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Keith Page

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Everything posted by Keith Page

  1. Remember Don it is a members organisation, not an Executives /CEO's organisation to me that looks very much the case at the moment. Some of these hard working board members are ignored. IMO from sitting on side line an analysing the manoeuvring. Regards, KP
  2. Yes.... Rick-p... With all that --- there will be a flood of people to ELAAAA.. Regards, KP.
  3. rankamateur.... Here.. Here.. So beautifully put, austerity and the members cop this.. What I am thinking now, if all that is going on --- so what are the hidden factors??. Regards, KP.
  4. Oscar.. I know we communicate on digital I know that networking is Face to Face =(FTF).. However someone up the management tree thinks a computer screen is far superior to a magazine, so to highlight that point. We are paying for a mag is a de facto membership rise, exactly the same as these pollies we have now, when we hear --- there will be no increase in tax but the increase has a different name ...... Ok! Still an increase that does make an iota of difference still an increase. I must mention again Oscar ------ RAAus is member's organisation so when members have things going against their wishes trouble brews. Magazine:- To me there was not enough looking into alternatives, it was just a modern mind set "Digital" and this what we got. Regards, KP.
  5. Ozzie the South Africans will get the red tea out - try it and you will be hooked, I drink it now. Those old yellow and black busses they never stop. Have you tried the John Deer trains? They move loads of people too. The international pilots dinner that is not to be missed as well. Regards, KP.
  6. Who ever is at Oshkosh... Keep your eyes pealed for a D-Motor.. The six should be out. It is high torque slow revving just perfect for direct drive to prop. Fluid cooled hence no snap cooling after a slow hard climb. Regards KP
  7. what we network on digital mags?? So that is OK? Regards, KP
  8. Roscoe go to the aeromart that is the place for bargains, you do not have to buy everything just look through there is some good value things hiding under something.. One good one Cessna aerials $40.. I have to add - things are good for home builds as there are no release notes. Go AN hardware places bolts about third price we have to pay in Aus. When you bring your goodies back through Aus customs they are "Samples" as you will not have commercial quantities of anything. Regards KP.
  9. What Maj, Start lopping the tree from the top? Ya can't do that never been done before.. It has you know, the last company I worked for ---- one morning the henchmen came in and by Friday the top of the tree was gone.. Yes empty desks.. The crimes, I will not repeat.............. Regards, KP.
  10. Poor old Oshkosh has its share of accidents every year, we do not hear about them all the time. Regards KP.
  11. You can get all the learnings on the Internet, just like we get the magazine. Hence no need to fly to Oshkosh. Regards, KP.
  12. I just wonder did they do a Bronwyn Bishop as well? Regards, KP.
  13. I hear that the RAAus Tech. and Opp managers are at Oshkosh with all the bells and whistles. Regards, KP.
  14. Any Oshkosh reports? Who is at Oshkosh? Regards, KP.
  15. Well Gnarly Gnu I would dearly like to get hold of the truth behind the jab issue. As the situation presents to me it is far from what we are told. Other words there are a lot of porkies being told, but proving it because some people are committed to secrecy. Getting someone to brake the ranks and talk that is another story. Regards, KP
  16. Old Koreelah, Part true ---- there are those who stick it to the authorities plus they know how far they can go before they are in deep trouble, well when that bunch are woken up it is hard work to control them as they will generate trouble in mass and they do not give up. Hence it is better to generate a culture of which they want to be part of. Regards KP.
  17. Hello Roundsounds, Rules and threat just cause agrivation and generally develop more deviant behaviour. As I have yelled and cooed before training which develop a "Good Culture" not rules, is the go. Well developed good culture goes viral and is handed about free of charge. Regards, KP.
  18. Good on you kasper. Do not call it niggles the member's views must get out there and be expressed, how else can any one know. Those little tricks have to highlighted, remember Lawsey got into a lot of trouble for:- "Cash for Comment". Remember it is a member's organisation.... Regards KP.
  19. Good Morning Andy, The big question, Why is the magazine completely outsourced? There is the humungous cost, because the publisher has upsold the whole magazine deal, glossy paper all the way through the magazine. As I believe it -- there was only the cover to have the upgraded glossy heavy paper and rest of the magazine the less expensive printing and paper. Still does not get away from the fact that there was not a far less expensive option investigated and that is not digital. Regarding the change of letters the editor is still getting back to me that is over two years ago. I did call the office and the usual thing who ever you want to speak to is out or busy, "As soon as they get back to office I will get them to call you." These day I hardly leave a message but keep trying till I get the person I wish to speak to. Maj ----- You picked on one magazine to demonstrate your point -- now to average the articles go back through a additions of the mag and see what you get. What I see a lot of is "drum beating".. Regards KP.
  20. The other point when the letters are published they are doctored to the hilt and the concept is changed. Regards, KP.
  21. Yes a cop out and an increase of something like 40% in membership fees. I have not seen anywhere yes nowhere that an alternative cheaper magazine was investigated. I think it is a case of the board/office telling the members what they are getting, RAAus is a membership based organisation. Regards KP.
  22. Quote Andy post #308:- Anyone who thinks a few lines in a forum will provide the silver bullet is deluded. Unquote. Somewhere to start. However I have been doing some thinking, I think a forum is a very good guide as to the members wishes -- read the wishes and ideas. Digest them and verify them, then take the good ideas and run with them because it is a member's organisation not a board/office management organisation. Because there have been some very good ideas bounced about here yes there has been some rot as well you can put all that immediately in the garbage. It is a member's organisation not a board member's organisation as it was clearly demonstrated with the magazine issue or did the brain wave come from the office? Regards KP.
  23. There is the answer Andy:- " Quote :- I mean if I'm brutally honest about my own mental makeup I'm very sure of myself, never wrong...etc. etc. is that just me". It is a case of :- This is how I am going to do it and that is it, called complacency.. Factors change from day to day and also from moment to moment. We must compensate for every situation. I think some of the people who after they get their pilot certificate they class themselves as rocket scientists who are bullet proof. Sad to say we must be ever vigilant and have a continued learning programme plus never get complacent. Regards KP.
  24. Turbo.......Gosh I am pleased to see your comment.. You have spelt it out for them. You are correct ---- instead of driving mindless dribble down someone neck, show them the practical reasons why we do things then the penny will drop and they will hand knowledge along to their friends, will go viral. (Simple). We have these super educated members of society who think they know the lot but look about and see which projectory we are on. Thank you Turbo ... Felt like I was bashing my head on a concrete stump and the stump was moving. Just have to get Andy and F_T onside to help us to move forward. Regards KP.
  25. This yelling and yapping about safety --- saying more safety will get rid of accidents, get a grip of yourselves. A safety diet will quite often increase accidents, because safety diets will generated apprehension and indecision. We do not need a new set of rules to fix the situation, how often do we see some "expert" fix a situation with a new rule. Have a read of Air Creation's post #299.. There is the complete answer --- mining culture has:- "Given him many attributes for life".. What a beautiful phrase. I can vouch for Air Creation's view because if those fellows do not have a good culture they will be squished. The thing we should be doing is developing culture not safety.. Safety just happens to be a by product of culture.... (Not Hard).... (Not What We Are Getting Out Of The Office)... Regards, KP.
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