The RAAus members will have to take an active interest in this new constitution because it is no use moaning as all must be involved with the outcome. This is a members organisation.
The new draft constitution is on the RAAus web site for all to read what I suggest all members have a read and have an input even to the point of getting your friends involved. Read the preamble.
What really disturbs me is it is doing away with state representation and having a system in place where all can be governed in one little area, now that is open to heaps of underhanded tricks.
The other interesting point there is a push to do away with people of vision and replace them with tertiary qualified people not necessarily from aviation persuasion, just imagine that.
This brings up the reason why I am anti board member being a ROC it has a big conflict of interest and has large avenues for poor conduct.
I am very happy with a smaller board as that will make decision making more streamlined and dodging the talk fests which go around in circles.
A board member is to be a diplomat for RAAus that is some one who will go to a flyin and promote our sport just imagine a board member who resides in Melbourne and there is a small flyin at Atherton, I can hear all the bleeding hearts "you can do that over the internet" no board member can not show their face.
The other interesting point, was the mention of directors. (?????)
I am a bit suspicious here. Is that there so when the smaller board is up and going the executive can vote themselves in as directors and get paid?
That needs a lot of questions being asked and do not accept waffle for an answer.
Have a research.