Hello All
I have heard some snippets of information being bandied about, what I have heard and if it is true I am not happy.
Some office staff and a board member are going about and being police officers, I believe the actions should be in favour of the members. Just consider RAAus if there are no members and there has been a great deal of members not renewing their membership.
If things are not being executed correctly why not buddy up with that person and tell them that is not quite correct and I am here to help fix the situation. Make it not a big deal and involve the bare minimum of people as possible. Fix it quietly.
By going into the situation with a big stick and acting like a dictator that is a situation for a breeding ground for a war. We will have factions yelling and screaming at each other “he said, she said, they did” where will that get any organisation, not a fix just a war which breeds animosity. Then people will get disheartened with RAAus and leave I do not want to think about the alternative regarding this issue.
Fix the problem quietly as possible and absolute minimum of fuss, people will respect that. The other point people do not go out there and do things deliberately incorrect, quite often there is a legitimate reason for the error and it is the last thing they need for some expert whopping into them.
Likes of Michael Monk leading from the front -- breaking down the barriers -- he is an example to follow, what I have read regarding Michael’s involvement with this Jabiru issue he is quite noble plus the other RAAus advancement activities.
Keep it up Michael.
As I see the situation -- actions should be in favour of the members however consider RAAus is a recreational fun flying organisation. I do not want to have another war with all factions feuding with each other that will not be advancement of RAAus, not one little crumb.
Advancement and succession are the go.