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Keith Page

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Everything posted by Keith Page

  1. Hello Bex Regarding the Rotax and how reliable it is --- you were the first to mention the gear box issues. I would like the know the cost of running a Rotax. It is all through away when it reaches its time. Here is one of the issues -- the initial cost of a Jab is far less than a Rotax. So more people can afford the less expensive item. Is it a case of save money and lets have a punt?? Regards KP.
  2. Belzona or Devcon are a bit useful too. Regards KP.
  3. Thank you motz.... all is OK ......I am doing some baiting......If only all knew. KP..
  4. OK......T_B Just one story would be OK.. Not on for them one for me. I could copy and paste it here for all to see.. You still have not answered the questions and the forum members are waiting with baited breath as to your answers. We all know your are not a member BUT that drifter on your avatar raises a question or two. Regards KP.
  5. """""""""""Hope he comes out with some good direction."""" OK Maj Who is steering the CASA boat now? McCormick I do believe he left in August, he was kept back till the Forsyth enquired was completed, that is completed. The sad thing "recommendations" they are only recommendations not governing principals so CASA can choose to ignore a recommendation. The minister has got to do something as yet he is not even excited. Regards KP.
  6. Hello F_T I am at a loss what you are trying to say this is in regard to the post you deleted, "I received it you know". You went on and mentioned RAAus technical certificates are not worth the paper they are written on. O.K. Seeing you have a lot opinions... What should we do about the issue? I did mention:- that under your own admission that you are not a member. However I am still wondering what you are flying? With * non-member* not flying, what is the big case for you having o much input when you are not committing aviation. Regards KP
  7. Hello F_T Your case ---- you will not be a bother as you are not a member. However what do you fly these days? Waiting for an answer. Regards KP.
  8. Good afternoon Turbo "big claims":- the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. The other goodie is "The devil you know is better than the devil you do not know". The whole event is full of emotion, bias, arm chair experts and urban myths how can one get a clear view. "What has been proved" in real terms hanger chat and pub gossip. Regards KP.
  9. Good Morning F_T, It has been highlighted that you are a non-member of the RAAus organisation. If that is the case are you a no flyer as well? If you are correct you are going to have a lot of mates. I can not see why the aviation industry is a big concern to you when you are not a member and do not fly. I can not see why it is all a big deal for you. Regards Keith Page.
  10. What are you thinking? Could be? Could not it. A very good pick up. Regards KP.
  11. Turbo that is a very polite way of expressing how they stuck there. KP.
  12. Yes reggie, There are those who tweak the fuel burn down and horse power up. That equates to extremely lean fuel mixture -- with lean fuel well every thing burns in the head. I would dearly like to know more about these fuel burns ---- when one quizzes about the carby tampering " oh! no one does that" like "no one tampers with the exhaust". To put in simplistic terms:- There is a given amount of fuel needed to develop a given horse power to move a given weight a given distance. It is a good rule of thumb ---- what hp you have, you will know roughly what fuel burn you have. (2strokes exempts) ---- or what fuel you have you should roughly know your hp. (2strokes exempts) Equated by:- one fifth litre of fuel per h.p. per hr.. That is at cruise. Good rule of thumb. (2strokes exempts) That equation or little on the rich side is a good place to be. To nut this Jab engine problem we need more information on fuels. Are the mogas fuels the same blend always? As I see the situation the 98 is the most stable however I am up for correction. Regards KP
  13. gandalph. "reset your direction":- you know the times when ones spends so much effort and energy explaining and demonstrating which is the correct direction and instead the people are looking for holes in the explanation instead of interpreting what one is saying. This is when we go for a regroup to think of a way how to explain to the mob so they can clearly understand what one is telling the gang. Normally happen when the mob is putting more effort into finding the holes than interpreting what is said. Hope this explains enough for you. Regards KP.
  14. After the wacking ......There would be ultimatums put place and there would be compliance.. Or else.. Flick yourself around to the marketing aspect, if the ultimatums are not executed there will be no bragging of complying with the altimatium. What a good marketing ploy to say all the ultimatums are complied with. Regards KP.
  15. Come on Dafydd we need you,, get yourself a good cuppa and regroup your thoughts and return with a new vigor. I know the fealing when we think we are just head butting the wall and getting no where because the world is full of turkeys. Reset your direction and come back refreshed. Regards KP.
  16. Oh! After a bit of wacking --- it is a big surprise who starts talking and co-operating with each other, the natural servival techniques kick in. You know the saying "Strang bed fellows". No one on this forum is realy up to speed, as to the happening behing the scenes.. There is a lot happening behind the scenes at this moment. Regards KP.
  17. Andy I like " Some people can't maintain a pair of scissors" that is a special quote. Now the worry ---- some of those maintainers think they are gods gift to maintainers and can not be told. Education how can we do that. Regards KP.
  18. Good Morning Andy As Guy S quotes maintenance and care. I was wondering, just thinking seeing that the Jab is the less expensive engine would more of these people who have these Jabs, they would not be so diligent with their engine care. You know there are people out there ho can break an anvil with their barehands, what hope has an engine? As you know Andy -- heat management is one of the most important issues with the Jab engine. To get a better understanding for the engine problems would be good if we knew what was the prior maintenance and use ---with regard to the affordability this engine could end up in a lot of different hands. Regards KP.
  19. I Hello Don Are Rotax bomb proof and just keep on running? Be careful -- people will think the engines will keep on running through ever what. On this forum I have not seen any of the Rotax problems highlighted, only the Jab short comings. I am concerned that people will get a false sense of security by seeing all the negative information regarding Jabs and nothing for the Rotax. Rotax can stop too. Remember that they are all mechanical devices and humans put them together so expect anything. Regards KP.
  20. Hi Bex The Foxbat is a Russian thing. It flys very well. Excellent for short field activity.. If you have a chance have a look how they are constructed they are good little planes not to shabby at all. Looks like a Clark Y wing profile. Powered by 912 rotax. My personal email is .. dentist (at) westnet.com.au. Regards Keith Page.
    1. bexrbetter


