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Keith Page

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Everything posted by Keith Page

  1. The Cert IV gives one the knowledge how to train however there are trainers and trainers or instructors and instructors. It al depends how one utilises this knowledge is how successful they are as teachers. One must be ever mindful how the students are grasping and digesting the knowledge or what they struggling with in their own world. For an example:- Nearly everyone in this world does not go out to do things incorrectly, I have seen them treated as dills what is needed here follow the steps through and discover why they arrived at that situation most of the time it is an incorrect interpretation. There is one dill here and it is not the student. Regards KP.
  2. AS I look at the Sport Magazine --- looks like it is heading to a mini de facto GA. What I think "bull" is not spelling out loud enough, there is no information on the rag and tube RAAus aircraft. The types I think he has in mind are Drifters, Thrusters, Lightwings, just to mention a few. You know the tubes welded together and fabric glued and stitched to that frame, all of those ones and normally with a 582 Rotax for power. Regards, KP.
  3. "Administration of the structure of the organisation":- The organisation needs funds for all of this and insurance for the aircraft where as GA is tax payer funded. Road vehicles have a yearly rego to pay and a number of roads a goat would break a leg on plus you have all these freeways, tunnels they have tolls and foreign organisation make a profit out of them. Imagine the squawking if GA went to a user pay system. Regards KP.
  4. Following on from bull's post #166. It is on the way to being destroyed now. Regards KP.
  5. dazza 38.. You are part correct here.. Our GA brothers pay once for rego and that is all they get, correct. However we pay yearly and with that comes some insurance and admin for our organisation. The tax payer "us" pay for the admin of GA. What the insurance portion is? Who knows these days. Regards KP.
  6. The situation is ---- they are fixing these problems with rules.. When I was in the mining business I witnessed a very funny situation.. Middle order management thought they had done a wonderful fix, fixing a debacle "until" the GM came into the room roaring and bellowing "I do not want this fixed with another rule", well the heads dropped, tails jammed down and the smiling/smarting left in a hurry. Now it was back to the drawing board as another rule is the easy way out.. Training a culture into an organisations takes hard work however it is there for ever, as I have said before it is infectious and spreads not only to the work place but life as well. Regards KP.
  7. Hello Geoff13 You are so very correct with all the induction time and the cost associated with all of that industrial activity. To qualify some thoughts here, I have come from surface coal mining 22 years of it, Mining is behind me now. Over the years I have seen the safety procedures evolve to what they are now. You are correct trying do a task is a night mare. Originally we really had one safety message "Stop and Think" not all these reams of ticks and flicks. Too me this gives a false sense of security because we have those in society that think all is OK when they have ticked it off in the book. When we get out there things have change and the situation is not what we are lead to believe it is. This a good case of rules make them feel warm and cosy as they have not broken a rule. What is wrong with a culture where one must use their noggin. A little bit of information if the rules were strictly adhered to ----------------- the job would not get done. I personally think a lot of this regulation interpretation is done by the fresh new graduates who do not know what happens out in the work place. These graduates do not know what dust is and they are making rules regarding dust. They have graduated from one air conditioner to another air conditioner. One of the most noble acts I saw when I was in the industry a member of the HR team came on sight and worked four rounds of nights, not four nights yes four rounds and they were 12hour shifts. After that a different view of night shift was developed. Oh! There is another "Systems and Processes" that tells us how we must do a task.. "Trained and Qualified":- is not in the equation. Thank heavens it is our flying, I hope. Last of all ----- I believe the road is your work place. Happy flying Geoff, KP.
  8. SDQDI I think you are not too far off the mark with "education". You go on to mention how much doing your ll endo has opened your eyes. To me that is expanding knowledge and education not more rules. With education it is contagious, spreads like a virus, as I see it, that is developing a culture. With culture everyone is happy and willing to share all information good or bad, people want to belong. With rules they all head for the hills because every ones wants to out of that situation. Let face it who will hang about if they are getting fined, roused on, belittled and all the other demoralising activities that all these rule makers come up with while beating and puffing their chests. By careful when administering rules because some innocent people will end up out side the envelop and only inadvertently. Save the full wrath of the rules for the belligerent deviant people and activities --- yes hit these scallywags very hard. However help the others. Regards KP.
  9. Good Evening John, I have just returned and reading your post. What I have gleaned -- it is a very difficult road to drive, because when an organisation preaches, hammers and threatens/threats safety most of the time the reverse happens because fear sets in then the people get very apprehensive with their decision making. We need to have a culture developed where people are happy and confident not have a set of rules which generating fear. When we hear information from the board and management we are informed "All is great and rosy with fantastic times ahead". Not quite true. Yes we must have a positive attitude however we must also get rid of this toxic "all is good view" because it is not normal for activities to be 100% correct every time, because we have stuff ups. (Normal) We must embrace what is normal and expand on it not these clouded views. Regards KP.
