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Keith Page

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Everything posted by Keith Page

  1. That is the quote I received -- apparently it is costing too much to do an audit on these small schools. So close them is the go. Crowd the South East Corner is the way to go, I will not elaborate on that point but read your own interpretations into that one. I hear and see reported Australia will need a big number of pilot to service the aviation industry, so wouldn't it be better to encourage all these small schools to increase their number of students. What better place to start is the quiet country areas just to get the feel of the aircraft or worry about what else is in the air as well I do like that old Kevin Wilson telephone song, "You here to help not to make it hard" or terms to that effect. KP
  2. I hear there is an attempt to close the small flying schools. The regional and rural areas cop it again. If it is not a government then it is a sporting body. To me this an attempt to move everything into close quarters for the South Eastern corner of Australia. Makes life easier for the Lobster and Latte' set. "Decentralise", is the go. KP
  3. Do not get dis-heartened regarding the 820kg max. It may be acceptable to placard the aircraft, nominate the weight category , that is the winning stroke. It is happening at the moment, with the Jab 230 or 430. (VH or Numbers). KP
  4. Wonder why? Find an answer or that.. KP
  5. I actually had a look at Maryborough airport this week and it had no welcome feel about it, so what is the draw card.? With all those fees and charges how well will fuel sails go. KP
  6. Looks like more expenses need to be itemised so we have a clearer idea of how the funds are spent. KP
  7. Told you that there will be a school there. Must say it took a while. KP
  8. Jim the implementation of Part149 which announces what the Part149 organisation is going to operate and Part103 is how it will be done and run. Those both parts are implemented by the government of the day, hence CASA will be moving more to an overseeing role. The overseeing role is what CASA is supposed to be doing -- advising the government of the day. Accepting an external audit that is what the government of the day is supposed to do. KP
  9. That is how CASA wants Part149.. Put ICAO into the equation, then it becomes a different equation. ASAO is a different animal to the CASA wishes so the control will be deminished and to have ones audits compliant to Part 149, the organisation can have the ICAO compliant audit conducted by a non Australian authority.
  10. Yep---------the good old exhaust note would answer a lot of questions. KP
  11. Would it be better teaching a culture, procedures, systems....(Safety as the sum of all those) e.g.. this is how we do things around aircraft. KP
  12. Yep a good set of systems and procedures is needed for prop work. Not just "Safety" it tell us nothing........ "How are you going to perform the task with out a dangerous occurrence?".....Is the culture we have to develop. We have to perform prop work, can not be ignored. KP
  13. The engine settings are in the appropriate sections and it is relatively easy to navigate to the location. One must understand what is meant by the descriptions so to avoid doubt go along to a work shop. As I do believe the only way is a hands on work shop as we have to be sure how people are interpreting the information. Visual verification is impetrative to have the correct interpretation. The hydraulic lifters need a hands on approach to know what is going on. Just to recap I believe one must go along to the engine course instead of something on the internet. KP.
  14. I do highly recommend the course. How Jason gives his knowledge, is a no fuss format. """""""""""""""""It is an Australian engine.""""""""""""""""""""""""". The extra knowledge one gets out of attending clearly demonstrates what we do not know. What hit home for me is all the misinformation which is out in aviation land. The persons who espouse this knowledge and they think they are the experts, people are taking this stuff as gospel and it is far from the truth, and these people are in positions where innocents listen to them. (Do not doubt these espousers or you will get a tongue lashing). Go along Bruce you will not regret it. KP
  15. Yes Frank, Was worth every cent to me. Probably $150 less for me, not so far to fly. The gained knowledge is no burden to carry and ever so useful. KP
  16. Yes Frank.. We are completely disregarded for our knowledge of the Jab engine, not even acknowledged. To this day I still have a grin to myself regarding the unique quirks of the Jab engine, and these experts thought their views were gospel. No wonder there were problems. The said fact regarding those problems it is these experts who are espousing their expert "knowledge". Every engine is unique so it is not a case of one size fits all, so work with its uniqueness. KP
  17. Hello Ian, The maintenance side of things is micro managed as well. The L1 was simply an embarrassment, fancy doing a test on a computer screen -- that only proves people can read. What about nuts and bolts then there is lock wiring how can someone learn about those without some practical training. Tension wrench, glass repairs, rivets and aluminium, tyre changing just to name a few. Takes all day to get through the subjects in basic maintenance, this is a basic maintenance of which I am involved with its delivering. I had a look at the RAAus L1 and to me it is an embarrassment all from as office in Canberra no infield tutoring, refused to do it. KP
  18. Take into consideration pilot hours and aircraft hours. As the financial situation is a bit grim pilot and aircraft hours could be way down. KP
  19. Regarding the Flight Training School Safety Manual. Is it a one size fits all or has it got provision for specific school situation? Looks like no provision for culture development which is incorporating systems and processes. Most likely plain simple cloning. As it all progresses we will see. KP
  20. If that is the case would The Tech. Manager be the owner of that particular MARAP? Put in simplistic terms he gets a royalty every time it is used? BUT---when the MARAP was developed was the Tech Manager an employee or consultant? BUT---If he was an employee RAAus own it and RAAus will need another trained employee to administer the process. There will be quirks involved and let the experts unravel them. KP
  21. That was a notice sent out Friday 07/09/18 from the RAAus office. It is information covering staffing updates. KP
  22. So why all the secrecy and it has arrived at this. Only a consultant now. Hmmmmmmmmmmmm wonder why, what and how and all the other myriad of excuses. Only unanswered questions. KP
  23. Think they had to surrender the trade mark as there were looming legal implications. So the line of listening to members would not be that relevant. KP
  24. I do not know he is getting the last laugh.. He is getting some criticism, still. KP
  25. AND we got told by Don Ramsay (pre. voting) the company structure is the way to go and we will not know the difference. News for Don we are getting to know nothing. KP.
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