      Thanks Kieth. Very nice smaller plane with their own spin on things for sure!
  21. Hi Bex The Foxbat is a Russian thing. It flys very well. Excellent for short field activity.. If you have a chance have a look how they are constructed they are good little planes not to shabby at all. Looks like a Clark Y wing profile. Powered by 912 rotax. My personal email is .. dentist (at) westnet.com.au. Regards Keith Page.
    1. bexrbetter


      Thanks Kieth. Very nice smaller plane with their own spin on things for sure!
  22. Hi Turbo Toowoomba is far from a ghost town.. It is busy. Toowoomba is a service centre for people to the west the likes of Charliville, Cunnamulla, Roma and all in between. Just imagine all the produce they generate --- think about the potential for chilled beef. Fresh milk to China is being negotiated at this moment, how is the milk going to get to China quickly? Not boat -- but plane. See.......... I did not mention mining as it is on the slide... Nothing of this fly in fly out rot... What is next and it looks like produce/food. Regards KP..
  23. I am back again F_T Your excuse-itis for the Wagner airport not working is very interesting. I am wondering --- once upon a time did Wagners sack you as their IT man? I was loading the planes with food items/produce.. =stuff to feed people.. I see you really pushing for people for the planes, yes, there will be people but produce will be greater. Avalon/Geelong/Melbourne is a different animal. It is not case of comparing apples with apples Just incase you may not have done the exercise, Avalon is the only airline there it is pain airline hopping in Melbourne. Regards KP.
  24. Just by looking at the rear window and a bit of the fuse I think it is Foxbat.. and look at the tail looks like that could be part of at bat ear hidden behind the prop. Regards KP.
  25. F_T If one sits down all the time "Nothing Happens". If one gets off their but at least there is a chance of something happening. Look at the freight hub Welcamp is.. Produce will come for miles as Welcamp is a good exit point. Wagners got off their but and demonstrated foresight. Regards KP.
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