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Keith Page

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Everything posted by Keith Page

  1. Yes Jake We do not know who is friend or foe. They just push their own agenda and hope we are all gullible and hand over fists full of money for the frivolous fixes. Just like the Jabiru engine issue it is not what went on this site that is just pub talk ------- but -------- go and find the spark which started the fire, we will never find it in the short term however we will all find out later. How it all started and who are the main instigator. Regards KP.
  2. Here is a link for the new Levil products.. http://nebula.wsimg.com/79c719c6558b98c26d9ba21ab0e120f1?AccessKeyId=25B2510C35AB96A7E02E&disposition=0&alloworigin=1 I think they are great, something -- we can use in our experimental home built aircraft. Do not tell CASA. Regards KP.
  3. that a person of reasonable intelligence has no chance of full compliance with CASA's rules (Quote:- Turbo). I just wonder it someone said to CASA "How do I weigh my project".. Instead of just going and weighing it. Then this rot has surfaced --- a great deal of that wake me up stuff starts in an office with someone trying to justify their existence. Remember a lot of CASA regulation is only a wish list because when it is challenged in court it falls over. Regards KP.
  4. An extension from my last post:- A great deal of these advancements are developed and designed by some special people in the aviation industry "not" your usual bush barrister, hanger/pub/club bar engineer and etc., etc.. The good one I do bring up and it is usually "game set match" with a lot of spluttering.. Where was the glass screen concept trialled? What about the Burt Rutan designs and concepts? I know who I will listen too. It is the intelligent ones not the ones with an ego and or a personal agenda mixed with their ego. With that said --- fancy having the 19's restricted, a lot of them are more special than the factory built and safer. Regards KP
  5. Hello Kev You are on to it -- at times I wonder where the tech team has their allegiance. We have to consider and keep clear in our minds RAAus is a member's organisation not an off shoot of CASA. Hence the rules must be interpreted in favour of members not CASA. To me the tech team are interpreting in favour of extended regulation if we get to much regulation we will all be grounded and the tech team will be out of a job. In my view the 19's are so special they are the proving grounds of a lot of aviation advancements. Regards KP.
  6. Yes Kev, You are correct about "subjective" if you followed through with that thread regarding the 95.55 amendments I have a suspicion that most of that noise was generated after someone gave their interpretation without getting their mind around the facts or a wish list of the said person wanting to be a hero. My wish is 19 is experimental and is left alone and not bogged down in wanting to be heavily regulated. RAAus is minimal regulation not getting more regulated like this somebody is suggesting. Regards KP.
  7. Told you ages ago that the small one would be going in and out of Welcamp. Wait for the next chapter. regards KP.
  8. Good oh! Oscar I am not sure ---- however there are some home builts out there which are of far superior build and more geometrically correct than the factory built aircraft. They are supposed to be bullet proof that is one end of the scale and at the other end of the scale they are just horrible. So all 19's can not be put in the same pond. Just because it came from a factory it is great and just because it was built at home it is rubbish ---- I am not going along with that line of thinking. Regards KP.
  9. facthunter is on to it. He says buy a pile of crap and you not aloud to make it safe, hello -- come on. I agree some of those kits are a bit tough to construct and one needs to have a lot of good knowledge to put it together. What facthunter is on to -- say a tough kit plus a lot of rip tare bust plus no thought going into the construction, then the builder is overwhelmed then they sell it on. The new buyer then has a big task of undoing and reconstructing almost the whole project. So where dose the CAO 95.55 amendments and advice from the Tech department fit into the dilemma? CAO 95.55 has some new amendments that is good but who will be interpreting these new amendments there is my concern. Because now when one calls up for an interpretation the answer is "That is what CASA said" or Is it? One of those old standard answers "That what they said" I am bit of cunning here -- all those theys have names. or Is it a case of over regulation? Looks like RAAus is letting over regulation creep in. Regards KP
  10. What about Masters? KP.
  11. Oh so true rankamateur ---- even get a job as a 1st. class pollie with the highest distinction that could be handed to a pollie. Regards KP.
  12. Hi All I have just read through the whole thread and I have detected a couple of inaccuracies namely:- (i) Part of our membership funds go to the mag --- this was the case when I joint the AUF. The deal was -- part of the membership buys the mag as yet I have seen where that is rescinded. Have you seen that Andy? (ii) In the AUF days it was an arrangement with CASA that the mag was the instrument to inform member of safety briefs and all other briefs associated with aviation interests. The other good thing as I see the situation --- it was a good idea to develop a surplus in the yester years. Imagine the mess if there was no surplus. Regards KP
  13. OK Frank ---- go along with that. The other point does he have a PPl? If so -- then he can not be had for unliceneced flying --- "only thing", depending on which endorsements he holds on his PPL. As I see it not a RAAus problem, only a case for civil aviation to sort out. Regards KP.
  14. You know action will speak louder than words,, then just sit back and listen to the excuses. I will love to hear the "whys" why it was successful. Best of luck "Narromine". Regards KP.
  15. A very good point, if that is the case could even be an unregistered GA (VH) aircraft. KP
  16. Hello rick-p we found each other, Hear it is a wee damp down your way, still no power here. KP.
  17. Google Morning F_T The way I see Welcamp. Welcamp is well out of the way of this cyclone which is going to visit us. The information which was handed to me just 10mins ago, Rockhampton is closed tomorrow. Welcamp will be open for ages. Have you found anything good for Welcamp. Regards KP.
  18. Keith Page


    OK... They have been.. Sin binned.. Sent off.. Whistle has been blown for full time to call a halt to spite.. At times there is sledging. That is sport and called ...... "During the Heat of The Game". .??? Regards KP.
  19. Keith Page


    Yes planedriver, Some people do not think what they are saying--- I had a grin when I read that one about setting up your computer, that was a good answer. Regards KP.
  20. Yes the 582's are about just keep you eyes on the mag. Keep asking Maj. and Doug they are like blood hounds regarding the LW's. Those two they are on the sale scent all the time. You will not go wrong with a LW. Regards KP.
  21. (Forget about the voluntary part of the equation). That is one of the problems, the ROC who is a board member as well ---- answering to the OPS Manager. Regards KP.
  22. Hello Andy back again from being about.. I will repeat myself so no one will have to go looking through other threads/posts. A ROC and board member should not be wearing two shirts.. Be a board member or be a ROC. Being one person who holds both tittles has large avenues to unethical activities with regard to conflict of interests. What is the job description for a ROC? What is the job description for a board member? The other very important point Andy and you are very vocal on this subject, "Good and correct governance". For a person to conduct an audit the person must be a qualified auditor, seeing you are defending the ROCs in this case, could this be a case of unqualified people. I must ask how many of these people getting about have the auditing qualification? Remember it is statuary. Regards KP.
  23. Here is the link to the start of the thread.. It's name:- Is this the correct direction..... Thread started on the 14th. December.. Have a read I am not in a position to say a lot, however couple of posters got vey close to the mark, as usual there was the normal dribble from the hounds. http://www.recreationalflying.com/threads/is-this-the-correct-direction.128346/ Regards KP.
  24. Yes.. Not to far off the money Turbo... That is an extension of the thread I started and got a lot of stick over, "Board member or ROC". As I said I better get back to work. Regards KP.
  25. Yes Don it is a tidal wave of drift away from track. This CASA grounding of the Jabirus --- to me there are missing links, just who are the main players in the issue, I would just like to know.... We know the couriers but who is loading the shots ???? The mind boggles... These days I just think, shake my head then get on to what I am supposed to be doing.. it is nothing to do with aviation.. Regards KP.
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