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Keith Page

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Everything posted by Keith Page

  1. Not hard to work out rhysmcc.. Sticking to the systems and procedures and having fat cats wandering about making sure systems and procedures are adhered to strictly --- instead of using ones noggin. Remember these fat cats cost a lot to feed and house it was spelt out loud and clear in the section where Dick spoke about where those empty hangers are once those hangers were buzzing with activity now those companies are broke and gone. Why?? There are so many advisors, consultants, managers advisors and secretaries with secretaries assistants the place will over balance with that much wait at the top and no one doing the rowing. Why is GA going towards extinction.? Regards, KP.
  2. Frank not fixed yet I have a DUAL gps sender and it will not connect to the IPad... I am told connect the DUAL through a computer go to the web site and up date the sender, however I was told it was very simple. When I hear "Very Simple" I run a mile because most of time nothing like simple.. This I-Pad has the gps in it however the gps probe makes them mor accurate. Regards KP.
  3. Frank not fixed yet I have a DUAL gps sender and it will not connect to the IPad... I am told connect the DUAL through a computer go to the web site and up date the sender, however I was told it was very simple. When I hear "Very Simple" I run a mile because most of time nothing like simple.. This I-Pad has the gps in it however the gps probe makes them mor accurate. Regards KP.
  4. I was down at the pub this afternoon and these fellows were talking a lot and they said it was a Jabiru engine I quickly told them that it was a Beechcraft and no hope of a Jabiru engine but they were adamant that it was Jab engine because there were told from a news broadcast and the press is always correct. Regards KP
  5. I was down at the pub this afternoon and these fellows were talking a lot and they said it was a Jabiru engine I quickly told them that it was a Beechcraft and no hope of a Jabiru engine but they were adamant that it was Jab engine because there were told from a news broadcast and the press is always correct. Regards KP
  6. There is something going on and I can not pick it.. However all will be revealed one day.. These trends are telling us something and we are not getting the true fact from up the ladder. Regards, KP.
  7. There is something going on and I can not pick it.. However all will be revealed one day.. These trends are telling us something and we are not getting the true fact from up the ladder. Regards, KP.
  8. Andy you say log into the members portal...how much spare time has one?? How many hours practice have you put into that? I have spent ages just navigating about that thing and after about an hour I am back where I started.. Quicker and easier to call and ask, all done in 3mins. with out wasting time and not to mention the frustration. All I say Andy you have a lot of spare practice time or had lessons from the designer. Regards, KP.
  9. Andy you say log into the members portal...how much spare time has one?? How many hours practice have you put into that? I have spent ages just navigating about that thing and after about an hour I am back where I started.. Quicker and easier to call and ask, all done in 3mins. with out wasting time and not to mention the frustration. All I say Andy you have a lot of spare practice time or had lessons from the designer. Regards, KP.
  10. Hello Rick-P, I thought the cover was greater than $250k.. But stand being corrected. I have to get myself up to speed here, back when QBE gave coverage I am sure the cover was greater because there was a big yell about someone doing something wrong and the next person was so brilliant, just egos.. I have forgotten the text of the yelling match and the content. So need to educated regarding the subject * Why it was moved from QBE * The premiums * The coverage. Regards KP.
  11. Hello Rick-P, I thought the cover was greater than $250k.. But stand being corrected. I have to get myself up to speed here, back when QBE gave coverage I am sure the cover was greater because there was a big yell about someone doing something wrong and the next person was so brilliant, just egos.. I have forgotten the text of the yelling match and the content. So need to educated regarding the subject * Why it was moved from QBE * The premiums * The coverage. Regards KP.
  12. In the marketing game every one has friends and they are the ones you need they are the profit -- so structure yourself to sell to them. In a nut shell look after old mate who made the first contact make sure he is super happy and he will tell the world and that is free advertising. Regards KP.