  10. Wot do you subscribe to? "Wellcamp Guardian"? They will know.. Regards KP
  11. I think he is super clever, It is a case of dammed if you do dammed if you don't.... Just imagine one gives something an absolute guts effort to gets it ticking over correctly and there is a good outcome.......Remember no goes and does something deliberately incorrect.......There will always be the ones that yell and scream and say how useless you are.... So why bother getting on here.... Regards KP.
  12. Hello Yen, We are having another Thangool brekky on the 13thJune, same as last time. Tell your buddies. Regards KP.
  13. No Andy,,, You talk to the members, not run off on your own tangent. How did the audit pan out? Excellent? Good? So So? Deficiencys? Or others? Regard KP
  14. Ok! ave8rr.... Be careful.. Do not mention members insurance to Andy as he is on the board anything could happen. Because the next thing they will do...........????? They will keep the membership fees the same and we will have to buy our liability cover separately from RAAus as they will be agents for the cover insurance. Just another money making scheme. Membership will be the same cost will not decrease because the insurance portion is taken out. See same story as magazine issue. Regards KP.
  15. Good one Ozzie.. That will force a couple of hands. Regards KP.
  16. Yes the advertisers go where they get exposure, what exposure do they get with this digital thing? Remember that the advertisers are showing their goodies to the already converted.. Regard KP.
  17. Danza 38, A portion of our registration and membership goes to paying our insurance. Be careful with the portion size as it could bounce about like the magazine part of our membership and eventually we may have digital insurance. Regards KP.
  18. I have been out and about and quite busy.. Has anyone heard how the audit panned out? To be specific:- What is good? What needs fixing? Regards, KP.
  19. Hello Sue I am back from my tour of duty and I am in a position to reply to some of this magazine issue. Sue save me the effort of typing the magazine survey summery, it is displayed in full in the latest magazine so it can be read by all and sundry. See Andy has a lot to say about the magazine being tooooooooo expensive..must save money. I have to ask, " Has there been a look at alternative print which is not too expensive"? There are less expensive forms of print out there. I have not seen anywhere where these alternatives have been considered. Seeing the magazine is going digital I thing there will be a big reduction in advertising because it is now going out only to the converted. Sue is going to print the mag off from her computer, what is the cost of the print ink and paper? To those people with slow data speed, the exercise will take these people days to get a print out. Do not get excited about satellite connection it is not that good has a lot of outage time. The mind set is, "We all have super data speed". Just look on this thread and see all the people with slow data speed. We will be up for buying data to get out digital magazine. Sue has to go to town with her dongle just to get down loads. How many other people are in the same boat? We hear from the noisey ones here what about the quiet ones? I think rick-p is OK he can reply quickly to the experts. Regards KP.
  20. Good one "Regulate" or is this another name for a rule. How often have we seen the fix which is " Fix it with a new rule". I think ---- Good education would be a superior fix and has a better flow on effect. Regards, KP.
  21. Satellite is not good either, it has drop out then stays out.. Basically useless however when you are out in the diglies it will something. I had it home and it was useless, bless the NBN little hearts there is a tower out in the scrub and here is hoping that this will be better.. There is stuffing about getting it connected. Do not get excited about satellite it is useless. Regards KP.
  22. Andy.......I am a bit gob smacked, I can remember how you treated Steve Runciman and now you are a board member and people are expressing their views regarding the cessation of the paper magazine, these poor people are getting Andy treatment when their views are expressed regarding the cessation of the paper magazine (however for an individual this cessation will not happen when $90 is exchanged). Now the big question:- Why was the magazine survey completely ignored? Being a board member, I think you should be out helping us not fighting with us. I just feel like we have to cop what the board issues to us and this treatment is justified as "We have to make cost savings". There is one more point you have missed, the current board should be thankful that the old board had a saving plan, just wonder what the mess would be if there was not a $2mil saving, as I understand the situation the savings are diminishing quickly I must hasten to add that Steve was one of the frugal board members. Regards KP.
  23. I did not doubt you in any way Maj.. Just imagine the noise if you got your membership and rego discounted in any way. KP.
  24. Hello ---- I can remember not that long ago (Steve Runciman times)you would have had a continual yell regarding the magazine change. How is now different? These were the times you were very vocal about everything the board did, must have changed since you are a board member. This magazine issue is a case of membership increase by way of stealth, could it be fraud? When I first joined AUF my membership subscription was broken down in parts to show where our membership was distributed --- to this day I have not heard anything regarding recinding the magazine portion of the membership, until now. You are correct Rick-P the paper magazine is going to cost $90.00 how can it be said that is not correct. Could be a case for Fair Trading? Regards, KP.
  25. That is a good idea because you will have a lot of peace. As soon as they hear about the big event no one will be seen because of the dust haze created by their departure. The reason being they do not want to make fools of themselves in front of us mob. Will happy flyer have a chuckle too?? Regards KP.
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