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Keith Page

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Everything posted by Keith Page

  1. I have had some brilliant teachers.. KP
  2. So where has all the funds gone? Isn't RAAus operating on a negative budget. Not sure of the exact figures wasn't there a surplus funds sitting in investment funds, I think it is all nearly gone. KP
  3. Back again had to do some work I see your comments Oscar I will digest them are make some amendments to your story.. At a glance there a couple not stacking up but they stack up for those who do not question. KP.
  4. There is my thoughts Bruce.. You have flown your plane for 10 years now all of a sudden not enough stickers on it. The fact is it was OK once and now it is very unsafe without the stickers on it. You get told the story, "CASA audit" Hmmmmmmmmmm? CASA has to be at the RAAus building to perform an audit, some of those schemes come solely out of the RAAus office without help from elsewhere. I have the same problem I know your pain Bruce. KP.
  5. It will be nothing better to share info and work together. I have been let down badly twice on this forum regarding people saying they can be trusted. One quoted me nearly word for word. Hence these days I am so guarded. To be honest with you, I have to confirm how you fit in the scene. I the next couple of weeks I will contact you, do promise me my information does not go on a public forum. Is bex your mate?. KP.
    1. octave


      I would be interested in knowing what explosive information exists and I certainly would not reveal it. What your seem to be wanting is for people to jump on board and the anti-RAAUS bus based on vague assertions. I need facts. If there were rumours about ELAAA I would also demand facts.
  6. It will be nothing better to share info and work together. I have been let down badly twice on this forum regarding people saying they can be trusted. One quoted me nearly word for word. Hence these days I am so guarded. To be honest with you, I have to confirm how you fit in the scene. I the next couple of weeks I will contact you, do promise me my information does not go on a public forum. Is bex your mate?. KP.
    1. octave


