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Keith Page

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Everything posted by Keith Page

  1. Oh!.....Bill.....I have to give you a ditto for that one. No truer words typed. KP
  2. OK Bill what would be the outcome if RAAus aircraft are maintained by a LAME workshop that means all the same codswallop as the GA brigade.If that happens that will be the death of RAAus as that means more restrictions and cost than GA. The members better stand up and get counted s no one in management are doing any favours. Only we hear, SAFTEY, SAFETY, SAFETY, SAFETY. We hear nothing of *process *culture to arrive at safety. KP
  3. Some schools have the CFI and the maintenance person being the some person, egos have jumped in and taken the maintenance authority from these people. The qualified CFI, PE and certain maintenance personal will be qualified to deliver, their knowledge is still there can never go away, only under utilised. So where do the L2's and L3's come from? The AUF and old RAAus used to have a structure -- for some reason that is all gone and this micro managing is taking over. The knowledge is out there but not utilised. Last week I was speaking to a wood and fabric gentleman his name is no here to be found, did wood and fabric in his trade. I will put my hand up "I have not done his on line L1" it is an embarrassment and has floors as to the honesty of completion. KP
  4. In the formative years of AUF and later RAAus the L1 was delivered by the PE and CFI why not keep the original structure.As for L2 they were by recommendation from a PE or CFI. To me it looks like micro managing is in vogue. Isn't RAAus to large for micro managing a system of delegating would be the go. L4 is a CASA accreditation. KP
  5. I will confess I did not attempt the L1 as in my view it is an absolute embarrassment to consider.Now what did teach us only where to find some legislation, the important aspect of maintenance and identifying of engine and airframe is NILL. KP.
  6. Couple of years ago I saw a DC3 with turbo props at Ayres Rock.. It was just sitting on the tarmac. KP.
  7. Turbo as you say "Earn a living" sad to say these light aircraft we enjoy fit into a hobby situation as most of us are aware not too many hobbies one can make a living from. We have to be very careful regulations and costs will take over and with no succession plan those are alone -- will be the death knell of our recreational aircraft. Not too many are seeing it we are getting more rules by the day. KP
  8. They could be having a bit of razzle dazzle regarding the practical side of things, we will see. When the AGM was held in Bundy the subject of the practical aspect of the L1 was raised and we were told it will be out just around the corner- must be along corner. The big problem is finding people to deliver it. KP
  9. I do not know where to find the information these days, however look about :Google". They are fantastic articles with great information. There are some excellent articles written by the Rotax expert of the UK. One bit of information I will take from those articles and treat it like gospel, "Use 95-98 do not use leaded fuels as the engines are not designed for lead and will cause grief". The lead WILL cause a lot of grief. See in one post above the plugs are not a joy. KP.
  10. Yes RAAus need to be encouraging and helping with instruction. Without instructors the succession plan will fall over and we will have no one flying. A matter of interest the one showing interest in instructing, "Were they encouraged in any way?" KP
  11. .......OR........ Could these votes, have been bought with a couple of stubbies? KP
  12. Yes exactly "According to the opps manual" then it goes on to CAO95.10 "Does not say you may not fly without a valid pilot certificate" This is all a tad ambiguous. KP
  13. Yes Bill those silent ones and they vote with their feet. See F_T made a good comment he thought RAAus should be bigger than it is -- he is saying a small growth (Hmmmmm) -- that one is hard to calculate as figure and numbers bounce about quicker than these current tennis balls. Yes Bill those disheartened ones and I would like to know the current view of those who voted "yes" to the change. KP
  14. That is all correct --- the correction is not more rules but clear precise procedures and systems. What we get is Safety and Safety and Safety. Develop a set of governing principals with clear systems and procedures as a guide -- then safety will be a natural by product of that. KP
  15. Yes Yen. By all the noise on this post one would think this is a complete view of RAAus, this is only about 5 of 7,000 to me that is not a cross section to get a good view. I would like to know the views of those who flick by the posts and have a read and move on, to me that will be a better poll. Oscar comes to mind he is not in the voting as he is not a member of RAAus. KP.
  16. What is the case if you have your pilot certificate and do not have your cross country endorsement? One can do a great number of hours with a certificate and no cross country endorsement. (Cross Country is an endorsement.) One can not sit for a cross country endorsement until they gone solo and have gained their pilot certificate. KP.
  17. How would the situation be interpreted? If the student had gained his Pilot Certificate and as yet had not attained his cross country endorsement, bear in mind the cross country is endorsement. Without the cross endorsement the pilot could legally fly around the airport for years gaining hours and skills, he can even fly till he has to do his BFR. KP
  18. The 11th Commandment :- Thou shalt not get caught. Is relevant in this situation. KP
  19. "Explanatory Notes".. Hmmmmmmmm? Normally when one needs to get a view across every point must be covered, not a stone left unturned. A believable story. Could be called, "Fibbing by way of exaggeration". KP
  20. No federal government business here, we are talking about RAAus running at a deficit and only what I am hearing how good things are ticking over. If that is all good I would hate to see the activities if things are bad. KP
  21. deficit of $216,477
  22. Hello Oscar. Here is a reply to your post #152. I have no need to go and track what has happened because I had been politely looking about (getting a good grasp) during the development stages of these fiascos that is when the fiascos were developing legs. I am suggesting every one go and have a look about and be careful of what one takes on board as gospel. There is a lot of guff out there and we are expected to believe it, but have a look and it will not fit. I will not be sharing my knowledge just imagine how it will be manipulated this forum is a good example, I have tried a couple of times and been ostracised. No more find it for your selves. A good example:- Turbo had a look about look what he has found. What is the 2017 figures? Go back to my post #132 (i) Jab engine (ii) The lobby work (iii)The flying schools/China. See what can be gleaned. I will not share my knowledge. Oscar that link in your post #152, have you put any consideration, could it be a Dorothy Dixer? How would ELAAA handle the Jabiru Engine issue? Nothing like RAAus that is for sure. I know one thing it would not have gone so public. To help the forumites with the Jab issue - go and look at the You Tube Senate Equirey of Barry O'Sullivan taking Skidmore to task, and it is quite obvious that he has not been briefed correctly about the issue, his advisors had lied to him by fact of omission. Barry knows what went on but getting people to admit is another matter. See when he was given the wrong information the line he used regularly. The burden of the question is ................ . KP
  23. Thank you Turbo.. Great to see a thinker and searcher. Deficit $227,535 that was 2016 just wonder what 2017 must be worse - governing by the silenced and the defending. The interesting one is accommodation, meetings, travel $155,213 up from $96,646. Wonder what the surprise for 2017 will be. KP
  24. Has me befuddled as to why it was deleted, as you say site rules.. But which one? I am always cautious with my content. re. Jab Engine. Just imagine how these bush barristers will dissect the handling protocol. So do not put contentious material out in public. KP.
  25. CASA is the overseer given the duty by the government of the day. The government is the rule maker by way of Acts and Regulations. CASA is a bit out of control because of the diligences of the transport minister, see what Barnaby will do. The last minister was more interested where they were going to eat that night. CASA can do audits. There is another I am working on -- how ICAO audits work. CASA gets a visit from ICAO sanctioned ladies and gentlemen occasionally. CASA had an audit performed by ICAO end of last year have not heard any results. Have a look at this link will help with some aviation information. Assistance to the Aviation Industry KP
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