  13. In the marketing game every one has friends and they are the ones you need they are the profit -- so structure yourself to sell to them. In a nut shell look after old mate who made the first contact make sure he is super happy and he will tell the world and that is free advertising. Regards KP.
  14. Hi Ozfergie A few tail wheel lessons will get you out of that nose down stuff. Just a mind set you have to get rid of ---- on the issue do not cut yourself up over it --- quite often there will be apprehension creeping in if you do that. Regards KP.
  15. Hi Ozfergie A few tail wheel lessons will get you out of that nose down stuff. Just a mind set you have to get rid of ---- on the issue do not cut yourself up over it --- quite often there will be apprehension creeping in if you do that. Regards KP.
  16. Refer to my post #37. The plot thickens.. Now we need to know who were the individual who handed the information along. We do not need "They" . "CASA" . "RAAus". Individuals can hide behind those names. Actual names. Regards, KP.
  17. RAAus will not be mentioned anywhere in an act.... However what you will find -- is mention of a structure like RAAus and how they are to operate.. Board members:- Get away from looking in CASA or even RAAus go looking in definitions and duty descriptions, what I suggest is go to department of fair trading.. Most likely board members will be mentioned by duty description not by duty name. Yes there is a lot of reading to find this information, you must look for the descriptions and then the descriptions are a bit cryptic. (Be aware each sate is different).. So in this case look in ACT. Re...... You mentioned only a draft, yes???? ....... The constitution why not get it sorta accurate first up, that means a lot less work when it comes to correction time, when the refinements are to be done. Regards, KP.
  18. OK .... What does the board member's charter actually say? Act/Regulation interpretation of the definition not a wish list from a bush lawyer. See Turbo is on to it when he mentions CASA's requirement of the board. So this brings up two points * has the current board given too much authority to the CEO. *The new constitution does not address the boards responsibilities. Just thinking where are you Kaz. Regards KP.
  19. Hello Camel, This what I can not get a handle on. In this case who is "they" that you refer. I will assume RAAus in this case. The data came from RAAus then RAAus is asking CASA where is their data. So did CASA start the Jab issue from RAAus data.? Now RAAus defending it? Regards,KP.
  20. Re.the Data; why don't you talk to CASA and find out who gave it to them and why? Very good point Turbo. Would be a very good job for Tony Fitzgerald get his teeth into. I think we all will be surprised who will be flushed out of the wood work. Regards, KP.
  21. Hello Turbo, In a nut shell --- CASA has been given the duty of managing/overseeing the regulation/management of all things aviation this duty has been given to CASA by an act of parliament. For want of a better term CASA is a government board. That is about it in simplistic view. Regards, KP.
  22. Col who is cleaning the hollow logs out now.. As I see the situation was a good idea to have some savings in hollow logs.. I see Don asked why such a big surplus of yesteryear it is looming to be a case of a blessing in disguise. Regards, KP.
  23. Come Andy, Technically membership.. I would really like to see your working on those sums... Remove the magazine from our membership subscription and have us pay for it as a a seperate item as it used to included in our membership. Average all that out what is the technical percentage increase of our membership?? Regards, KP.
  24. Hello asmol, I am back from my tour of duties. I have read this thread with great interest.. Now that all camps have had their say and Maj has defended all the people in question... Usually in these situations the truth is usually located some where in the middle of all the smoke. When there is smoke there is a lot of heat or fire somewhere as in this case. An honest enquiry will get the answers for the members.. Regards KP.
  25. GG.. I would dearly love to have a look how the money is spent.. We here so much how the board of yesteryear operated, just imagine the mess at this time if they did not plan for a surplus.. The other big thing RAAus owns the Canberra office owns 100% of it. The stories do not fit for me as I only hear blame games and things are so wonderful with a new board. The surplus is being eroding away and technically membership has increased by 30%. Andy's addition even next year will be a loss.. So let the blame games continue and the experts expouse their views. Regards, KP.
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