a joke..so other words paper work is more important than nuts and bolts. Hence that little story one can not fly the plane till it equal the weight of the paper work. That is quite apparent. KP
  11. All that is not quite honest. So how did they twist the privacy agreement to get that through? Our membership details are private and confidential so all that information out there something is breached. If RAAus were insistent about the fees, so could this happen AVDATA sends the details to RAAus, RAAus collect the money and sends it on. For those who have not paid their bill - well can not renew membership and registration. Simple. I did hear on the grape vine there is a kick back to RAAus from AVDATA do not know how much. If that is the case that must be the bate to have them roll over and sell the members out. KP.
  12. I was having a think about what I said, should have said, "In the process just stay in, just hang about all day". Test cricket at its best. KP
  13. You are correct Frank.. Am hoping this new government may facilitate a way forward. See what the next few days will present. Hoping????? We are making moves however how effective who knows. At times it feels like English test cricket bat all day for one run in the process not get out. KP
  14. I used all my time and still nothing. Last time Albo was there, flying is only for the silver tails. KP
  15. Hmmmmm.. You may have the answer there. Tweak your solution and see what the masses say about that. Have a system where landing fees are paid. That way all the members information stays in house and to renew the registration pay the outstanding landing fees. KP
  16. ""OR""... Is RAAus getting some commission from AAA? KP.
  17. Tony King read a prepared statement, nothing really informative. Only old known information. Spencer Ferrier did not know RAAus regulations. Just wonder what was going on ...... secondly why did Tony King rock up with his legal team. What were they scared of or what could have been asked of them.? Hmmmmmmm? KP
  18. Hello turbo, M61A1 is on to it. I was looking from inside Part149. That is controlled by placarding. With the helicopters there needs to be two seaters available for training with in the Part149 and Part 103. Turbo you are on to cost and regulations etc. etc. not the same type of relevance within Part 149 & 103. It is early days as to the administration. Why has "liability"? ... Always has to pop up? Think in another sphere and there is the answer. Be very very careful with this liability movement thing, because if one goes too hard at that one, there will be no aviation in Australia. The only thing flying about will be the RPTs and the unregistered planes and unlicensed pilots. That will be a mess. To me CASA's safety programme is to have no planes flying and that mission is gained by over regulating -- with this over regulation comes exorbitant costs and people will give up and go fishing. Example in this case, "Angel Flight" KP.
  19. What are you saying regarding GA component? We are not thinking anything like GA. Got me thinking where or how or why GA is involved in this equation. Yes, there is a weight increase just like RAAus is seeking. I can assure the weight is not the hold up, nor are the light helicopters. The big question, At the moment, legally, where are the small helicopter fitting into the scheme of things? KP
  20. Turbo you have me stuck. GA Component? We do not have a GA component, however can you show me where you are thinking we have a GA component then I can address it. KP
  21. Hello robinsm, I only wish work behind the scenes made a noise, however these behind the scenes activities are silent and invisible. Notice how the politicians get on radio and TV well that is being seen and heard. I must inform you we are working with CASA and endeavouring to get help from the politicians. Hence we have been visiting a lot of pigeon holes and hurdles. KP.
  22. Isn't there an audit getting about which was done about something about 4 months ago. (Will stand being corrected on time) This audit cover RAAus governance. I have not heard of anyone discussing it. Is this audit stuck under the carpet? KP
  23. If it is not the above. Most of the time it is the good old, "Fingers Disease". KP
  24. KRvitor.. Changing a privacy policy at will is illegal, isn't it? We all signed the privacy policy which we know, then what we know has changed unannounced but as we are signed the original we must abide by this amended privacy policy. They think we are all stupid. To me looks like a pile of dictators. KP
  25. You are not too far from the truth, every time when things are moved the voting is always 4-3..when one sees that regularly -- comes in the category of a non functional board. One would expect an occasional unanimous or 5-2, 6-1 but never a constant 4-3. KP
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