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Keith Page

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Everything posted by Keith Page

  1. When is F_T going start his news updates? ------- Been very quiet and I need some correct up to date Wellcamp informations. Regards KP.
  2. Hi! Adam The Wagners do not have to broadcast everything they are up to, as I have said before what a good location for training.. Ya got to get the radio calls correct. Before F_T gets excited have a fly in and out of Emerald when the RPTs are about --- that is a bit hectic and think that could be busier than Rockhampton. With aircraft coming in and out and one doing circuits that will be good training regarding radio and planning in the circuit. Regards, KP.
  3. That is a very valid point, I was not thinking in that line of thought.. With a work shop there would be a bit of surety that people would be getting a grasp of the techniques. Regards KP.
  4. Yes you are correct with the board members being voluntary positions.. However go to their mission statements pre their election and how things would be so great and wonderful under their watch only what we had to do was vote for them. If one yaps a lot I think it is only fair they get some stick, it is a case of empty promises. I am a strong advocate of promoting and succession planning hence we all should be out there pushing the virtues of RAAus. With regard the smaller board we only have to have some smaller subcommittees who can advise the board member, as I see it not too hard, just diligent people. Regards KP.
  5. Hi rankamature, You are correct about Temora...trying to get the board members responsible for the move to admit it was a stuff up. The other point ---- the movers and shakers for that debacle and still are doing things within RAAus movement. We do not hear:- "Sorry we made a mistake".. Instead the members do get the blame by way of the no loyalty yells. ..........Regarding board size.......... The board size --- in Southern Queensland we have three living in each other's pocket --- to me that equates to one person. We had a fly in at Thangool the Nth Qld board member made the effort to get there with his effort he received the greatest distance flown , we only had one board member from the Sth ---- remember Thangool is in the Southern region. I am of the view the board members should be out there giving the normal members help in promoting RAAus. Regards KP
  6. Hello Don Be careful of giving the CEO to much freedom of guiding the board size.. The board and a push from the members will govern the size of the board the CEO may give them ideas however that information is only in an advisory capacity. In a simplistic nut shell the the board gives direction and the CEO makes it happen. Regards KP.
  7. Hello Don I will go along with you regarding having the head office where the action is, that is at an airfield where everyone is reminded why RAAus is in existence. I did like your briefing regarding Rio Tinto moving one of their divisions to a big mine. That move left all the BS and egos in the city and the warriors were exposed for what they were. Face facts some of them if they could work as well as their egos they would be valuable assets, thank heavens RAAus is not in that boat. The other valid point RAAus is nothing the size of BHP or Rio Tinto so why try and emulate their management style. Put simply have an airfield we all can fly into if we want, have room for expansion training/conference rooms, at a larger town so there room for the annual fly in.. Another good idea have a little dormitory for those who get stuck with weather etc. etc.. Has not got to be big now -- have room so RAAus can expand --- expand the way for RAAus not an establish museum or the like. Has to be a friendly area so we all want to be there.. e.g. Bees to a honey pot. Regards KP.
  8. There is a troublesome IS out Roma way what grief it is causing I do not know but the IS is in a Tecnam and the Tecnam is getting the blame, I think that would be a Rotax problem not a Tecnam problem. Regards KP
  9. What Melbourne and Brisbane local?? Regards KP
  10. Hi All With this post I am not being discriminatory regarding any person. I am wishing to be fair to all concerned. I have been involved in training and there is a lot of material which does suit the situation and has to be modified for the purpose of presentation as one size does not fit all. I wish not want to sound negative regarding this L1 training I am of the belief it will not cover everyone. My thinking is not 100% behind this L1 training being done by way of the internet because it favors the people with an academic aptitude for learning. Remember RAAus is for recreation and learning not an academic institution the organisation should cover the complete spectrum of members as it is there is only one group covered. I believe L1 training should be done in a hands on work shop situation so the people with a manual aptitude can thoroughly grasp what is being said because if they are not sure the point can be demonstrated let's face it we all can do with a bit of demonstrating of points plus there is one other "We all can sit down and share ideas" As yet the Internet has not demonstrated the sharing aspect. Regards KP.
  11. Hello gandalph. Yes the office relocation has been mentioned a few times, however since the beginning of the post a lot of water has flowed under the bridge and views and ambitions have changed. People would have had a think and their thinking would have changed so why aren't they allowed to change their mind. We have not changed your view others may have. Regards KP.
  12. Employ locals, they will work and will stay as it is work in the local area. Regards KP.
  13. What about Ayres Rock that will be equidistant for everyone. That move will be considering the Perth members. Plenty of flat area minimal air traffic.. KP..
  14. OK Rhysmcc.. You came up with all negatives for Wellcamp so if Wellcamp is no good so where do you suggest the office should be located? What would happen if someone asked the Wagners and they said "Yes". Regrards KP.
  15. At it stands at the moment, that is correct. However under the banner of education, development and advancement of aviation formulate a proposal to Wagners so how one goes. Wagners have proved that they think ahead a bit regarding aviation in Australia, so have a think about the education aspect. Where are the colleges? Regards KP.
  16. I will re-ignite this old thread. A while back there was a lot of talk about RAAus relocating to somewhere, why not Wellcamp. I was thinking Wellcamp would be good *Open spaces about the airport *Big pool of people for staff * Real estate not expensive *There is room to put some hangers up * RPT, light aircraft will full stop and then it is a walk direct to the office. Looks like all that will fit very well. Regards KP.
  17. Good on you Frank keep the side up. I nearly fell off the seat that is water on the ground. Thank You. Regards KP.
  18. The RAAF change them out in the middle of a desert, can not see Wellcamp being a problem. With your IT skills you can design the Risk Assessment/SOP regarding removal and replacement of an engine at the Wellcamp Airport. There is a job for you F_T, you know we get well paid for those tasks. Regards KP.
  19. Thanks for the correction F_T.. Regarding "China can't afford":- Well could it be? The aircraft is *China owned *China made *China maintained *China fuelled *China pilots -------- you know that will lower the prices and China has everything in house, only landing fees at Wellcamp. Then it must be baby formula to China?????????????. Regards KP.
  20. There is plenty of room to build a maintenance hanger. Regards KP.
  21. Good Afternoon I am after some advice here. Gina is going to buy a big dairy farm and it is in the South East corner only in the planning stage at the moment. I think she is on to this fresh milk thing to China. Just wondering if you are in the loop regarding Gina's export milk? Regards KP
  22. Hello rankamateur See on this thread -- There is mention of cost of the gear box overhaul. The overhaul interval looks like it has wheels on it, because the time is bit like an auction "Keeps on going up". We started 200 or 300hours now it is at 1000hours just wonder what is the true value. The other question, "How often are the hoses changed out and how much do these hoses cost." The original Rotax engine cost plus all these bits and pieces compared to the cost of the Jab engine, looks like there is a fairly even race. Regards KP.
  23. What have you got to hide? Regards KP.
  24. Good Morning 01rmb Very good points more of us should take this medical thing on board as a lot of us could get grounded and the only fun we will have --- pushing a wheel barrow for the rest of our lives. As this everyone thread is on to statistics:- How many incidents have been attributed to?? " unhealthy people with dodgy tickers. Another interesting point those with "dodgy tickers" are heavily monitored that is -- they have thorough examinations on a very regular basis just to monitor/identify looming problems and when identified immediate remedial action can be commenced. It is the people who are not monitored just wandering about thinking all is OK and not aware of what is sneaking up on them, these pore folk do not get a lot of warning. Regards KP.
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