      I would be interested in knowing what explosive information exists and I certainly would not reveal it. What your seem to be wanting is for people to jump on board and the anti-RAAUS bus based on vague assertions. I need facts. If there were rumours about ELAAA I would also demand facts.
  7. I will not answer or expand on those points on a public forum. I have said, too much already. If ever I am put before a court of law I will be able answer and expand on all, the information is not flimsy. If ever that happens that day I will not be operating with riddles, winks, nudges - will be facts. Just imagine if some of those facts got on this forum the mind boggles as to where that information will end up and of course the twisting. As Turbo said it is mostly out there only needs researching. I resent the remark "silence is the smarter option" there are those here who can put the jig saw together without having it all spelt out to them. (I have facts and they are not being shared on an open forum) KP.
  8. Oh! What a noise I have generated by just mentioning "watch out". SDQDI you are very sensitive as when I mentioned the "watch out" you go straight into saying ELAAA is in self promotion I hasten to inform you, "Your suspicions are incorrect" It will be nothing more pleasing for me to see aviation grow in Australia. That is my aim and we do not want it pulled down with regulation and self promotion. Your comments to me are a good example of:- Listening to comment not to understand. SDQDI please educate me, How do you want me to convey, "Watch out"? It is obvious in your eyes I am doing it wrong. Over to you now. I was very interested here Turbo mention - few are lazy and not go for a look. Yes all is out there -- not quite -- there is some info held back by the quiet minority. There are quiet a number people on this forum who are up to speed of what is going on, and they are just watching. The big problem is self promotion and egos. For some research delve into those three points I put into a reply to Geoff. Do not be happy with one answer get a cross section of views and from many areas. I am encouraged to see some people on this forum are thinking about the situation and not go into the ELAAA "Self promotion mode". For a bit of enlightenment go back to some things what Rod Birrell was mentioning before the vote for change. Any of them fit now? KP.
  9. No doubt Geoff you are aiming at me that is OK I can handle that, only a small time swipe at me. When one stands up to be counted that is the normal treatment but we will move on to all those things which are at play and not too many get to have them highlighted. However have you looked into the truth behind the Jabiru issue? When you have time go and get your angle on the manoeuvring. The big one ---- the lobbying to get enough votes to change the structure of RAAus to a company from what we knew. Delve about and get that information you will be shocked. What about the China flying schools? RAAus had the opportunity to have some of that business but egos got in the way. There are three for you to contemplate, Geoff. Just a disgrace more members are not told. I try and get people thinking about what is going on but most look at the situation for holes and reply. Not to many look to understand what is happening. KP.
  10. Everything was compliant to Part149 and Part103 seeing the implementation was not happening manuals had to change to compensate. KP.
  11. Well obviously you have not bothered to taken any notice at all. Part149 and Part103 have had their implementation dates postponed, so we have had to re write everything. Then to add some fun the goal posts had some wheels engineered into the design of them. KP
  12. Oh! Oscar you are still about.. You missed an E Oscar. Good to see you Oscar I thought all the Llewellyns had left the scene. KP.
  13. Not enough A's biggles. KP
  14. SDQDI.. The answer to your question.(A) NO However I do not enjoy seeing good honest people being taken advantage of and it is only just a display of egos. When I see some wrong I do step up and tell the people they are being taken advantage of. I hope that answered your question SDQDI. KP
  15. A few years back who can remember the incessant noise on this forum, the experts having their say and exposing their knowledge. ""The board is doing it wrong and we are the new messiahs."" We have them - now steering the ship. Well Hmmmmmmm what has happened? Things are worse now *the board is absolutely silent and RAAus is going to be the next 1/2 or very mini GA. Where RAAus started those little treasures are now for gotten Medicals are getting tougher.. Registration is getting tougher. May as well go fishing the plane is now worthless....OR....Keep it out in the digglies. KP
  16. Certain members in the management level are hell bent on pushing for GA Mk II.. I am not sure if members are aware that certain aspects in Tech and Opps are well above CASA requirements, so who is pushing GA Mk II.? I still wonder why the last Tech Manual was sent to CASA for approval. (Under the cover of secrets.) KP.
  17. Hello robinsm, I think the value of the empire building is crumbling the reserves going/have gone into keeping it all afloat. One can only use the capital for so long and it runs dry, after it is dry there is not much hope. KP
  18. Give Barnaby a whacking and he will hand it along he is not keen at suffering by himself. I have had some dealings already and looks like a hornet nest is a bit stirred plus he has Barry O'Sullivan in his wings. What I spoke about his ears were pricked sound like a couple will have less time for Latte's. Chester was more interested in his Latte and Lobster set than being constructive. Start lopping the tree from the top, gets a lot of positive action quick - will be very interesting who will leave the ship. Just wait holiday season at the moment. KP.
  19. What I have been told you are not to far from the truth. KP
  20. Have you looked at the Mini Levil AHRS? They will connect to the IPad by blue tooth and they work a treat. Transponders are wired to the AHRS and the blue tooth from there. All instruments -that is - flight and engine even the upmarket extra instruments e.g. DG & AH.
  21. We are amending the manuals to compensate for a change of plan.. There has been a change to Part149 and Part103 implementation date hence all the extra work. BUT....Wait there could be more with Minister Joyce... Minister Chester was very interested with Latte's and Lobsters. See what is in the New Year. (??????) KP
  22. Hello Yen, I tried to send some info and it will not send as I had too much info. RAAus are getting out of control and I can not get any thing here as they are all a bit wise as to who I am. What is your email address:- I have lost it. KP
  23. Hello Yen, I tried to send some info and it will not send as I had too much info. RAAus are getting out of control and I can not get any thing here as they are all a bit wise as to who I am. What is your email address:- I have lost it. KP
  24. Now there is..hmmmmmm.. much is done in secret.. It is a members organisation members must be consulted.. A few years ago these members on the board yelled about a secret society, gosh what is going on --- the silence is deafening. KP
  25. What is happening.??.... I know for sure it is silent....This went quiet when the Tech. Manual was silently presented to CASA for approval. What is happening in the Tech world? What is happening in the Opps world? It is all so quiet. KP.
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